A) OBJECTIVES To provide students with basic knowledge of the world of microorganisms (eucoryota, in particular) . In addition, the student will have to gain a general view of the impact of microorganisms in nature and their potential applications and control. It is also the purpose of the course to make students feel confident with some basic techniques of the Microbiology Lab.
B) EXPECTED LEARNING RESULTS 1) Knowledge and understanding Teaching will help to gain knowledge and ability to understand and describe basic biological structures and processes in microbiology. It also aims to acquire theoretical and experimental knowledge of microbiology in terms of cellular, morphological, biochemical, physiological and genetic aspects. All this information will allow the student to understand basic elements of both microbiology and those interdisciplinary. 2) Applying knowledge and understanding The student will be able to translate practical theoretical knowledge and arguing issues in the field of general microbiology and environmental one. Through lab activities, students will acquire the ability to apply theoretical knowledge on a practical basis by implementing basic techniques typical of the microbiology laboratory. 3) Making judgments The student will have the ability to interpret autonomously both basic and applied knowledge of microbiology. This ability will be captured, in particular, thanks to the frequency of practical activities and classroom and laboratory exercises. 4) Communication skills The student who attends the teaching will be able to present, critically, the knowledge related to the general and applied microbiology, with the help of appropriate audiovisual techniques. This ability will also be achieved through the extensive use of power point presentations in the classroom and the dialogue and exchange of views between the students and the teacher both during the front lessons and during the lab activities. 5) Learning skills Students will understand and acquire methods of investigation and work in the microbiological field. They will therefore be able to deepen their knowledge and skills independently. This skill will be developed through the active involvement of students through oral class discussions on specific subjects of teaching and laboratory activities.
18285 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
A) OBJECTIVES To provide students with basic knowledge of the world of microorganisms (prokaryotes, in particular) such as structure and function (cytology and physiology) and genetics of the procariate cell, development and consequent growth of populations. In addition, the student will have to gain a general view of the impact of microorganisms in nature and their potential applications. It is also the purpose of the course to make students feel confident with some basic techniques of the Microbiology Lab.
B) EXPECTED LEARNING RESULTS 1) Knowledge and understanding Teaching will help to gain knowledge and ability to understand and describe basic biological structures and processes in microbiology. It also aims to acquire theoretical and experimental knowledge of microbiology in terms of cellular, morphological, biochemical, physiological and genetic aspects. All this information will allow the student to understand basic elements of both microbiology and those interdisciplinary. 2) Applying knowledge and understanding The student will be able to translate practical theoretical knowledge and arguing issues in the field of general microbiology and environmental one. Through lab activities, students will acquire the ability to apply theoretical knowledge on a practical basis by implementing basic techniques typical of the microbiology laboratory. 3) Making judgments The student will have the ability to interpret autonomously both basic and applied knowledge of microbiology. This ability will be captured, in particular, thanks to the frequency of practical activities and classroom and laboratory exercises. 4) Communication skills The student who attends the teaching will be able to present, critically, the knowledge related to the general and applied microbiology, with the help of appropriate audiovisual techniques. This ability will also be achieved through the extensive use of power point presentations in the classroom and the dialogue and exchange of views between the students and the teacher both during the front lessons and during the lab activities. 5) Learning skills Students will understand and acquire methods of investigation and work in the microbiological field. They will therefore be able to deepen their knowledge and skills independently. This skill will be developed through the active involvement of students through oral class discussions on specific subjects of teaching and laboratory activities.
18285-1 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
MODULE: MICROBIOLOGIA/MICROBIOLOGY The course will take place according to the following breakdown: 1. History of Microbiology (notes): the discovery of the world of micro-organisms and the controversy over spontaneous generation; microorganisms as agents of disease and their role in the transformation of organic matter. 2. Technical basis of microbiological laboratory: the microscope, notes of optical physics; fresh and colorful slides; electron microscopy (transmission and scanning); pure culture and its achievement; general principles of microbial nutrition; preparation culture media, theory and practice of sterilization; controls sterility. 3. Cytology of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell: general introduction; structure and ultrastructure of the bacterial cell; structure and function of the membrane; transport systems across membrane; cell wall and its chemical composition and characteristics; the wall of Gram + and Gram -; cell wall of archaebacteria and eukaryotes; capsule and the associated virulence; cell movement and structure for movement; chemotaxis, bacterial endospore, structure, function and importance; overview of spores of eukaryotes and the alternation of generation; mitochondria and respiratory function; overview of the arrangement of DNA and cell division. 4. Cell physiology: brief review of cellular chemistry and biochemistry (activation energy, catalysis and enzymes, biological redox reactions, hydrogen and electron transport; phosphate molecules with energy bonds); production of energy in biological systems; glycolysis and similar ways; re-oxidation of NADH: fermentation and respiration; alcoholic and lactic fermentations, aerobic respiration, the tricarboxylic acid cycle and the electron transport system; energy balance of catabolism; notes on anaerobic respiration, biosynthesis of cellular material. 5. Microbial growth of a single cell and a microbial population; measure of growth and related curve; catabolic repression and diauxia; effect of cultivation conditions on microbial growth.
The laboratory practices cover the following topics: 1. The pure culture and its isolation: spreading and crawling, the re-isolation; the enrichment cultures; 2. Microscopy and microscopic observation; observations of fresh samples; simple and differential staining and observations of stained preparations; 3. Cultivation of microorganisms and measurement of microbial growth (direct and cultural counts, dry weight, turbidimetry).
(reference books)
One of the following texts is recommended: - Brock, Biologia dei microrganismi - Microbiologia generale, ambientale e industriale 16/Ed. -Michael T. Madigan, Kelly S. Bender, Daniel H. Buckley, David A. Stahl, W. Matthew Sattley, Pearson, 2022 - Brock, Biologia dei microrganismi - Microbiologia generale, ambientale e industriale 14/E - di Michael T. Madigan, John M. Martinko, David A. Stahl, Kelly S. Bender, Daniel H. Buckley - Pearson, 2015. - Biologia dei microrganismi di G. Dehò e E. Galli, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, nuova edizione (3^ edizione), 2018. - Microbiologia di D.R. Wessner, D. Dupont e T.C. Charles, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2015. - Brock, Biologia dei Microrganismi di M.T. Madigan e J.M. Martinko, D.A. Stahl, D.P. Clark, Pearson, 2012. Volume 1. - Brock, Biologia dei Microrganismi di M.T. Madigan e J.M. Martinko, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. Volume 1. - Biologia dei microrgaismi di G. Dehò e E. Galli, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2012.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
A) OBJECTIVES To provide students with basic knowledge of the world of microorganisms (eucoryota, in particular) . In addition, the student will have to gain a general view of the impact of microorganisms in nature and their potential applications and control. It is also the purpose of the course to make students feel confident with some basic techniques of the Microbiology Lab.
B) EXPECTED LEARNING RESULTS 1) Knowledge and understanding Teaching will help to gain knowledge and ability to understand and describe basic biological structures and processes in microbiology. It also aims to acquire theoretical and experimental knowledge of microbiology in terms of cellular, morphological, biochemical, physiological and genetic aspects. All this information will allow the student to understand basic elements of both microbiology and those interdisciplinary. 2) Applying knowledge and understanding The student will be able to translate practical theoretical knowledge and arguing issues in the field of general microbiology and environmental one. Through lab activities, students will acquire the ability to apply theoretical knowledge on a practical basis by implementing basic techniques typical of the microbiology laboratory. 3) Making judgments The student will have the ability to interpret autonomously both basic and applied knowledge of microbiology. This ability will be captured, in particular, thanks to the frequency of practical activities and classroom and laboratory exercises. 4) Communication skills The student who attends the teaching will be able to present, critically, the knowledge related to the general and applied microbiology, with the help of appropriate audiovisual techniques. This ability will also be achieved through the extensive use of power point presentations in the classroom and the dialogue and exchange of views between the students and the teacher both during the front lessons and during the lab activities. 5) Learning skills Students will understand and acquire methods of investigation and work in the microbiological field. They will therefore be able to deepen their knowledge and skills independently. This skill will be developed through the active involvement of students through oral class discussions on specific subjects of teaching and laboratory activities.
18285-2 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
VETTRAINO Anna maria
Introduzione al biodeterioramento dei Beni Culturali. 2-I Regni degli organismi. 3-Caratteristiche strutturali e funzionali della cellula procariotica. 4-Crescita microbica. 5-Organismi eucarioti: Funghi e Alghe; 6-Caratteristiche morfologiche e fisiologiche dei licheni. 7-Cenni su Briofite e Piante vascolari. 8-Fattori che influenzano il biodeterioramento dei beniculturali; 9-Risposte dei microrganismi agli stress ambientali: Endospore batteriche; Forme vitali non coltivabili nei batteri. 10-Biofilm microbici. 11-Metabolismo microbico: Tipologie di metabolismo energetico nei microrganismi. 12-Meccanismi e fenomenologia del biodeterioramento. 13-Cenni su insetti xilofagi: Coleotteri e Isotteri. 14-Caratterizzazione del biodeterioramento del legno, fibre tessili, carta, pergamena, cuoio, vetro, metalli, pietra e materiali compositi-Materiali impiegati nel restauro. 15-Misure di prevenzione del biodeterioramento.16-Controllo del biodeterioramento; 17-Biorisanamento. 18-Metodologie e tecniche di indagine per la caratterizzazione degli agenti di biodeterioramento. Il Corso prevede: -esercitazioni pratiche relative alle modalità di campionamento, coltivazione e identificazione dei microrganismi responsabili di biodeterioramento -valutazione della sensibilità dei microrganismi ai prodotti impiegati nel restauro dei beni culturali
(reference books)
BIOLOGIA VEGETALE PER I BENI CULTURALI-Vol I -Caneva Giulia-Nugari Mari Pia-Slavadori Ornella - Nardini Editore FUNGHI E INSETTI NEL LEGNO-Diagnosi, Prevenzione, Controllo Gambetta Ann Moodle platform
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Written test
Oral exam
A project evaluation