Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional materials and exam in a foreign language
16014 -
Civil Procedure
Knowledge on the Italian Civil Procedure principles
( syllabus)
Programma Diritto Processuale Civile Manuale: C. Consolo, Spiegazioni di diritto processuale civile, vol. I e II, ult. ed.
Volume I
Parte introduttiva 20 pagine
Capitolo 3 (on line)
Sezione prima 130 pagine
Capitolo 2 Capitolo 3 – da studiare da pag. 47 a pag. 55 Capitolo 4– da studiare solo parr. 1, 4 Capitolo 5 Capitolo 6 Capitolo 7 Capitolo 8 Capitolo 9
Sezione seconda
Capitolo 1 – da studiare solo parr. 2, 3 e 4 Capitolo 2 – da studiare da pag. 205 a pag. 212 Capitolo 3 - da studiare solo parr. 1, 3 Capitolo 4 - da studiare tutto tranne par. 7 Capitolo 6 Capitolo 7
Sezione terza 190 pagine
Capitolo 1 Capitolo 2 Capitolo 3 Capitolo 4 – da studiare solo parr. 1, 3 e 4 Capitolo 5 Capitolo 6 Capitolo 8 Capitolo 9 Capitolo 10
Volume II
Sezione quinta 160 pagine
Capitolo 1 Capitolo 2 Capitolo 3 Capitolo 4 Capitolo 5 Capitolo 6 Capitolo 7 Capitolo 8 Capitolo 10 Capitolo 12 Capitolo 13 Capitolo 14
Sezione sesta 159 pagine
Capitolo 1 - da studiare tutto tranne parr. 4 e 7 Capitolo 2 Capitolo 3 Capitolo 6 Capitolo 7 Capitolo 8
Sezione settima 108 pagine Capitolo 1 – da studiare solo parr. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 Capitolo 2 – da studiare tutto tranne par. 9 Capitolo 3 – da studiare solo parr. 4, 5, 6, 7, 10
( reference books)
C. Consolo, Spiegazioni di diritto processuale civile, vol. I e II, ult. ed.
or alternatively, C. Mandrioli e A. Carratta, Diritto processuale civile, (ultima edizione) voll. I, 2 , 3 e 4 (programma da concordare con la titolare della cattedra)
or alternatively, F.P. Luiso, Diritto processuale civile, (ultima edizione) voll. I, 2, 3 e 4 (programma da concordare con la titolare della cattedra)
Core compulsory activities
118535 -
Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge of the main institutions of public economic law, such as freedom of enterprise and competition, the constitutional framework, privatization and nationalization, different types of property. All with a diachronic approach and awareness of the main evolutionary lines.
Applying knowledge and understanding
Ability to research relevant normative, bibliographical and jurisprudential material and use them for the purpose of setting legal problems. Ability to address the main issues arising in the economic system of a state, beginning with a proper identification of the relevant legislation. Ability to keep in mind and properly select the main interpretations that are given of such legislation in doctrine and jurisprudence, also with reference to the increase in the complexity of sources as a result of European legislation.
Making judgements
Attention to the reading of positive law and to the interaction between law, politics and economics with an awareness of the regularities of their intertwining, knowing how to discern independently their different modes of attitude.
Communication skills.
Ability to write analytical papers and reports on course topics, demonstrating a clear understanding of legal rules and their economic implications in the state system. Ability to expound complex arguments on course topics clearly and effectively, both in academic and professional contexts, including participating in discussions and debates and defending one's positions with sound legal arguments and responding pertinently to objections and questions posed.
Learning skills
The goal is to raise students' interest in the subject by soliciting their engagement and attention in the study of both general topics and specific issues. Another goal is to highlight the points of contact between disciplines-legal and otherwise-apparently distant but actually closely intertwined.
( syllabus)
The course focuses on the historical evolution of the relationship between economics and law and of public intervention in the economic system, conducted through the dynamics of market regulation and governance. The following will be covered as specific topics: the development of the modern State from the point of view of its intervention in the economic system; economic freedoms and social rights; public and private property; civic uses and collective property; antitrust law and consumer protection, also in the light of the role of independent administrative authorities; nationalisation, privatisation and liberalisation.
( reference books)
For attending students, the texts adopted are as follows:
- S.Cassese (ed.), La nuova costituzione economica, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2021, Chapters I, II, V, VI, VIII, IX e X; - L.Principato (ed.), Usi civici ed attività negoziale nella legalità costituzionale, Giappichelli, Torino 2018, Chapter "I profili costituzionali degli usi civici in re aliena e dei domini collettivi"
For non-attending students, the texts adopted are as follows:
- S.Cassese (ed.), La nuova costituzione economica, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2021, with the exception of Chapter VII; - L.Principato (ed.), Usi civici ed attività negoziale nella legalità costituzionale, Giappichelli, Torino 2018, Chapters "Diritti reali delle collettività territoriali come predicato della sovranità popolare" and "I profili costituzionali degli usi civici in re aliena e dei domini collettivi"
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
17747 -
Advanced Administrative Law
The course aims at discussing four fundamental lines of the ongoing transformation of Italian administrative law: the changes due to the the opening of the Italian legal order to a multiplicity of relationships with other national and non-national legal orders; those due to the evolution of the ways of action of public administrations; the transformations linked to technological innovation; the evolution resulting from the economic crisis. Students actively participating to the course will also be able to improve their team working and presentation skills.
( syllabus)
The Advanced Administrative Law course examines the evolution of administrative power and the parallel development of new control and accountability techniques. In particular, two main aspects are considered. The first concerns legal issues related to the protection of the rights of migrants and asylum seekers in Italian and EU law, with specific regard to balancing problems with public interests in security and border control. The second concerns accountability realized through the tools of administrative transparency, with particular to the implementation of freedom of information (FOI) legislation in Italy as we as in other advanced democracies
( reference books)
For the exam, students are advised to study the texts indicated below: 1) For Part I (on migration, asylum and citizenship), one of the following texts: - F. Biondi Dal Monte – E. Rossi, Diritto e immigrazioni, Bologna, il Mulino, 2022, pp. 295; - Paolo Morozzo della Rocca (a cura di), Immigrazione, asilo e cittadinanza, V edizione, Rimini, Maggioli, 2021 (solo le pagine 15-123, 235-286 e 453-464, corrispondenti ai seguenti capitoli: Cap. I su ingresso e soggiorno (Savio), Cap. II pt. 1a su domanda d’asilo (Savio), Cap. II pt. 2a su protezione internazionale (Acierno), Cap. VI su respingimento ed espulsione (Cherchi), Cap. XI su Obblighi anagrafici e diritti di residenza (Morozzo della Rocca).
2) For module II (on FOIA and transparency), B.G. Mattarella – M. Savino (a cura di), L’accesso dei cittadini. Esperienze di informazione amministrativa a confronto, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2018, pp. 15-142 (study only the Introduction and chapters on Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany). For attending students, parts of the mentioned texts will be replaced by the materials discussed in class.
Affini e ambito di sede classe LMG/01
16032 -
History of the European Integration
The topic of the European Union has long been the focus of public opinion and political discussions; indeed, it is one of the issues that most arouse passions and shape collective feelings. Participation in the process of integration and monetary union in many countries has become the main discriminator between the camps; the European Union is a constant and imposing presence in the visual field of citizens; it is a compelling constraint on government action. The course in the History of European Integration aims to raise among students an awareness of the historical roots and unfolding of a constitutive aspect of present reality. The teaching given will enable the student to acquire a good knowledge of the basic outlines of the history of European integration, from the years after World War II to the most recent developments: from the establishment of the first European Communities to the birth of the European Union, the completion of economic and monetary union, the institutional problems that have found accommodation in the Lisbon Treaty, and the difficulties and convulsions aroused by the great economic crisis of our time. The economic, political and institutional aspects of integration will be examined in the framework of the broader transnational links that characterize the contemporary world (interdependence, globalization) and in the interweaving with the historical processes of the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st (Cold War, evolution of the relationship between the United States and Europe within the Western alliance, overcoming the division of Europe, growth and crisis of the world economy). At the end of the course, the student will be in possession of notions that should enable him or her to navigate knowledgeably in the public debate of our times, to acquire an autonomous capacity for judgment with respect to the issues under discussion, and to argue his or her own convictions, eschewing simplifications and platitudes.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Study of the EUROPEAN INTEGRATION PROCESS from the post-World War II years to the most recent developments: from the establishment of the first European Communities to the birth of the European Union, the completion of economic and monetary union, the institutional issues that have found accommodation in the Lisbon Treaty, and the difficulties and convulsions provoked by the great economic crisis of our time. The economic, political and institutional aspects of integration will be examined in the context of the broader transnational links that characterize the contemporary world (interdependence, globalization) and in the interweaving with the historical processes of the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st (the Cold War, the evolution of U.S.-European relations within the Western alliance, overcoming the division of Europe, the growth and crisis of the world economy).
( reference books)
On the process of European integration, both texts listed below should be studied:
L. Rapone, Storia dell'integrazione europea, ed. Carocci (nuova edizione, 2015); F. Fauri, L'Unione europea. Una storia economica, ed. il Mulino
Affini e ambito di sede classe LMG/01
118538 -
Modulo I
Knowledge and Understanding: analysis of the international legal system and the functioning of its main institutions. Applied Knowledge and Understanding: examination of judicial cases and the ability to apply acquired knowledge to real-world scenarios. Independent Judgment: ability to formulate critical thoughts on study materials and independently reflect on the issues discussed in class. Communication Skills: ability to communicate clearly and effectively using appropriate technical language. Learning Skills: enhancing the ability to apply the knowledge and methods learned during the course to new cases or areas of study.
Affini e ambito di sede classe LMG/01
Modulo II
Knowledge and Understanding: analysis of the international legal system and the functioning of its main institutions. Applied Knowledge and Understanding: examination of judicial cases and the ability to apply acquired knowledge to real-world scenarios. Independent Judgment: ability to formulate critical thoughts on study materials and independently reflect on the issues discussed in class. Communication Skills: ability to communicate clearly and effectively using appropriate technical language. Learning Skills: enhancing the ability to apply the knowledge and methods learned during the course to new cases or areas of study.
RUGGIERO Rosa anna
( syllabus)
- The path of judicial cooperation in criminal matters - The principle of mutual recognition - The European Arrest Warrent (EAW) - The European Investigation Order (EIO)
( reference books)
V. Manes - M. Caianiello, Introduzione al diritto penale europeo. Fonti, metodi, istituti, casi, Giappichelli, 2020 (Sez. II, pp. 46-93)
Affini e ambito di sede classe LMG/01
Modulo III
Knowledge and Understanding: analysis of the international legal system and the functioning of its main institutions. Applied Knowledge and Understanding: examination of judicial cases and the ability to apply acquired knowledge to real-world scenarios. Independent Judgment: ability to formulate critical thoughts on study materials and independently reflect on the issues discussed in class. Communication Skills: ability to communicate clearly and effectively using appropriate technical language. Learning Skills: enhancing the ability to apply the knowledge and methods learned during the course to new cases or areas of study.
( syllabus)
Part I: The function of punishment in international criminal law. Part II: Corporate criminal liability for international crimes. Part III: Ecocide. Part IV: Smart sanctions and corporate liability. Part V: Negotiated justice for corporations at the international level. Part VI: An introduction to European criminal justice (EU and ECHR).
( reference books)
• Attending students: Materials will be provided directly by lecturers before classes to enable active student participation.
• Non-attending students: E. AMATI – M. COSTI – E. FRONZA – P. LOBBA – E. MACULAN – A. VALLINI, Introduzione al diritto penale internazionale, 4° ed., Giappichelli ed., Torino, 2020.
Affini e ambito di sede classe LMG/01
16019 -
Commercial Law
The course aims to highlight the peculiarity of commercial law, in particular concerning civil law, through the study of its central institutes. The course aims to allow students to acquire tools for understanding the economic phenomena underlying the subject, to critically grasp the sense of discipline.
LA MARCA Ermanno
( syllabus)
1. The Enterprise 1.1. The commercial law system 1.2. The Enterprise and the activity of the entrepreneur 1.2.1. The economic enterprise and the entrepreneur 1.2.2. Profiles of legal relevance to the economic enterprise: enterprise and business 1.2.3. The enterprise as an economic activity and as a professional activity 1.2.4. Enterprise as an organised activity: enterprise and small business 1.2.5. The family business 1.2.6. The enterprise and the profit motive 1.2.7. The social enterprise 1.2.8. The agricultural enterprise 1.2.9. The notion of enterprise and the so-called shipping company 1.3. The entrepreneur's statute 1.3.1. The General Statutes 1.3.2. Categories of entrepreneurs and individual statutes 1.3.3. Acquisition of the status of entrepreneur and termination of the enterprise 1.4. The entrepreneur's auxiliaries 1.5. Identification of the enterprise 1.5.1. Means of business identifying 1.6. Competition and consumers 1.6.1. Free competition 1.6.2. Competition and market discipline 1.6.3. Unfair competition 1.6.4. Legal and conventional limitations of competition 1.6.5. Misleading advertising and comparative advertising 1.6.6. Unfair commercial practices 1.7. Consortia between entrepreneurs 1.8 The Firm 2. The enterprise collective exercise 2.1. The “società di persone” 2.2. The “società di capitali” 2.3. Transformation, merger and division 2.4. Links between companies and groups 3. The financial market 3.1. Financial market and protection of savers 3.2. Financial products and the call for public savings 3.3. Financial instruments and investment services 3.4. Collective management of savings 3.5. Regulated markets and stock exchange contracts
For Erasmus Students who have chosen the optional exam textbook “N. de Luca, European Company Law, Cambridge University Press, last edition”, the exam program corresponds to the subjects covered in the textbook.
( reference books)
Recommended text for the study of the legal constructs involved in the programme: G. FERRI, Manuale di diritto commerciale, a cura di C. ANGELICI - G.B. FERRI, Utet, sixteenth edition. According to the student’s preferences, using other updated university textbooks is allowed (for instance, to study company law issues, A. Stagno d'Alcontres - N. De Luca, Manuale delle società, Giappichelli, Torino, 2020). It is recommended that students, including non-attendants, study the notes and case study material made available on the portal. In any case, it is necessary to integrate the study of the individual legal constructs with the examination of the Civil Code, the laws concerned and the judgments that will be made available on the portal. Erasmus Students can choose the optional exam textbook “N. de Luca, European Company Law, Cambridge University Press, last edition”. In that case, the exam program corresponds to the subjects covered in the textbook.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
16017 -
Comparative Administrative Law
The course provides an introduction to comparative administrative law. It opens with a discussion of some key questions of historical comparison concerning the emergence and consolidation of administrative law in some national legal and non-national legal orders. It then discusses the ways in which those legal orders address a number of common issues related to the constitutional roots, organization and functioning of their administrative machineries. Students participating to the course will also be able to improve their teamwork and presentation skills.
Core compulsory activities