grazini chiara
1- Introduction to ecological economics 2- Main elements of environmental economics: market failures and policy instruments 3- From linear economy to circular economy: main characteristics and limits of linear models. 4- The Green Growth Strategy of the OECD, the Innovative, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth of the European Union, and the Porter Hypothesis. 5- The contribute of the circular economy to the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations. A glance about the main regulatory frameworks at global and European levels. 6- The Circular Economy principle and the barriers to its diffusion. 7- The value creation and business models for a circular economy. 8- The role of Eco-innovation in the diffusion of circular economy. The endogenous growth models. The effect of environmental innovations in the post-Keynesian growth model. 9- Indicators of circularity and best practices.
(reference books)
A text that will be referred to during Lectures is the publication, edited for the OECD by UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources, University College London Ekins, P., Domenech, T., Drummond, P., Bleischwitz, R., Hughes, N., & Lotti, L. (2020). The circular economy: What, why, how and where. Available at the link https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10093965/1/Ekins-2019-Circular-Economy-What-Why-How-Where.pdf
Slides and other teaching material will be provided to students during the course.