Degree Course: Archaeology and Art History. Protection and Valorisation
A.Y. 2021/2022
Autonomia di giudizio
Autonomia di giudizio (makingjudgements)
A conclusione del percorso formativo, i laureati avranno le capacità operative e critiche necessarie per utilizzare in modo autonomo le metodologie, gli strumenti conoscitivi e quelli applicativi nel quadro della ricerca archeologica e storico-artistica, anche in funzione della tutela, della gestione e della valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale.
I laureati nella Magistrale dovranno:
- dimostrare di saper integrare le conoscenze e di gestire la complessità in maniera autonoma;
- essere in grado di formulare giudizi responsabili relativamente alle necessità di conservazione e tutela del patrimonio archeologico e storico – artistico, valutando le implicazioni etiche e giuridiche che ogni possibile intervento comporta.
L'autonomia di giudizio nello studente verrà sviluppata e verificata in particolare tramite esercitazioni, seminari organizzati, esperienza di tirocinio, preparazione di elaborati, nonché durante l'attività assegnata in preparazione alla prova finale.
Abilità comunicative
Abilità comunicative (communicationskills)
I laureati devono essere in grado di comunicare le conoscenze acquisite ad interlocutori specialisti e non; essere in grado di utilizzare fluentemente, in forma scritta e orale, almeno una lingua dell'Unione Europea oltre l'italiano, con riferimento anche ai lessici disciplinari.Le abilità comunicative, per i laureati in Archeologia, saranno funzionali su vari livelli: collaborazione con specialisti di altre discipline di ambito archeologico; interazione con esperti di altri settori operanti nelle tecnologie applicate ai Beni culturali; capacità di rivolgersi anche al pubblico più ampio per la valorizzazione del patrimonio archeologico e per la divulgazione di conoscenze acquisite e indagini svolte.
I laureati in Storia dell’arte dovranno essere in grado di comunicare in modo chiaro e privo di ambiguità le loro conclusioni relativamente alla storia e alla tutela del patrimonio storico artistico, nonché le conoscenze e la ratio ad esse sottese, a interlocutori specialisti e non specialisti.
I risultati attesi verranno conseguiti attraverso attività seminariali e di laboratorio con particolare attenzione alla lettura e commento della principale letteratura in lingua straniera sui temi oggetto di trattazione.
La verifica avverrà attraverso modalità convenzionali con esami scritti e/orali
Capacità di apprendimento
Capacità di apprendimento (learningskills)
Grazie alle capacità di apprendimento acquisite nell'intero percorso formativo, i laureati saranno in grado di approfondire in piena autonomia le proprie competenze, usando strumenti e metodi diversi e integrando le conoscenze acquisite con le necessarie esperienze pratiche, anche per sviluppare ulteriori risultati nell'ambito degli studi prescelto.
Allo sviluppo di autonome capacità di apprendimento i laureati giungeranno con il concorso di tutte le attività formative che il percorso prevede.
In particolare, a lato dello studio autonomo condotto con il costante supporto didattico e con la sollecitazione alla ricerca bibliografica e all'aggiornamento soprattutto nello spazio della prova finale, un particolare rilievo assumeranno le attività didattiche di supporto e i seminari di approfondimento tematico.
La verifica dello sviluppo di autonome capacità di apprendimento sarà condotta dai docenti in forma continua, non solo nel corso delle attività di didattica frontale e nelle prove di esame orali e/o scritte al termine di ciascun insegnamento, ma anche nelle attività seminariali, nella preparazione di progetti individuali e/o di gruppo e nell'elaborazione della prova finale
Requisiti di ammissione
Conoscenze richieste per l'accesso
I requisiti di ammissione al Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interclasse in Archeologia e Storia dell'arte sono quelli previsti dalle norme vigenti in materia.
Per l'accesso al Corso di studi, con il titolo prescritto per l'iscrizione, si richiedono conoscenze adeguate in ambito letterario, linguistico, storico, geografico, storico-artistico , archeologico e tecnico-metodologico derivante da un percorso di formazione universitaria di primo livello.
La verifica della personale preparazione dello studente ed il possesso dei requisiti curriculari avviene con modalità definite dal Regolamento del Corso di Laurea
Per poter accedere ad uno dei due curricula del corso Magistrale Interclasse occorre:
- aver conseguito la laurea di primo livello in qualsiasi classe di laurea (ex D.M.270/04, ex D.M.
509/99, ex D.M.
- essere in possesso di laurea di ordinamenti previgenti oppure di titoli equipollenti;
- Possedere altro titolo di studio conseguito all'estero, riconosciuto idoneo.
In ogni caso, aver acquisito in uno o più dei seguenti settori scientifico – disciplinari:
per il curriculum archeologico:
- 20 CFU: L-ANT/01; L-ANT/04; L-ANT/06; L-ANT/07; L-ANT/08; L-ANT/09; L-ANT/10; L-ART/01; L-OR/05.
- 15 CFU: L-ANT/02; L-ANT/03; L-OR/01; L-OR/02; L-FIL-LET/02; L-FIL-LET/04; L-FIL-LET/05.
per il curriculum storico-artistico:
- 20 CFU: L-ART/01; L-ART/02; L-ART/03; L-ART/04
- 15 CFU: M-STO/01; M-STO/02; M-STO/04; L-FIL-LET/10; L-FIL-LET/11; M-DEA/01; IUS/10
Per accedere al corso di laurea interclasse Magistrale in Archeologia e Storia dell'arte.
Tutela e valorizzazione occorre inoltre sostenere un colloquio, teso a verificare l'adeguatezza della personale preparazione e la conoscenza di almeno una lingua veicolare dell'Unione Europea, con una Commissione designata a tale scopo e composta da membri del Consiglio di corso.
Le modalità di svolgimento del colloquio sono definite dal regolamento didattico del corso di studi.
Prova finale
Caratteristiche della prova finale
La prova finale consisterà nella presentazione e discussione di una tesi elaborata in forma originale, sotto la guida di un relatore, docente del corso di laurea stesso.
Tale elaborato dovrà dimostrare capacità di indagine e di approfondimento sul tema prescelto.
Tale elaborato potrà essere presentato e discusso anche in lingua inglese
Orientamento in ingresso
Il dipartimento DISTU, nel quale è incardinato, il corso è attivo con una serie di iniziative per l'orientamento in ingresso che prevedono:
- l'organizzazione di 'lectiones magistrales' inaugurali, affidate di anno in anno a studiosi di particolare rilievo;
- la presentazione dell'offerta formativa,sia per il corso triennale che per il corso magistrale, nell'ambito delle giornate 'Open Day';
- la presentazione dell'offerta formativa nelle scuole medie superiori della provincia e della regione;
- la partecipazione ai forum dell'Orientamento in sedi varie;
- la partecipazione al Testimonial Day di Ateneo;
- l'organizzazione di lezioni esemplari per gli studenti delle scuole superiori allo scopo di fornire indicazioni sulle modalità di svolgimento delle lezioni curriculari.
La commissione Orientamento del Dipartimento prevede al suo interno un docente referente del corso.
Uno studente tutor per l'orientamento si occupa specificamente di tutte le attività connesse all'orientamento del corso di laurea.
A partire dal settembre 2017 è stata istituita un'iniziativa a cadenza annuale denominata 'Festa dell'arte' progettata, organizzata e gestita dai docenti del corso e dagli studenti, con l'intento far conoscere, attraverso conferenze, video proiezioni, mostre e interventi di artisti, l'ampio spettro delle ricerche dei docenti del corso ed è finalizzata ad avvicinare le tematiche dell'arte ad un pubblico vasto, invitando alla partecipazione scolaresche e cittadini del territorio.
Il Corso di Studio in breve
Il Corso di laurea magistrale Archeologia e Storia dell’arte.
Tutela e valorizzazione LM2/LM89 è stato attivato nell’anno accademico 2012-2013 nel quadro di una generale riformulazione e razionalizzazione dell’offerta formativa dell’Ateneo della Tuscia che ha portato alla progettazione di un corso di laurea magistrale interclasse in Archeologia (LM2) e Storia dell’Arte (LM89) nel solco di una tradizione di ricerca e di didattica che ha profonde radici nell’Ateneo, punto di riferimento in un territorio ricco di emergenze archeologiche e storico-artistiche di indubbio rilievo.
Il Corso interclasse ha lo scopo di formare laureati con solide competenze specialistiche negli ambiti delle classi LM2 (Archeologia) e LM89 (Storia dell’Arte) che condividono non solo tradizioni di studi e metodi di indagine, ma anche la similarità delle competenze richieste per i rispettivi sbocchi professionali.
Costituisce parte integrante del percorso formativo, in aggiunta alla tradizionale didattica frontale, la partecipazione alle attività di laboratorio, di scavo, di ricognizione a cui si affiancano visite didattiche presso siti di rilevante interesse storico-artistico e archeologico.
Il Corso promuove inoltre le attività di tirocinio, grazie all’attivazione di numerose convenzioni presso musei, archivi, biblioteche, enti locali.
Ulteriori convenzioni nel quadro dei programmi Erasmus e Erasmus plus rendono possibili esperienze formative presso istituzioni universitarie estere.
Il Corso, afferente al Dipartimento di studi linguistico-letterari, storico-filosofici e giuridici (DISTU), qualificatosi tra i 180 Dipartimenti di eccellenza riconosciuti dal Ministero dell’Università e Ricerca scientifica, ha una durata legale di due anni e per il conseguimento del titolo lo studente deve acquisire 120 CFU.
E’ possibile l’iscrizione a tempo parziale, secondo le norme previste dal Regolamento didattico di Ateneo.
Pur essendo un unico corso, al momento dell’immatricolazione lo studente deve precisare la classe prescelta per conseguire il titolo.
E' comunque possibile modificare la scelta iniziale entro l’iscrizione al secondo anno.
Per l’iscrizione sono richiesti specifici requisiti curriculari, un’adeguata preparazione personale e la conoscenza di una lingua veicolare della Comunità europea oltre all’italiano.
Le modalità di verifica dei requisiti di ammissione sono definite nel Regolamento didattico del corso disponibile sul sito del Dipartimento.
La laurea magistrale fornisce il titolo necessario per poter accedere ai corsi di dottorato e alle scuole di specializzazione specifiche.
Lo studente espliciterà le proprie scelte al momento della presentazione,
tramite il sistema informativo di ateneo, del piano di completamento o del piano di studio individuale,
secondo quanto stabilito dal regolamento didattico del corso di studio.
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
gruppo OPZIONALE Formazione tecnica, scientifica e giuridica - (show)
18017 -
Computer science applied to cultural heritage
The fundamental objective of the Computer Science Applied to Cultural Heritage course is to provide the student with knowledge of hardware and software systems in general, and specifically those applied in the field of 2D and 3D documentation of Cultural Heritage. The expected learning outcomes are: - know the basic principles of hardware and software operation; - know the principles and applications of vector and raster graphic documentation techniques; - understand the meaning and importance of documenting cultural beauties; - understand the functioning of software and electronic tools used in the virtual reproduction of cultural goods - understand the significance of the experimental results obtained with the above techniques
Core compulsory activities
18022 -
Cultural heritage law
The course aims to allow the student to acquire skills and knowledge in the disciplinary field of the cultural heritage law, so as to be able to operate both within private companies in the sector and within public institutions. In particular, the objective is that the student can acquire: - knowledge and ability to directly understand the legislation applicable to the sector, through direct reading and commenting on the applicable rules; - ability to use the knowledge thus acquired in the context of their future work experiences, also through the examination of practical cases; - ability to draw conclusions with respect to new cases that may arise in his experience, through the construction of models and case studies; - communication skills, which include the ability to transmit to the interlocutors, first in the context of the study and subsequently in the professional experiences, the knowledge thus acquired regarding the rules of production, processing and marketing of food products; - ability to learn also for the future. The course aims to make the student acquire an adequate knowledge of the discipline in force today, but also the ability to know directly the changes that this discipline will have in the future.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
gruppo OPZIONALE Attività formative affini o integrative - (show)
18018 -
Greek litterature
Also available in another semester or year
18412 -
History of byzantine art
Also available in another semester or year
18028 -
Latin literature
Also available in another semester or year
18026 -
Also available in another semester or year
118495 -
Critica della letteratura Italiana
modulo 1
Historicization of a tradition and practice of critical reading; problematization of critical reading of literary text 1) Improvement of knowledge and understanding of critical writing (with reference to militant criticism and academic criticism) 2) Improvement of knowledge and understanding applied to the student's learning of a good awareness of critical writing (also in view of the writing of the thesis) starting from major models of the italian tradition 3) Increased autonomy of judgment through an orientation to the use of the main tools of critical-literary research on paper and digital support 4) Enhancement of communicative skills through the opening of a discussion during the lessons on critical issues addressed with the teacher 5) Development of learning skills through direct comparison with the development of the cultural debate.
Related or supplementary learning activities
modulo 2
Historicization of a tradition and practice of critical reading; problematization of critical reading of literary text 1) Improvement of knowledge and understanding of critical writing of the twentieth century (with reference to militant criticism and academic criticism) 2) Improvement of knowledge and understanding applied to the student's learning of a good awareness of critical writing (also in view of the writing of the thesis) starting from major models of the twentieth century 3) Increased autonomy of judgment through an orientation to the use of the main tools of critical-literary research on paper and digital support 4) Enhancement of communicative skills through the opening of a discussion during the lessons on critical issues addressed with the teacher 5) Development of learning skills through direct comparison with the development of the twentieth-century cultural debate.
Related or supplementary learning activities
118559 -
History of medieval and modern architecture
Also available in another semester or year
119014 -
underwater archeology
Also available in another semester or year
119222 -
History of the arts in Rome and Latium in early modern age
Also available in another semester or year
Optional Group:
gruppo OPZIONALE Archeologia e antichità classiche e medievali - (show)
18021 -
History of medieval art in Europe and in Mediterranean area
To have knowledge of the works discussed in class and to develop an understanding of even complex texts. To have the ability to analyse and understand works not presented in class, but which can be traced back to the period and to the artistic trends studied. To acquire autonomy of critical judgement in relation to the texts and essays. To develop communication skills in presenting the characteristics of a work or an artistic process, using appropriate language. To develop learning skills towards specific categories and concepts, relating them to the debate of studies and contemporary thought.
Core compulsory activities
18023 -
Medieval archeology and topography
Also available in another semester or year
18413 -
History of contemporary architecture and industrial archaeology
Also available in another semester or year
118560 -
This course aims to provide students with adequate knowledge concerning: a) the evolution of monetary systems from the archaic Greek age to the early Middle Ages; b) the functions of money in ancient and medieval economies; c) the study and interpretation of coin finds from archaeological contexts and museum collections.
Knowledge and understanding (Dublin descriptor 1). The student will know - the essential elements of coinage through the study of the iconographic and weight data; - the methodology to classify coin finds.
Applying knowledge and understanding (Dublin descriptor 2): The student will be able to: - use numismatic data in the different fields of historical research of ancient and medieval ages; - to compile the numismatic finds catalogue cards; - to face the problems of conservation and enhancement of ancient and medieval coins.
Making judgements (Dublin descriptor 3) The student will learn to develop critical capacities and autonomy of judgement applied to numismatics
Communication skills (Dublin indicator 4) The student should be able to - correctly communicate the acquired notions;
Learning skills (Dublin indicator 5) The student will be able to: - use the bibliography and the computer resources necessary to carry out research activities aimed in particular at the analysis of ancient and medieval coins; - apply with adequate critical tools the numismatic source in the historical, archaeological and philological research.
Core compulsory activities
118561 -
Etruscology and Italic archeology
Also available in another semester or year
119012 -
cult archeology in the classical word
Also available in another semester or year
119013 -
prehistoric ecology
The student will have knowledge and understanding of the evolutionary processes and historical and material evidence left by man from the most remote prehistory to the first appearance of written evidence, as well as being aware of archaeological documentary sources and historical method. This objective will be achieved through the use of updated textbooks, "interactive" lessons in which the student is directly involved and through the discussion of some of the topics related to the most recent acquisitions in the prehistoric field.
Core compulsory activities
119016 -
Pompeiam and Herculaneum archeology and antiquity
Also available in another semester or year
119017 -
Curatorial methodologies for restoration
Also available in another semester or year
18030 -
Other activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
gruppo OPZIONALE Storia antica e medievale - (show)
18008 -
Storia greca
The aim of the course is to give the student the knowledge of a period of a central theme in the evolution of the Greek world, stimulate the attention to the analysis of the sources and their relationship with a wider ideological and institutional context, and also the attention to the relationship between individual events and medium and long-term processes; finally, through the seminar reflection, it is proposed to initiate the student to an attitude to critical examination of the sources and in general to historical investigation. For this purpose functional elements are the possession of adequate chronological and spatial references, the knowledge of the main sources (not only historiographical), the possession of a lexicon, not only specialized, adequate, the attainment of an effective understanding of historical phenomena that will be discussed and, finally, the elaboration of a critical vision (if possible, an independently meditated one), of the main topics under study.
Core compulsory activities
18009 -
Storia romana
1) Knowledge and understanding: knowledge of the historical data, methodologies and documents proposed; acquisition of a basic scientific vocabulary. 2) Applying knowledge and understanding: to be able to read and discuss a historical source by inserting it within its context; to be able to use the fundamental bibliographical to 3) Making judgements:to be able to identify causal links and interpret a historical phenomenon critically; to be aware of the complexity and "relativity" of historical phenomena. 4) Communication skills: to be able to present the acquired knowledge in a correct, orderly and consequential way. 5) Learning skills: to be able to use the knowledge and skills acquired and the specific language learned in view of a continuation of their learning path or the development of non-specialized professional activities.
Core compulsory activities
18010 -
The city's History and medieval settlements
Aim of the course is to give students the tools for a critical analysis of the sources. A special attention is dedicated to verify and increase the capaicities of understanding texts and making judgements on them.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
gruppo OPZIONALE Archeologia e antichità classiche e medievali - (show)
Optional Group:
gruppo OPZIONALE Attività formative affini o integrative - (show)
18018 -
Greek litterature
- knowledge of authors, themes and problems of Greek literature - methodological skills useful for critical reading of the texts, in Greek for the students who intend to obtain in the SS-L-FIL-LET / 02 the 24 credits necessary to access the teaching class A 13, in Italian translation with elements of Greek lexicon for students following other courses - knowledge of the main critical instruments - good capacity of analysis and independent research.
Related or supplementary learning activities
18412 -
History of byzantine art
The main goal of the course is to reach a general knowledge and understanding of Byzantine art history and of the multiple aspects of its visual expression, from the foundation to the fall of Constantinople (330-1453). The students will also be able to apply knowledge and understanding, to make judgments, and to communicate their knowledge, while becoming familiar with the basic tools for the study of this discipline: visual as well as historical, literary, bibliographic, and archival sources.
Related or supplementary learning activities
18028 -
Latin literature
The Course aims to provide an essential knowledge of the main features of Augustan literature and of Vergil’s epic poem; the mastery of theoretical and critical instruments needed to analyse and interpret latin literary texts; to provide direct knowledge of Vergil's poetic text thanks to lecture and commentary
Expected learning outcomes: At the end of the teaching the student will have:
1) Knowledge of the main features of the history of Augustan literature; knowledge of the peculiar features of Vergil’s epic poem 2) Ability to analyse Latin literary history of Augustan age and comprehend her diachronic development; ability to analyse and discuss appropriately Vergil’s epic poem 3) Ability to formulate autonomous judgements on the course’s themes 4) Ability to adequately communicate what learned 5) Ability to comprehend and interpret autonomously literary phenomena and similar texts not included in the programme.
Related or supplementary learning activities
18026 -
Also available in another semester or year
118495 -
Critica della letteratura Italiana
modulo 1
Also available in another semester or year
modulo 2
Also available in another semester or year
118559 -
History of medieval and modern architecture
Also available in another semester or year
119014 -
underwater archeology
The aim of the course is to offer to the students a basic theoretical preparation on the methodologies and on the main instruments of investigation currently adopted on submerged and semi-submerged archaeological contexts (marine, lake, river, hypogeum and lagoon). At the end of the study course, the student will have acquired adequate knowledge and understanding that will allow him to orient himself independently among the techniques, strategies, regulations and new technologies applied to research, protection and enhancement of underwater cultural heritage. During the lessons will be examined many "real" case studies that, testifying the adoption of techniques and methods diversified in Italy and in other countries, will provide the student with an autonomy of judgment to evaluate critically the most appropriate way to pursue any future scientific objectives. Among the other transversal skills that the student will acquire there is also the learning of the technical terminology that characterizes the world of archaeological research in the underwater environment in order to allow the communication of information and project ideas both within the scientific community and outside of it in the context of disclosure to non-specialists.
Related or supplementary learning activities
119222 -
History of the arts in Rome and Latium in early modern age
The course is an in-depth study of the knowledge of the History of Early Modern Art acquired during the Bachelor course. The themes proposed each time focus on specific aspects, areas and chronologies. In this way, students will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of a segment of the discipline, either in terms of single works of art or monumental complexes, or from the bibliographical point of view. The latter aspect aims at developing argumentative skills, critical reflections, in particular concerning the bibliography, in order to develop a critical spirit and autonomy of judgement, essential elements to move from study to research. The critical approach to the works of art and to their bibliography will also allow the acquisition of specialized terminology and the consequent development of communication skills. The in-depth studies, which will be developed through presentations in the classroom and subsequently in written papers, may eventually be developed in the master's thesis.
Related or supplementary learning activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
gruppo OPZIONALE Archeologia e antichità classiche e medievali - (show)
18021 -
History of medieval art in Europe and in Mediterranean area
Also available in another semester or year
18023 -
Medieval archeology and topography
Consistently with the educational objectives of the course of study, the course aims to provide basic knowledge in the disciplinary field and to put the student in a position to apply the acquired knowledge, to develop communication skills, autonomy of judgment and ability to communicate ideas, problems and reflections in a clear and correct way, and to acquire the necessary skills to undertake any further studies or professional paths in the field of medieval archaeology. The expected results are: knowledge and comprehension skills that reinforce those acquired in the first cycle and allow for the elaboration and/or application of original ideas, also in a research context; problem-solving skills on new or unfamiliar topics, set in broader (or interdisciplinary) contexts related to one's field of study; ability to integrate knowledge and manage complexity, as well as to make judgments on the basis of limited or incomplete information; ability to communicate clearly to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors; learning skills that allow one to continue studying mostly independently.
Core compulsory activities
18413 -
History of contemporary architecture and industrial archaeology
Also available in another semester or year
118560 -
Also available in another semester or year
118561 -
Etruscology and Italic archeology
Also available in another semester or year
119012 -
cult archeology in the classical word
Also available in another semester or year
119013 -
prehistoric ecology
Also available in another semester or year
119016 -
Pompeiam and Herculaneum archeology and antiquity
TRAINING OBJECTIVES The student will have knowledge and understanding of the development of the archaeological sites in the Vesuvian area, especially Pompeii and Herculaneum. This objective will be achieved through the use of updated textbooks, "interactive" lessons in which the student is directly involved and through the discussion of some of the topics related to the most recent acquisitions in this field.
Expected learning outcomes (1) 1 - The student will have knowledge and understanding of the development of the archaeological sites in the Vesuvian area, especially Pompeii and Herculaneum. This objective will be achieved through the use of scientific texts and the reading of classics in the sector, also through the illustration of case studies and the presentation of the most recent discoveries in this field. 2 –The student will have the ability to apply their knowledge and understanding in order to demonstrate a professional approach on long-lasting phenomena, and will have adequate skills both to interpret events and to understand the developments of the Vesuvian cities. The student will be able to acquire knowledge and comprehension skills applied through direct experience on archaeological material and critical analysis of archaeological sources.
Expected learning outcomes (2) 3 - This kind of study will allow students to acquire the ability to collect and interpret data from archaeological sources through a specific methodology that will allow the student to acquire independent judgment with respect to historical-social, political and economic events. 4 - He will be able to communicate with properties and with appropriate terminology, but also in popular form, both orally and in written text, on themes of the archaeology of the Vesuvian cities, moreover through the methodological tools acquired he will be perfectly able to undertake subsequent studies in a conscious way. 5 - In addition to the traditional teaching, the student's continuous solicitation to intervene in the discussions during the lectures and in the illustration of the case studies, represents the most suitable way to achieve comprehension skills.
Core compulsory activities
119017 -
Curatorial methodologies for restoration
Also available in another semester or year
18029 -
Chosen by the student
Elective activities
Optional Group:
gruppo OPZIONALE Attività formative affini o integrative - (show)
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional Group:
gruppo OPZIONALE Archeologia e antichità classiche e medievali - (show)
Optional Group:
gruppo OPZIONALE Attività formative affini o integrative - (show)
18018 -
Greek litterature
Also available in another semester or year
18412 -
History of byzantine art
Also available in another semester or year
18028 -
Latin literature
Also available in another semester or year
18026 -
Also available in another semester or year
118495 -
Critica della letteratura Italiana
modulo 1
Also available in another semester or year
modulo 2
Also available in another semester or year
118559 -
History of medieval and modern architecture
The course will provide students with a basic framework for the study of Western architecture, from the High Middle Ages to the late Barocco. Through a combination of lectures and guided fieldtrips the pupils will be introduced to the study of the periods under examination, of construction history, and of the most representative buildings, as well as architectonic trends and relative solutions in construction. Moreover, the course will propose a monographic seminar, the Architecture of Donato Bramante, with the intention of furnishing pupils with an example of in-depth historical analysis. The course will also offer basic methodological notions for historical and critical analysis of architectonic witnesses from the period, so as to provide the essential tools necessary for an active and concrete knowledge of historical architecture, an essential pre-requisite for conservation.
Knowledge and understanding: the candidate should know and illustrate the main architectural events, the relative contexts and constructions, with the relative typological, stylistic, constructive solutions, with particular attention to the relationship between architecture and decoration.
Applying knowledge and understanding: the candidate should be able to understand, analyze and illustrate also unknown buildings, referable to the architectural contexts treated, with a critical spirit. To this end, during the course, the candidate is due to elaborate a historiographic analysis on an architecture chosen by the candidate, with could be discussed in the examination.
Making judgements: the candidate should independently understand and identify the main architectural features and elements, even in the case of buildings not directly included in the program, however attributable to periods and contexts considered by the same. The candidate should also highlight the existing relationships between the building considered and contemporary, previous and subsequent architectures.
Communication skills: Through guided visits and active lessons, the course aims to stimulate learning and communication skills, with particular attention to the use of the appropriate technical vocabulary, implemented through thematic lessons (architectural orders, construction materials and techniques, typological solutions). The candidate should also illustrate the historical architectural events and their buildings, referring to the architectural solutions, typological systems and stylistic characters, with particular attention to the technical vocabulary.
Learning skills: The candidates should be able to study independently, also in deep, the architectural events of the medieval and modern age not included within the program. Students should achieve the bases to undertake a first cataloging and research activities relating to historic buildings.
Applying knowledge and understanding: the candidate should be able to understand, analyze and illustrate also unknown buildings, referable to the architectural contexts treated, with a critical spirit. To this end, during the course, the candidate is due to elaborate a historiographic analysis on an architecture chosen by the candidate, with could be discussed in the examination.
Making judgements: the candidate should independently understand and identify the main architectural features and elements, even in the case of buildings not directly included in the program, however attributable to periods and contexts considered by the same. The candidate should also highlight the existing relationships between the building considered and contemporary, previous and subsequent architectures.
Communication skills: Through guided visits and active lessons, the course aims to stimulate learning and communication skills, with particular attention to the use of the appropriate technical vocabulary, implemented through thematic lessons (architectural orders, construction materials and techniques, typological solutions). The candidate should also illustrate the historical architectural events and their buildings, referring to the architectural solutions, typological systems and stylistic characters, with particular attention to the technical vocabulary.
Learning skills: The candidates should be able to study independently, also in deep, the architectural events of the medieval and modern age not included within the program. Students should achieve the bases to undertake a first cataloging and research activities relating to historic buildings.
Related or supplementary learning activities
119014 -
underwater archeology
Also available in another semester or year
119222 -
History of the arts in Rome and Latium in early modern age
Also available in another semester or year
18031 -
Final examination
Final examination and foreign language test