General and Inorganic Chemistry
This teaching aims to provide students with general concepts relating to the chemical aspects of catalysis and its applications in the biological and biotechnological fields. Starting from the fundamental aspects of chemical kinetics, a path will be developed which will ultimately enable the student to discuss the reaction mechanism of some processes of biotechnological interest, identifying their possible catalytic nature and critically discussing the various phases and possible industrial applications.
Knowledge and understanding: acquisition by the student of specific contents relating to: i) general principles of chemical kinetics and catalysis; ii) identification of catalytic processes of biotechnological interest, with detailed description of the various phases; iii) placement of the systems studied in the more general context of catalysis and industrial biocatalysis. 2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the student's ability to analyze, in the light of the knowledge acquired, the possible interest, even on a large scale, of a catalytic process, both natural and summary, critically examining the various phases and any application objectives. 3) Making judgments; the teaching will provide the student with the ability to work independently in judgment, also through critical consultation and comparison of teaching materials of various types. In any case, the ability of the individual to interact critically with the other components of a homogeneous class will be developed, stimulating in particular the interaction between the components of the same. 4) Communication skills: the student who attends the course will be continuously asked to illustrate, also through audiovisual techniques, the progress made in the study of the discipline and in the learning of the presented concepts. The teacher will also stimulate the discussion also through an exchange of opinions between the attending students, who will thus become an active part in the process of communication and elaboration of the individual. 5) Ability to learn (learning skills): it will be constantly stimulated also through the administration of tests and exercises to be performed autonomously, with the aim of restoring the results and comparing them with those obtained by students attending the same class. Class exercises and simulations of the final test will also be carried out.
14963 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Basic compulsory activities
Derived from
14963 General and Inorganic Chemistry in Biotechnology L-2 0 GRANDINETTI Felice
Introductory concepts. States of aggregation of the matter. Homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Chemical substances and elements. Atomic theory of matter. Atomic properties: mass and dimensions. Scale of atomic weights. Avogadro's number, concept of mole. Chemical symbols and their quantitative meaning. Structure of the atom: Bohr model. Uncertainty principle. Wave nature of the electron. Schrodinger equation. Atomic orbitals. Quantum numbers. Electronic configuration of the elements. Aufbau rules. The periodic system of the elements. Periodic properties. The chemical bond: ionic, covalent and coordination bond. Properties of the link: order, distance and energy. Electronegativity and dipole moment. Chemical bond theory: hybrid orbitals, resonance and mesomery. Magnetic properties of molecules. Intermolecular bonds. Hydrogen bond. Chemical formulas. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds. Oxidation number. Structure of molecules and typical ions. The gaseous state: Gas laws. Equation of state for ideal gases. Real gases (outline). The solid state: crystal structures and their symmetries. Molecular, ionic, covalent and metallic solids. Chemical thermodynamics: Heat and work. First law of thermodynamics. Enthalpy and Hess's law. Entropy. Second law of thermodynamics. Free energy. Third principle of thermodynamics. Chemical equilibrium: criteria of spontaneity and balance in chemical reactions. Law of mass action and its derivation. Isoterma and isocora of van't Hoff. Homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria. Solutions: Concentration and its units of measurement. Colligative properties of ideal solutions. Acid-base equilibria: General definitions. Strength of acids and bases. Structure and acid-base properties. Autoionization of water. The pH. Calculation of the pH of solutions of acids, bases and salts. Buffer solutions. Acid-base titrations and titration curves. Solubility equilibria: Solubility and factors that influence it. Solubility product. Common ion effect. Chemical kinetics: reaction rate. Arrhenius equation. Activation energy. Catalysis. Elements of inorganic chemistry: Inorganic compounds of biological and environmental interest: oxygen and ozone, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, fluorine and chlorine compounds. The course includes the performance of stoichiometric calculations related to the theoretical topics listed above.
(reference books)
1) AA.VV. Le basi della Chimica, EDIZIONI A.L.E. 2022 2) AA. VV. Stechiometria, EDIZIONI A.L.E. 2021 3) Lecture notes from the material used during the lessons 4) Collection of exam exercises
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
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Delivery mode
not mandatory