The learning objective of the course is to convey to students knowledge of the principles, concepts and tools relating to the management of resources, waste and environmental certification tools necessary for the ecological transition process.
Therefore, the expected learning outcomes are:
Knowledge and understanding:
The student will have acquired the knowledge and the ability to understand the economic-environmental reference framework, the relationships between resources and waste for the transition to the circular economy, in an integrated vision that starts from the resource and, through the different production phases, arrives at the 'end of life' of the product.
Application of knowledge
The student will be able to use the knowledge to understand the principles and requirements necessary to correctly and efficiently implement the transition towards a circular economy model and full recovery of resources.
Ability to draw conclusions
The student will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the production chains in terms of use and recovery of resources.
Communication skills
The student will have acquired an appropriate language to express in a clear and correct way what he has learned from the study of the topics addressed.
Ability to learn
The student will be able to adequately use the knowledge acquired to analyze data relating to processes, scraps and waste and the use of appropriate environmental certification tools.
119299 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Poponi Stefano
1) The framework: the evolution of the 'environmental issue' and the approach to the circular economy. 2) Resources: energy raw materials. Energy sources. Metal and non-metal raw materials; organic raw materials. 3) Production processes and production chains: petrochemistry, detergents, plastics, steel industry, advanced materials, textiles, automotive. The agri-food chain. 4) Waste: the regulatory framework; municipal and special waste; Packaging and WEEE; disposal technologies and waste-to-energy plants; secondary raw materials. 5) Environmental certification 6) Virtuous and excellent cases of circularity, and tools
(reference books)
Lecture notes and teaching materials provided by the professor
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam