MOSCONI Enrico maria
Circular Economy: strategic factor for competitiveness in production - Emerging markets - Strategic management and entrepreneurship in the circular economy and innovation management - Competitive Advantage and principles of the Circular economy across the value-chain of industry and services.
Strategic orientation for Circular innovation in the Organizations: Technology cycle, biological cycle, and industrial cycle - Technologies: new technologies and their impact - Innovation strategies make or buy: the protection of innovation and Open Source, forms of technology transfer, Evaluation of technologies, valorization methods.
Circularity and sustainable production: design and economic performance- Circular design approach, lifespan and Industrial performance measurement- Product End of life Management Panning - Efficiency and profitability of the production factors:-Management of production towards the zero waste, bio-economy – The transition of the main industrial production processes to the economy Circular: technological, economic, managerial and environmental aspects; design and selection of processes in services.
Production Management: Closed-loop and open-cycle management systems – Circular manufacturing and lean thinking - The processes of converting waste into new materials - E-Lean Tools: operational tools for value optimization through the internalization (Lean tools, E-VSM and IQFD)
Instruments of Corporate social responsibility for a Circularity-oriented management system: Methodologies, techniques, and quality certification - Introduction to the standard of the main standards - Introduction to the standard Circular BS 8001, ISO 9001 and B-Corp TC ISO 323 Circular Economy.
(reference books)
Lecture notes provided during the course