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15038 English Language in Biotechnology L-2 0 FOLINAZZO Giacomo Antonio
Title: "BIOTECHNOLOGY- Level B1 DIBAF" 2021-22
English language Lecturer: Dr. Elizabeth Hernández Borrayo Email: Reception and Counselling Mode for Students: MONDAY (online Link: ) Hours: (13-14)
The course foresees a basic knowledge of English level A2 (elementary level) and is aimed at strengthening the main linguistic structures of intermediate level B1, so as to put the student in a position to easily understand scientific texts. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) - Level B1
Language laboratory: 18 HOURS - https: // My Bsmart-code Online Class: Access code d2bf4a (register for the course)
- GOOGLE CLASSROOM G-SUITE - Online Class (register for the course with the University email) code: ebv4orl
GRAMMAR: - The word order in sentences. - Parts of speech: definite and indefinite articles, plural and singular nouns (countable and uncountable), adjectives: comparative and superlative, the order/position of adjectives; Prepositions, Pronouns, Adverbs, Verbs: auxiliary, regular, irregular, modal and reflexive. - Possessive adjectives / pronouns - Expressions of quantity - Verb tenses: indicative active (all), imperative, infinitive present: - Indicative passive present & past - Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Continuous, Present Simple and Continuous for the future, To be going to, Will / Shall, Simple Present for the future with if / while / when / before/after/until / as soon as, Passive Form (all tenses). - Modal verbs - Conditional: type 0, 1, 2 & 3 - Frequency adverbs - Verbs with infinitive/gerund - Equivalent grammatical structures (e.g. It is likely that he will go / he will probably go) - Direct and indirect speech - Comparative and superlative adverbs - Habits in the past: "used to" and Would - Get it done: "have something done" - Conditionals: Zero, First, Second and Third Conditional, Wish + simple past/past perfect. - Relatives: Relative Pronouns, Defining vs. Non-Defining Relative Clauses.
VOCABULARY: - Holidays, travel and transportation - Learning and education - Buy and sell; shopping - Animals, nature and human beings (family) - Health, exercise, and sport; body parts and medicine - Houses and lifestyles - Art, leisure, and entertainment - Security, household items - Science and technology - Relationships, family, personality, and feelings - The natural world and time - Food (eat and drink), celebrations and holidays - TV and mass media, books - Pastimes and free time - Clothing and fashion - The world of work and professions.
COMMUNICATIVE FUNCTIONS: - Asking / giving information (habits, routines, personal details, personal items, permission, time, date, places, spelling, directions, for travelling) - Expressing opinions / making choices, talking about plans, planning, telling past experiences - Talking about family, studies, free time - Talking about / planning holidays - Being and disagreeing - Describing the state of health, describing feelings / describing people - Drawing simple conclusions and giving advice - Talking about time - Expressing opinions, preferences, abilities and disabilities, needs and desires - Expressing preferences, abilities and disabilities - Expressing needs and desires, obligations and no obligations - Expressing cause and effect and giving reasons - Thanking and responding to thanks, inviting / responding to invitations - Make / decline simple requests - Apologize and respond to apologies, offer and suggest - Make comparisons, make predictions, give orders and commands - Buy and sell (costs, measures and totals) - Change the subject / criticize and complain - Count and use numbers - Greet and respond to greetings, present himself and others - Describe objects and accommodations - Stop the conversation, start a speech and resume it - Make appointments and organize meetings, make compliments - Make and respond to offers and suggestions - Talk about food and order in a restaurant - Talk about physical and emotional feelings - Talk about probability / improbability; possibility / impossibility - Talking and writing about the future and imaginary situations, future plans or intentions, past events and completed actions - Talking and writing about current events - Understanding and completing a form of personal details - Understanding and producing a simple story one letter - Understanding notices, notes, emails, reporting speech
ORTHOGRAPHY AND PHONETICS: - Vowel phonemes (including diphthongs) and consonants - Sound pairs - The phonetic alphabet - Minimal pairs and allophones - The pronunciation of the finals -s; -es; -ed - Word stress - Sentence stress: function words and content words - Phonetic variations in connected speech: elision, linking, assimilation - Elision (linking patterns) - Introduction to intonation/tones - Intonation (and functions) of discursive markers and questions "echo" - Difficult phonetic specificities for Italian students.
CULTURAL CONCEPTS - Courtesy forms - Idiomatic phrases - Recipes - Schools and universities - Simple governmental structures It includes the key points of familiar topics related to school, leisure etc. He knows how to move with ease in situations that can occur while travelling in the country of which he speaks the language. Can produce simple text relating to topics that are familiar or of personal interest. He is able to express experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and to briefly explain the reasons for his opinions and projects.
SPECIFIC MICRO LANGUAGE: -Understanding and discussion of scientific texts (short oral presentation/summary of their content). Topics and texts will be defined specifically during the course and will focus on the following aspects: - DNA: discovery, structure and development of related technologies - Biotechnology: ancient and modern techniques, applications and problematic aspects - The influence of human activities on ecosystems.
(reference books)
TEXTS A.A. 2021/2022
- Raymond Murphy e Lelio Pallini, "Essential grammar in use: grammatica di base della lingua inglese" quarta edizione con soluzioni ed e-Book, Cambridge University Press, versione italiana con soluzioni. ISBN 978-1316509029.
- Valentina M. Chen, "Ready for B1 Preliminary for Schools". 8 Practice Tests with guidance and tips. ISBN 978-8853627872. (for REVISED EXAM from 2020)
- Dispense e articoli forniti dal docente durante lo svolgimento del corso.
Libro CONSIGLIATO A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate learners of English, Fourth Edition with answers and ebook, Includes ebook with audio: Raymond Murphy, "Essential Grammar in Use", Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-1107539334.