Plant Biology and Principles of Plant Biotechnology
The objective of this course is to develop knowledge and skills in understanding plant cytology, anatomy and morphology. This knowledge and skills will be applied in understanding the functioning mechanism of plant organisms in terms of photosynthetic activity, water transport and reproductive processes.In addition, the student will develop skills in learning about the plant world that will then be useful in the continuation of his or her course of study.In educational terms, the student will be stimulated in the learning process and will develop independent assessment, judgment and communication skills. The objective of the principles of plant biotechnology is to develop knowledge and understanding of the basics of biotechnology applied to the plant. This applying knowledge will be a tool for understanding the role of the plant world to the transformation and obtaining of functional products. Making judgments and learning skills will be the ultimate goal of the course, the students will also enable them to develop the communication skills necessary for further education.
119537 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Basic compulsory activities
Group: 1
Derived from
119537 Plant Biology and Principles of Plant Biotechnology in Biotechnology L-2 1 TIEZZI Antonio
Articulation and contents of the course (study program): The course is divided into two parts:
-Part of Plant Biology (5 + 1 CFU) Plant organisms The notion of plant organism. Biodiversity. Plants and man: ecological, economic and social aspects The plant cell The cell wall: biosynthesis, structure, chemical composition and function. The cytoplasmic membrane: structure, chemical composition and function. The nucleus and the nucleolus. Mitochondria, microcorps, dictiosomes. The plastids. Chloroplast: structural and functional aspects. Photosynthesis. Physiological aspects of the photosynthesis process. The cytoskeleton: microtubules, microfilaments, associated structural proteins and molecular motors. Peculiar aspects of the cell division process: the preprophasic band, the mitotic spindle, the fragmoplast. Plants: structure and function Vegetable fabrics. Primary and secondary meristematic tissues. Fundamental, supportive, integumental, absorption, secretory and conductive tissues. The root: functions of the root, primary and secondary structure, lateral and adventitious roots; absorption of water and minerals. The transport of raw sap. The stem: functions of the stem, primary structure in monocotyledons and dicotyledons; vascular crib change, secondary structure; cork, phellogen and phelloderma. The leaf: form, structure and function; epidermis, mesophyll, conductive bundles; the stoma: anatomy and stomatal mechanism. The transport of the processed sap. The flower: the gynaeceum and the androceum. The pollination. The fruit: development of the embryo; endosperm; fruit development. The seed: structural aspects; dissemination. Elements of classification of plants.
-Part of Introduction to Plant Biotechnology (2CFU) What are Biotechnologies. The old biotechnologies for food production: hydroponic cultures, plant cell cultures. The Green Revolution of the 50s-70s of the last century. Examples of current applications of Plant Biotechnology: Biotechnologies from transformed plants and from unprocessed plants, plant biotechnologies for food quality improvement, new applications of hydroponic crops, new applications of plant cell cultures, biomass. The transformation of plants, Molecular Farming, vaccine plants, plants for the production of Biofuels and Bioplastics, molecules of plant origin for the production of drugs. Considerations: Plant biotechnologies and their impact on society. Positive and negative effects in economic, employment, environmental and health terms.
(reference books)
Referral texts for Plant Biology: - Pasqua G., Abbate G., Forni C., Botanica Generale e Diversità Vegetale, Piccin Editore, Padova. - Mauseth J.D.,, II° edizione italiana, Botanica (parte generale), Idelson Gnocchi Editori, Napoli. - Rost T.L., Barbour M.G., Stocking C.R., Murphy T.M., I° edizione italiana, Biologia delle piante, Zanichelli Editore, Bologna.
Referral texts for Introduction to Plant Biotecnology: - Tiezzi A. Biotecnologie Vegetali, il futuro che viene da lontano. Argomenti per una riflessione”. Casa Editrice Aracne, Roma, 2011. - Tiezzi A. Dispensa "La Scienza ci dice....", 2022.
The teacher makes available all the slides shown during the course.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
Group: 2
Derived from
119537 Plant Biology and Principles of Plant Biotechnology in Biotechnology L-2 2 LAGHEZZA MASCI VALENTINA
Introduction to Plant Biotechnology (2CFU) What are Biotechnologies. The old biotechnologies for food production: hydroponic cultures, plant cell cultures. The Green Revolution of the 50s-70s of the last century. Examples of current applications of Plant Biotechnology: • Biotechnologies from transformed plants and from unprocessed plants, plant biotechnologies for food quality improvement, new applications of hydroponic crops, new applications of plant cell cultures, biomass. • The transformation of plants, Molecular Farming, vaccine plants, plants for the production of Biofuels and Bioplastics, molecules of plant origin for the production of drugs. Considerations: Plant biotechnologies and their impact on society. Positive and negative effects in economic, employment, environmental and health terms.
(reference books)
Referral texts for Introduction to Plant Biotecnology: - Tiezzi A. Biotecnologie Vegetali, il futuro che viene da lontano. Argomenti per una riflessione”. Casa Editrice Aracne, Roma, 2011. - Tiezzi A. Dispensa "La Scienza ci dice....", 2022. - Pasqua G., Forni C. Biotecnologie Vegetali, Piccin Editore, Padova. The teacher makes available all the slides shown during the course.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
Derived from
119491_1 Plant Biology in Forestry and Environmental Sciences L-25 OVIDI ELISA
Plant organisms The notion of plant organism. Biodiversity. Plants and man: ecological, economic and social aspects The plant cell The cell wall: biosynthesis, structure, chemical composition and function. The cytoplasmic membrane: structure, chemical composition and function. The nucleus and the nucleolus. Mitochondria, microcorps, dictiosomes. The plastids. Chloroplast: structural and functional aspects. Photosynthesis. Physiological aspects of the photosynthesis process. The cytoskeleton: microtubules, microfilaments, associated structural proteins and molecular motors. Peculiar aspects of the cell division process: the preprophasic band, the mitotic spindle, the fragmoplast. Plants: structure and function Vegetable fabrics. Primary and secondary meristematic tissues. Fundamental, supportive, integumental, absorption, secretory and conductive tissues. The root: functions of the root, primary and secondary structure, lateral and adventitious roots; absorption of water and minerals. The transport of raw sap. The stem: functions of the stem, primary structure in monocotyledons and dicotyledons; vascular crib change, secondary structure; cork, phellogen and phelloderma. The leaf: form, structure and function; epidermis, mesophyll, conductive bundles; the stoma: anatomy and stomatal mechanism. The transport of the processed sap. The flower: the gynaeceum and the androceum. The pollination. The fruit: development of the embryo; endosperm; fruit development. The seed: structural aspects; dissemination. Elements of classification of plants.
(reference books)
Referral texts for Plant Biology: - Pasqua G., Abbate G., Forni C., Botanica Generale e Diversità Vegetale, Piccin Editore, Padova. - Mauseth J.D.,, II° edizione italiana, Botanica (parte generale), Idelson Gnocchi Editori, Napoli. - Rost T.L., Barbour M.G., Stocking C.R., Murphy T.M., I° edizione italiana, Biologia delle piante, Zanichelli Editore, Bologna.
The teacher makes available all the slides shown during the course.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam