Animal Biology
The main aim of the course is to provide all the basics for understanding the correlation between morphology, anatomy and function of organs and systems in invertebrate and vertebrate taxa. The main knowledge to be acquired will concern: - basic elements of taxonomy and classification; elements of population genetics - evolutionary theories - the main adaptations of animals in relation to the living environment - the systematics of the most important animal phyla. The main skills (i.e. the ability to use the acquired knowledge) will be: 1) the use of the optical microscope for the systematic classification of the main invertebrate groups, as well as the systematic evaluation of whole animal preparations under formaldehyde and the anatomical reconstruction of animals through plastic models; 2) Link the differences of the anatomo-physiological organization of animals to the different ecological niches they occupy. EXPECTED LEARNING RESULTS In the evaluation of the student, the level of knowledge of the topics covered, the ability to analyze and to apply the acquired knowledge as well as the autonomy of judgment will be taken into account. The capacity for synthesis, mastery of expression and communication and the ability to make connections within the discipline or interdisciplinary will be also considered.
16173 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Laboratory Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Group: 1
Derived from
16173 Animal Biology in Biotechnology L-2 1 DELLA BELLA Valentina
The kingdoms of the living. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The animal cell: PLASMA MEMBRANE: structure and functions. ENDOMEMBRANE system: Rough endoplasmic reticule and ribosomes: Role in protein synthesis and maturation. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi apparatus. Endocytosis and exocytosis. Lysosomes. Basics of METABOLISM. Glycolysis. Aerobic metabolism: Mitochondria, peroxisomes. CYTOSCHELETER and cell motility: Microfilaments, Microtubules, Intermediate filaments. MEMBRANE JUNCTIONS: structural and functional correlation with the cytoskeleton. NUCLEUS (eukaryotic cells): Nuclear envelope, nuclear lamina, nuclear pores, chromatin, nucleus. CELL REPRODUCTION: Mitosis, Meiosis (1CFU) - The genetic basis of variability: mutation, recombination, selection; -Micro and macroevolution. Origin and evolution of species: speciation and speciation mechanisms; - history of evolutionary theories - formal genetics: Mendel's laws; - population genetics: the gene pool, the Hardy- Weinberg theory, natural and experimental distribution and modification of genetic variability, - structure and function of the animal body. The organism: asexual and sexual reproduction, spermatogenesis, oogenesis and fertilization, respiration, circulation, excretion and osmotic regulation, digestion, movement, nervous system and sense organs, embryonic development, direct and indirect development, metamorphosis. - interpretation of animal genomes; physiological adaptation mechanisms of the species in relation to the chemical-physical variables; animal behavior in relation to reproduction and environmental variables. (3CFU) - Main animal phyla (general characteristics): Protists. Porifera. Coelenterates. Platyhelminthes. Nematodes. Rotifers. Annelids. Molluscs. Arthropods. Echinoderms. Chordates. (4 CFU)
(reference books)
- Fondamenti di Zoologia. Hickman et al. MC Graw & Hill - Diversità animale. Hickman et al. Mc Graw & Hill - Alternativily available in a SINGLE VOLUME: HICKMAN et al. Zoologia (18° ed.) Mc Graw & Hill
-Solomon E.P., Berg L. R., Martin D.W. BIOLOGIA. (settima ediz.) Edises -Russell P.J., Wolfe S.L., Hertz P.E., Starr C., McMillan B. BIOLOGIA (2010) Edises -D. SADAVA, H. C. HELLER, G. H ORIANS, W. K PURVES, D. M. HILLIS. Biologia. Quarta edizione italiana. 2015 (possibly also volumes 2, 3, 5, 6 only) - Raven P.H., Johnson G.B. Biologia. Piccin ed., 2012 (also as single volumes).
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
Group: 2
Derived from
16173 Animal Biology in Biotechnology L-2 2 FOCHETTI Romolo
The kingdoms of the living. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The animal cell: PLASMA MEMBRANE: structure and functions. ENDOMEMBRANE system: Rough endoplasmic reticule and ribosomes: Role in protein synthesis and maturation. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi apparatus. Endocytosis and exocytosis. Lysosomes. Basics of METABOLISM. Glycolysis. Aerobic metabolism: Mitochondria, peroxisomes. CYTOSCHELETER and cell motility: Microfilaments, Microtubules, Intermediate filaments. MEMBRANE JUNCTIONS: structural and functional correlation with the cytoskeleton. NUCLEUS (eukaryotic cells): Nuclear envelope, nuclear lamina, nuclear pores, chromatin, nucleus. CELL REPRODUCTION: Mitosis, Meiosis (1CFU) - The genetic basis of variability: mutation, recombination, selection; -Micro and macroevolution. Origin and evolution of species: speciation and speciation mechanisms; - history of evolutionary theories - formal genetics: Mendel's laws; - population genetics: the gene pool, the Hardy-Weinberg theory, natural and experimental distribution and modification of genetic variability, - structure and function of the animal body. The organism: asexual and sexual reproduction, spermatogenesis, oogenesis and fertilization, respiration, circulation, excretion and osmotic regulation, digestion, movement, nervous system and sense organs, embryonic development, direct and indirect development, metamorphosis. - interpretation of animal genomes; physiological adaptation mechanisms of the species in relation to the chemical-physical variables; animal behavior in relation to reproduction and environmental variables. (3CFU) - Main animal phyla (general characteristics): Protists. Porifera. Coelenterates. Platyhelminthes. Nematodes. Rotifers. Annelids. Molluscs. Arthropods. Echinoderms. Chordates. (4 CFU)
(reference books)
- Solomon E.P., Berg L. R., Martin D.W. BIOLOGIA. (settima ediz.) Edises -Russell P.J., Wolfe S.L., Hertz P.E., Starr C., McMillan B. BIOLOGIA (2010) Edises -D. SADAVA, H. C. HELLER, G. H ORIANS, W. K PURVES, D. M. HILLIS. Biologia. Quarta edizione italiana. 2015 (possibly also volumes 2, 3, 5, 6 only) - Raven P.H., Johnson G.B. Biologia. Piccin ed., 2012 (also as single volumes). - Fondamenti di Zoologia. Hickman et al. MC Graw & Hill - Diversità animale. Hickman et al. Mc Graw & Hill
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam