Elements of European Union Law and International Law - The reasons and sources of food law (domestic, community, international) - The construction of European food law (The CAP from its origins to the latest reforms) - Reg. 178/2002 (definition of food, subjects of food law (EFSA - Consumer - Food business and O.S.A.) - Transparency (Reg. 1381/2019) - Risk analysis and precautionary principle - Food safety and hygiene (2004 hygiene package) - Consumer information (mandatory and optional labels and indications: claims) Marketing rules for particular foods (dietary foods - GMOs, gluten-free); MOCA - Quality regimes: DOP, IGP, TSG foods and wines (reg. 1151/ 2012 and subsequent amendments up to those of December 2021 and reg. 1308/2013, and subsequent amendments including those implemented by (EU) 2117/2021 Regulation, limited to quality wines) - Method of organic production (Reg. 848/2018) - Official controls in Italy and in European law (reg. 2017/625). Furthermore, a study of the cases suggested by the teacher and treated in class is required. N.B. The regulations referred to in the program must be carefully studied and known in detail by the student in order to pass the exam. ACTIVE, CAREFUL AND CONSTANT ATTENDANCE OF THE LESSONS IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.
(reference books)
A) General part: F. Albisinni, European food law tools, UTET, IV ed., 2020. First chapter: Food and law. Object and sources; Third chapter: The construction of European food law; Fourth chapter: The systemic dimension. Definitions, transparency; Chapter Six: Consumers and businesses (Reg. 178/2002 as legislation of change; The food business); Chapter 9: Communication in the market. Labeling, denominations, advertising; Tenth chapter: Trademarks of food products (excluded for non-registered candidates starting from the May exam session following enrollment in the first year of the academic year); Sixteenth chapter: The policies of safety not only food (excluded for non-registered students starting from the May session following enrollment in the first year f.c.);; Chapter seventeen: Instruments of protection and sanctions (excluded for non-registered students starting from the May session following enrollment in the first year of the academic year);
B) Special part: G. Ambrosio, R. Saija, L. Carrara, Quality food products. Rules, cases and questions, CEDAM/Scienze Giuridiche (Wolters Kluwer), 2022 First chapter: Food products and quality (excluding for non-registered students starting from the May exam session following enrollment in the first year f.c.); Third chapter: Food quality in European law from 1992 to today; Fourth chapter: European rules; Fifth chapter: Communication of quality (excluded for non-registered students starting from the May exam session following enrollment in the first year of academic year); Cases and questions: two cases to be chosen from among those dealt with in the text (only one of the cases for non-registered students starting from the month of May following enrollment in the first year of the academic year).