Drones and land survey
Knowledge and Understanding The course aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge to carry out a topographic survey using the most modern techniques: GPS/GNSS and Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS). The goal is to enable the acquisition of precise knowledge regarding both aerial and terrestrial unmanned surveying systems, applicable to individual and environmental surveying in the field of animal husbandry. Additionally, the course aims to ensure knowledge of the subject from the perspective of usage methods and directly applicable applications. Specifically, the satellite constellation, control systems, and ground user segments will be analyzed. The course will also cover the digital processing and representation of data acquired through surveying activities, with an in-depth focus on the software and processing techniques involved.
Applied Knowledge and Understanding The course intends to help students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to implement and utilize aerial and terrestrial unmanned surveying systems in the agricultural sector and mountainous terrain. These systems have various applications, including individual and environmental surveying in animal husbandry. Additionally, the course aims to promote the use of GIS tools and the application of global satellite positioning systems, satellite remote sensing, and the main types of ground receivers.
Autonomy in Judgment The course also aims to ensure that students understand digital technologies and can apply them in various contexts, including business and regional levels, with particular reference to mountainous areas. It also fosters the acquisition of the necessary skills to communicate relevant information to other engineering professionals working in the field, aiding in the design of technologies related to surveying systems. This includes promoting the development of independent judgment through the cultivation of critical skills aimed at identifying technical and scientific issues related to the subject, evaluating complex surveying projects and flight plans, conducting bibliographic research on scientific, regulatory, and technical sources, and delving into social, professional, and ethical considerations associated with surveying activities. The course will thus address aspects related to the knowledge and use of surveying with RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems), focusing particularly on the regulatory framework, types of RPAS, and the planning of photogrammetric flights.
Communication Skills The course also aims to enable students to develop specific skills through educational activities to ensure an adequate level of communication regarding ideas, problems, and solutions related to the technical and scientific training pertinent to digital surveying issues.
Learning skills The course is also designed to help students develop the technological skills needed to ensure continuous updating of knowledge relevant to their professional or scientific activities. This involves consulting regulatory, legislative, technological, digital, methodological, and experimental innovation sources related to current surveying systems. After revisiting the basic concepts of topographic surveying, students will be provided with the necessary knowledge to ensure the correct use of the global positioning system, fostering an understanding of geostatistics, global satellite positioning systems, satellite remote sensing, and the main types of ground receivers.
Derived from
119515 Drones and land survey in Digital management of agriculture and mountain areas LM-69 Marucci Alvaro
) GPS/GNSS positioning, spatial, control and user segments. Satellite positioning in outdoor sports activities.
2) Basic notions of cartography, angle measurement systems, angular conversions, distance, elevation, slope, reference systems, geographical coordinates, Cartesian coordinates, UTM system, GAUS-BOAGA system, dimensioned plans, contour lines.
3) The survey of the routes and areas equipped using SAPR (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) - types of UAS: multirotor, fixed wing, hybrid drones, legislative and regulatory reference framework. - Frame orientation parameters. Digital photogrammetry, image capture, - Aerophotogrammetric flight parameters and planning, arrangement of ground control points (GCP)
(reference books)
Lecture notes by the teacher
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
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Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam