Derived from
17427 MEDIA THEORIES AND PRACTISES in Communication, technologies and digital cultures L-20 FIORENTINO Giovanni
-Orality and writing. The history of man and the communicative artefact, means of communication and social transformations. -The roots of the modern: birth of metropolitan civilization and consumer aesthetics, archeology of mass communication media (1800-1850). -Advent of the technical reproducibility of the work of art, development of the means of mass communication and audiovisual, progressive transformations of literature and society (1850-1900). -From the historical avant-gardes to the birth of the modern collective imagination (1900-1930). -Growth and deconstruction of the mass culture industry, information, education, entertainment. Redefinition of public opinion (1930-1970). -Transformation of cultural policies and of the generalist media system, advent of neo-television (1970-1980). -Birth and development of new interactive media, spread of information technology and telematics, relationship between technological innovation, knowledge models and social relations. The society of networks. Convergent culture (1980-2020).
(reference books)
1. G. Boccia Artieri, F. Colombo, G. Gili, Comunicare. Persone, relazioni, media, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2022 (ISBN: 9788859300700).
2. S. Brancato, S. Cristante, L'avventura umana nella comunicazione. Dal corpo dei Sapiens agli algoritmi, Luca Sossella, Roma, 2022 (ISBN: 9791259980243).
3. D. Bennato, M. Farci, G. Fiorentino (a cura di), Dizionario mediologico della guerra in Ucraina, Guerini, Milano, 2023 (ISBN: 9788881074747).
4. M. Pireddu, M. Serra, a cura di, Mediologia. Una disciplina attraverso i suoi classici, Liguori, Napoli 2012 (ISBN 9788820756017).