MENNA Maria raffaella
The program is a basic course and intends to present the lines of development of the history of medieval art from the 4th to the 14th century, focusing on a series of particularly significant works for each period (early Christian, early medieval, Romanesque, Gothic) appropriately selected based on the interest of conservative events. Given the small number of teaching hours, it is expected that the study of the teaching book will be carried out independently by the student on the basis of the indications that will be provided in class. The lessons will be focused on transversal themes and on problematic issues: temporal thresholds and periodization; relationship with the antiquity and reuse of materials, the West and Byzantium; techniques of particular disusino in the Middle Ages (mural painting and wall mosaic); the 'discovery' of medieval art through restorations between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The program will be supplemented by visits to Viterbo and Rome which are a fundamental part of the course These are the following visits: - in Viterbo (October): the medieval town (in particular San Sisto, San Francesco, Santa Maria Nuova, Sant’Andre a Piano Scarano, Papal Palace) - in Rome: Santa Maria Maggiore, Santa Prassede, San Clemente; Santa Cecilia and Santa Maria in Trastevere
(reference books)
- P. De Vecchi, E. Cerchiari, Arte nel tempo, vol. I tomo I, Dalla Preistoria alla Tarda Antichità, Bompiani, Milano, Vol. I, tomo I, pp. 240-299; vol. I tomo II, Il Medioevo, pp. 302-651.
Others texts: - M. Andaloro, Dalla statua all’immagine dipinta in M. Andaloro, L’orizzonte tardo antico e le nuove immagini (312-468), ( La pittura medievale a Roma, 1), Milano, Jaca Book, 2006, pp. 37-52.
The following papers from the book "L’arte medievale nel contesto 300-1300. Funzioni, iconografia, tecniche" ed. by Paolo Piva, Milano, Jaca Book, 2006 - Paolo Piva, Lo ‘spazio liturgico’: architettura arredo, iconografia (secoli IV-XII), pp. 141-180 - Victor M. Schmidt, Tavole dipinte. Tipologie, destinazioni e funzioni (secoli XII-XIV), pp. 205-244.
- M. Pastoreau, Il colore in Arti e storia nel Medioevo ed. by E. Castelnuovo e G. Sergi, II Del costruire: tecniche, artisti, artigiani, committenti, Torino, Einaudi, pp. 417-426.