Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional materials and exam in a foreign language
119438 -
In I and II module.
Anatomy - module 1
The course aims to introduce the anatomical terms to describe the different structures muscular, skeletal, nervous and the reciprocal relationships among them in their functions, and to raise the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics typical of each organ/system. Knowledge and understanding The student will have to demonstrate that he has fully learned the functional and relational complexity of the different anatomical structures. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding The student must be able to apply the acquired knowledge to program the motor activities correctly. Autonomy of judgment At the end of the course, the student will be able to carry out general assessments about the anatomical aspects and activities related to specific structural districts. Communication skills The student will be able to speak with specific anatomical terminology both in the professional and the informative fields. Learning ability At the end of the course, the student will have the basic knowledge to operate in the field of motor science and will be able to deepen their knowledge of the subject by following more specific and higher-level courses.
( syllabus)
Module -1 The concept that ontogeny summarizes phylogeny. The development of the human embryo summarizes the phyletic history of primates and man. Evolution of human bipedalism starting from australopithecine monkeys: structure of the skeleton and musculature. General information on the localization of organs and systems. Organogenesis and organization of the integument and teeth. Organogenesis and organization of skeletal (skull, appendicular vertebrae) and muscle tissue. Organogenesis and general organization of the central and peripheral nervous system.The sense organs and Nerve integration. The endocrine system: hypophysis, pineal gland, thyroid/parathyroid, adrenal gland, gonads, intestine.
Module -2 Organogenesis and organization of the respiratory, circulatory and heart systems. Organogenesis and organization of the urogenital system. Organization of the digestive system. Simultaneously with the lessons, there will also be a vision of didactic material aimed at a better understanding of the Anatomical form (histological slides, Human skeleton, kidney, heart, digestive system.
( reference books)
ANATOMIA Umana: Seeley et al. Editore Idelson Gnocchi Sorbona. V Italian edition Further educational materials are available on moodle course platform.
Basic compulsory activities
119440 -
Biology and Biochemistry of Physical Exercise
In I and II module.
Biology and Biochemistry of Physical Exercise - module 1
The course is intended to learn the fundamental concepts of applied biology, energetic metabolism, and the molecular mechanisms at the basis of the metabolism and adaptation to physical exercise. Knowledge and understanding The student will have to demonstrate that he has learned the basic concepts of applied biology, energetic metabolism, and its molecular mechanisms. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding The student must be able to apply the acquired knowledge to identify the energy molecules necessary for the body during physical exercise and identify any physical/energetic insufficiencies. Autonomy of judgment At the end of the course the student will be able to independently discriminate the specific metabolic states in relation to the various motor and sports activities and judge which practices are harmful to health. Communication skills The student will be able to explain the acquired knowledge in appropriate terms and transmit this knowledge also to non-experts with the appropriate terminology. Learning ability At the end of the course, the student will be able to deepen their knowledge on the subject by following more specific and higher-level courses.
Filippi Silvia -
( syllabus)
The processes of scientific knowledge construction. Biology today. Origin of life: the first cells. Small molecules and the chemistry of life. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell Cell organization. The continuity of life: cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis. Photosynthesis, light and life. Sexual reproduction and the genetic basis of heredity. Genetic code and protein synthesis. The genome and the regulation of gene expression. Manipulation of the genetic code and human genetics. The muscle cell.
( reference books)
Elementi di biologia e genetica (Sadava David, M.Hillis David, Graig Heller H., Hecker S.)
Basic compulsory activities
119442 -
General and sport pedagogy
The course aims to provide students with: the knowledge of the historical evolution of body education and sport in the western culture; the knowledge of the general pedagogy, also declined as sports pedagogy, and of its function as a critical-reflective science within the sciences of education and sport; the knowledge of the pedagogy of the body and its themes.
Basic compulsory activities
119445 -
English Language Test
MIDOSSI Maria grazia
( syllabus)
PROGRAM: Analysis of the salient features of the B1 level of the CEFR GRAMMAR AND SYNTAX: - interrogative forms - possessive and Saxon genitive - Personal pronouns subject - frequency adverbs - comparative and superlative degree of adjectives - relative pronouns - countable and uncountable nouns - main prepositions of time and place - main conjunctions - main verbs + prepositions (Phrasal Verbs) - Present Simple / Present Continuous - Past Simple - Habits in the past: USED TO - Present Perfect - future ("going to", "will" and "Present Continuous") - conditional: type 0 - conditional: type 1 + time subordinates (when, after, etc. + Present Simple) - modal verbs (can, could, must, will, would, should) - have to, don't need to - conditional: type 2 - progressive past (Past Continuous) - future expressed with the simple present - passive form of verbs - indirect speech - position and order of adjectives - verbs with infinity and gerund LEXICON: - physical description of people - relationships (family) - personality - the House - weather - hobbies, sports and leisure - means of transport and holidays - clothing and shops
COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS: - talk about your habits and hobbies - talk about the family - request / give information: date and time - talk about the weather - describe people and talk about feelings - to be / disagree - understand / write short messages - understand / write an informal letter - talk about future programs - talk about past experiences - thank and respond to thanks
SPECIFIC MICROLINGUA: Presentation of scientific texts. Topics and texts will be specifically defined during the course and will focus on the following aspects: Agriculture
( reference books)
1. M. Mann, S. T. Knowles, Destination B1 Grammar & Vocabulary : With Answer Key, MacMillan. 2. Kenny, A. Kelly, Ready for Pet coursebook with key, MacMillan
Final examination and foreign language test
119446 -
Computer science
The course is aimed at providing students with digital skills that can be useful for their future employments, as the capability of managing a database, using it for calculations and statistical processing and presenting clearly the obtained results. To achieve the goal, Microsoft Office® suite will be introduced and, in particular, Word (for writing), Excel (for calculations and statistical processing), Access (for database creation and managing) and Power Point (for presentation), which are a universally recognized and largely used standard of this kind of software. In addition, notion of HTML will be provided, in order to show how to create an internet site.
At the end of the course, students: - will be able to write a text and properly set its layout in Word; - will be able to present works, researches, results… in Power Point; - will be able to create and manage a database in Access - will be able to perform calculation and statistical analysis in Excel; - will be able to create simple internet site by using html.
The expected knowledge objectives are: 1) the knowledge of the contents of the course (Dublin descriptor n°1); 2) the capability to apply such a knowledge to real problems competence in presenting technical topics (Dublin descriptor n°2); 3) the autonomy of judgment in proposing the most appropriate approach to solve a problem (Dublin descriptor n°3); 4) the ability to expose problems and solutions within the topics of the course by using a proper language (Dublin descriptor n°4); 5) the development of logical skills, useful to improve self-evaluation and self-learning (Dublin descriptor n°5).
( syllabus)
- Short introduction on the use of a computer and on Internet. - Fundamental aspects of Boolean algebra. - Introduction on the use of Word for text creation and layout setting. - Introduction on the use of Power Point, to present a work. - Introduction on the use of Excel, to perform calculations and statistical analysis. - Introduction on the use of Access, for databases creation and managing. - Introduction on the use of the suite of Google office products and presentation of Google Form.
( reference books)
- “Exploring Microsoft Office: The Illustrated, Practical Guide to Using Office and Microsoft 365”, Elluminet Press, 30 November 2020.
Google Apps for Seniors: A Practical Guide to Google Drive Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Forms, Scott La Counte
Other activities
119443 -
Basics of motor and sports activities
In I and II module.
Basics of motor and sports activities - module 1
( syllabus)
Theory: Fundamentals of human movement Determinants of human performance The training process Training load Training dose Motor skills Motor coordination skills Physical skills Endurance Endurance assesment and monitoring Endurance prescription
Practical lessons: Fundamentals of human movement and terminology Motor skills Gymnastic movements Bodyweight exercises Exercises with equipment and didactic progressions Motor coordination skills and didactic progressions
( reference books)
Weineck J. L’allenamento Ottimale, Calzetti Mariucci, Perugia, 2009
Basic compulsory activities
119453 -
Optional subject to be chosen by the student
Elective activities
Optional group:
Esami affini/a scelta I anno - (show)
119516 -
Sports farms
The course aims to provide to the students the following learning outcomes: to know how to combine the values system of the rural and sports fields, in particular those of sporting practice, correct lifestyles and territory enhancement; to know how to design rehabilitation and wellness programs for non-competitive sports activities within structures such as farms and farmhouses.
Marucci Alvaro
( syllabus)
1) GPS/GNSS positioning, spatial, control and user segments. Satellite positioning in outdoor sports activities.
2) Routes for outdoor sporting activity: tracing on paper and on the ground, paving, signage - Basic notions of cartography, angle measurement systems, angular conversions, distance, elevation, slope, reference systems, geographical coordinates, Cartesian coordinates, UTM system, GAUS-BOAGA system, dimensioned plans, contour lines. - Tracing of routes for outdoor sports. Longitudinal profile, sections, layout definition. - Types of flooring, equipped areas, signs along the route.
3) The survey of the routes and areas equipped using SAPR (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) - types of UAS: multirotor, fixed wing, hybrid drones, legislative and regulatory reference framework. - Frame orientation parameters. Digital photogrammetry, image capture, - Aerophotogrammetric flight parameters and planning, arrangement of ground control points (GCP)
4) Reuse of rural buildings of historical/architectural interest for agritourism - Urban planning, building and landscaping verifications of the project - Criteria for the renovation of rural buildings, structural adjustment - Functional adaptation, environmental sustainability - Economic feasibility
( reference books)
Lecture notes by the teacher
Related or supplementary learning activities
119458 -
Statistics applied to sports
The course aims to provide to the students the following learning outcomes: to know the basics of statistics useful both for setting up a research and for analyzing its results; to acquire basic knowledge for the description of typical recurring situations in sports games (descriptive statistics); to acquire basic knowledge to understand the logic and results of inferential statistics, applied to the study of sports games.
cotroneo rossana
( syllabus)
Basic statistic concepts: statistical surveys; data matrix; frequency distributions Construction of a questionnaire Graphical representation of statistical data Central tendency measures: mean, mode, median, quantiles Variability and heterogeneity Skewness: basic concepts Analysis of the association between two variables: association measures for qualitative and quantitative variables Statistical reports. Definition and construction of indicators applied to sport The simple linear regression model Probability: basic concepts and applications in sport Definition and constraction of dashboards Sports case studies through statistical analysis
( reference books)
GIUSEPPE LETI, LOREDANA CERBARA, "Elementi di statistica descrittiva", Edizioni Mulino (1983)
Statistics, Methodologies for the Economics and Social Sciences, IV Edition, MC Graw-Hill
Supplementary material (lecture slides)
Exercises with solutions
( syllabus)
Basic statistic concepts: statistical surveys; data matrix; frequency distributions Construction of a questionnaire Graphical representation of statistical data Central tendency measures: mean, mode, median, quantiles Variability and heterogeneity Skewness: basic concepts Analysis of the association between two variables: association measures for qualitative and quantitative variables Statistical reports. Definition and construction of indicators applied to sport The simple linear regression model Probability: basic concepts and applications in sport Definition and constraction of dashboards Sports case studies through statistical analysis
( reference books)
Borra S., Di Ciaccio A. (2021): Statistica – Metodologie per le scienze economiche e sociali, Mc Graw-Hill
Related or supplementary learning activities