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119021 Curatorial methods for restoration in Archaeology and Art History. Protection and Valorisation LM-89 CATALANO Maria ida
The course aims at tracing the history of this subject in Italy in the 50s, but also at outlining tasks and current functions of the relevant job. To that purpose the projectual events of some of the most renowned Italian museums of the Post – War period, such as the Galleries of Palazzo Bianco and Palazzo Rosso in Genua, Palazzo Abatellis in Palermo and the Castelvecchio Museums in Verona will be reviewed. Also the biographies of the museology pioneers (art historians, archeologists, architects, superintendents and directors) making these museums possible, are going to be dealt with, in order to clarify the different fields of action of both museology and museography, by stressing their reciprocal interactions, too. Special attention will be given to the study of some of the most renowned museums realized by architect Franco Minissi, after one tundre years from his birth in Viterbo in 1919. Site visits at museums in Rome, Viterbo and Latium, are going to be an integral part of the course.
(reference books)
Adalgisa LUGLI, Museologia; Jaca Book, Milano 1992 (ristampa 2018); Maria Cecilia MAZZI, Musei anni ’50: spazio, forma e funzione, Edifir edizioni, Firenze 2009 (pp. 9-184); Federico BUCCI e Augusto ROSSARI, I musei e gli allestimenti di Franco Albini, Electa, Milano 2005 (pp. 43-74); Marisa DALAI EMILIANI, Per una critica della museografia del Novecento in Italia. Il “saper mostrare” di Carlo Scarpa, Marsilio, Venezia 2008 (pp. 77-149); Dante BERNINI, Colloqui con Franco Minissi sul museo, Edizioni De Luca, Roma 1998 (pp. 9-24); Beatrice A. VIVIO, Franco Minissi. Musei e restauri: la trasparenza come valore, Gangemi editore, Roma 2010 (pp. 65-135); Simonetta ANGELI, Il Museo Civico di Viterbo: storia delle raccolte, in Conoscere per conservare. Percorsi culturali e didattici nella Tuscia (a cura di Simona Rinaldi), Aracne, Roma 2008 (pp. 127-174); S. MARSON and P. POGLIANI, Franco Minissi. Il museografo, l'architetto e gli allestimenti del Museo Civico di Viterbo, Edifir, Firenze 2020 Non-attending students should contact the professor in order to agree with him on the exam programme.