Contents of the course: 1) Bioeconomy and Circular Economy. - Defining aspects. - European and national strategy for the bioeconomy - Objectives of sustainable development and European policies 2) The agri-food system (AFS) as a whole - Organization and functional relationships - The structure of the sector - Production and income distribution 3) The Farming Industry - Agriculture in economic development - The productive structure of agriculture - Productive orientation and economic results 4) Food consumption and product differentiation - The dynamics of food consumption - Nutritional and consumption patterns - Food product differentiation 5) Coordination and bargaining power in the AFS - Coordination and integration in the AFS - Market and bargaining power in the agro-food chain
(reference books)
The course does not include a single textbook but refers to the slides presented in the classroom together with the papers and documents indicated in the following syllabus
1) Bioeconomy and Circular Economy • Brunori, Bartolini, “I Dilemmi della Bioeconomia”, AgriRegioniEuropa n. 41, 2015 https://agriregionieuropa.univpm.it/it/content/article/31/41/i-dilemmi-della-bioeconomia-una-riflessione-sulla-bioeconomy-strategy-della • Brunori, “Biomass, Biovalue and Sustainability”, EuroChoice 2013 available on Moodle platform • B. Eichout, “A Strategy for a Bio-Based economy”, Green European Fundation, Brussels 2012, (Cap. 1 pag. 7-15) available on Moodle platform • H.Hoff, F.X.Johnson, B.Allen, L. Biber-Freudenberger, J.J. Förster (2018): Sustainable bio-resource pathways towards a fossil-free world, IEEP Think2030 conference, Brussels, October 2018, available on Moodle platform
Optional • EU Commission, “A sustainable Bioeconomy for Europe”, COM(2018) 673 final https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52018DC0673&from=EN • CNBBSV, “BIT II –Bioeconomy in Italy”, 2019 (pag. 1 – 23 and 61-80) https://cnbbsv.palazzochigi.it/media/1774/bit_en_2019_02.pdf • ASVIS, Dal Green Deal al Next Generation EU, 2020, (pag. 9-21; 66-74; 138-146) https://asvis.it/public/asvis2/files/Pubblicazioni/Quaderno_Obiettivi_di_sviluppo_sostenibile_e_politiche_europee.pdf
2) The Agri-Food System as a whole • EU Commission, You are part of the food chain: key facts and figures on the food supply chain in the European Union , EU Agricultural Markets Briefs, June 2015, available on Moodle platform • Fair Trade, Who’s got the power: takling imbalances in agricultural supply chain, Report by BASIC 2014 (pag.4-22), available on Moodle platform • EUROSTAT, Key Figures on the European Food Chain, Luxembourg 2021, available on Moodle platform
3) The Farming Industry • Conforti P., Carbone A., “Il declino relativo dell’agricoltura nel corso dello sviluppo economico e le grandi regolarità dello sviluppo agricolo alimentare”, handout available on Moodle platform • Van Arendonk A. The development of the share of agriculture in GDP and employment, Wageningen NL 2015, handout available on Moodle platform • EUROSTAT, Performance of the Agricultural Sector, Luxembourg 2021, available on Moodle platform • EUROSTAT, Farms and farmland in the European Union, Luxembourg 2018, available on Moodle platform
4) Food Consumption and Product Differentiation • Kearney J. “Food Consumption Trends and Drivers”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (2010) 365, available on Moodle platform • Gerbens-Leenes P.W. et.al. “Food-consumption-patterns-and-economic-growth”, Appetite 55 (2010), available on Moodle platform
Optional • CENSIS, “Gli italiani a tavola: Cosa sta cambiando”, Roma 2016 http://www.censis.it/sites/default/files/downloads/Sintesi_14.pdf
5) Market and Bargaining Power in the Agri-Food Supply Chain • Cacchiarelli L., Russo C., Sorrentino A., “ Potere di mercato e contrattuale nella filiera agroalimentare” AgriRegioniEuropa n. 46, 2016 available on Moodle platform • Fair Trade, Who’s got the power? takling imbalances in agricultural supply chain, Report by BASIC 2014 (pag. 22-38 and 55-60), Report available on Moodle platform • Sorrentino A, Russo C., Cacchiarelli L., “Market power and bargaining power in the EU food supply chain: the role of Producer Organizations” in NewMedit 4/2018, available on Moodle platform