The course and the relative exam focus on the institutional part, that is the knowledge of the artistic events in Italy in the period 1400-1799. Starting from themes of wide horizons, such as the history of art history and touching on the current orientations of the discipline, the first part of the course will propose the periodization of the subject and the different ways of investigating images, with openings also to artistic literature and in particular to the role of Giorgio Vasari, 'father of the discipline'. This introductory section will be followed by a series of readings of works of art that, due to their chronology, will follow the development of the discipline from the beginning of the 15th century to the last decades of the 18th century. Direct knowledge of works of art and monuments will be encouraged through site trips. However, it must be remembered that the preparation of the institutional part is inevitably based on the study of manuals by the students. Attendance is not mandatory, even though strongly recommended, and the exam program is the same regardless of attendance. However, the partecipation to site and guided tours shouldn't be missed.
(reference books)
Salvatore Settis, Tomaso Montanari, Arte. Una storia naturale e civile. 3 Dal Quattrocento alla Controriforma (intero volume); 4 Dal Barocco all'Impressionismo (fino a p. 259), Torino, Einaudi Scuola, 2019. Giorgio Vasari, Le Vite... (ed. 1550), ed. a cura di Luciano Bellosi e Aldo Rossi, Torino, Einaudi, 1986 (ed. edizioni successive), pp. 539-544 (proemio alla terza parte delle Vite).*
NB. The texts marked with an asterisk are available in the library and in pdf format in the dropbox dedicated to the course.