Tecniche microbiologiche per la qualità e la sicurezza degli alimenti
Selection criteria for starters to be used in food industry. Starter production; Microbial starters for the production of cheeses, fermented milk beverages, leavened baked goods, wine, beer, fermented sausages and vegetables. Mathematical models for microbial growth. Microbiological risks and predictive models. Primary, secondary and tertiary models: microbial growth curves and modelling.
18228 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Description of the selection criteria for natural or commercial microbial starters to be used in food industry; starters production and use, according to the main industrial requirements and to the achievement of desired sensory, safety and nutritional characteristics of food and beverages. Study of mathematical models applied to predict growth of microorganisms in food and the applications related to the prevention of contamination by spoilage and/or pathogenic microorganisms. Understanding of the microbial interactions in complex matrices.
18228-1 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Derived from
119314_1 starter selection and predictive microbiology module in Food science and technology LM-70 RIZZELLO Carlo Giuseppe
Selection criteria for starters to be used in food industry. Starter production; Microbial starters for the production of cheeses, fermented milk beverages, leavened baked goods, wine, beer, fermented sausages and vegetables. Mathematical models for microbial growth. Microbiological risks and predictive models. Primary, secondary and tertiary models: microbial growth curves and modelling.
(reference books)
- C.A. Batt e P.D. Patel. Encyclopedya of Food Microbiology, Academic Press. - P.F. Fox, P.L.H. McSweeney, T.M. Cogan e T.P. Guinee. Cheese Chemistry, Physics and microbiology, Elsevier Academic Press. - Wood, B.J.B. Microbiology of Fermented Foods. 2.a ed. Glascow: Blackie Academic & Professional (1998). - McKellar, Robin and Lu, Xuewen. Modeling Microbiology Food Responses CRC PRESS 2004. - Jay, J.M. Modern Food Microbiology. 5.a ed. London: Chapman & Hall International Thomson Publishing (1997).
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
The teaching objectives include the description of microbiological risk factors in raw materials and foods, of vegetable and animal origins, and the critical analysis of the conventional and innovative strategies for microbial control. The course includes the study of main methods for enumeration and identification of microorganisms in foods.
18228-2 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Derived from
119314_2 microbiological control module for food safety in Food science and technology LM-70 RIZZELLO Carlo Giuseppe
Ecophysiology of food microorganisms: intrinsic and extrinsic factors which influence microbial growth. Environmental adaptation responses. Microbiological risk. Control of microorganisms in foods: use of chemicals, radiations, low and high temperatures, drying and filtration. Control of microorganisms in food with innovative methods. Applications of the direct and indirect approaches for determining the number of microorganisms; Analytical evaluation of the trend of fermentative processes by the study of microbial growth and metabolomics. Identification of microrganisms with conventional and innovative techniques.
(reference books)
- Madigan, M.T., J.M. Martino e J. Parker. Brock. Biologia dei Microrganismi (traduzione italiana della 10a edizione di Brock Biology of Microrganisms), 2003. - Jay, J.M. Modern Food Microbiology. 5.a ed. London: Chapman & Hall International Thomson Publishing (1997).
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam