Part I : March-May 2021 (6 CFU : 150 hours)
. Introduction to the study of constituent materials and techniques of execution of wooden paintings. Ancient sources and treatises (C.Cennini , G.Vasari) . Stage on reproduction of copy . introduction of reading on techniques of execution: visit of museums and churches.
. Introduction of reading on morphology of decay. Interpretation of causes of alteration.
. Examination of paintings in the laboratory: introduction to documentation. Direct analysis in diffuse and raking light. Collecting technical data and assessment of state of conservation ( The Doria Pamphilj-ICR form).
. Introduction to graphic mapping processing for data transfer. From manual records to Autocad program.
Part II: July 2021 (6 CFU : 150 hours)
. Introduction to the diagnostic investigation activities, in coordination with the scientific Laboratories. UV ; IR ; photo shooting sessions ; XRF ; microchemical analyses addressed to the analysis of constituent materials and products of alteration.
. General theoretical introduction and practical applications to the phases of:
a) Preliminary biocide treatment
b) Re-establishment of adhesion and cohesion of pictorial film and preparatory layers . infiltration of acrylic microemulsions . achievement of planarity through controlled thermal spatula
c) Surface cleaning: . critical principles: the dialectic between original, patina and overpainted layers . orientation on parameters of toxicity, . solvents (evaporation, penetration, solvent power), solvent parameters, solvent triangle, solubility testing, solubility . concept of polar/apolar, . acids and bases, . tensioactive and chelates, . watery environment, . thickening solutions, gels, d) fillings of gaps (lacuna) . application and texture
(e) Aesthetic presentation . theoretical principles of pictorial reintegration with topic of history of restoration . Lacuna and theory of visual perception (Gestalt psychologies), . reintegrable lacuna and non-reintegrable lacuna: tratteggio technique and sublevel. . reintegrative treatments in comparison: lowering of tone with ‘dirty-water’ technique and mimetic intervention
(f) Intermediate and final varnishing.
The lab activities will be organized under the constant supervision of the professor. Any material used in the practice of the intervention will be introduced in total safety through the awareness of technical sheet.
(reference books)
Miscellaneous articles provided by the professor from catalogs and periodical . Cennini C. “Il libro dell’arte”,; (chapter related to panel paintings), Neri Pozza, 1985 . Vasari G. “ Le vite de’ più eccellenti architetti, pittori, et scultori italiani, da Cimabue insino a’ nostri tempi,; (chapter related to panel paintings), ), Newton Compton, 2009 . Cremonesi P. "Un approccio alla pulitura dei dipinti mobili” , Il Prato - I Talenti, 2012 ; . Mora P.e L. – Philippot P. “Conservazione di dipinti murali”, Ed. Compositori, Bologna 1992 (chapter related to cleaning and aesthetical presentation) . Capriotti G. e al. – in “Una ritrovata Madonna della Fabbrica di San Pietro”,Cat. Mostra Palazzo Madama Torino 2018, a cura di S.Turriziani e P.Zander, pp. 65-9 , Il Formichiere Ed., 2018