The Vertebrates, origin, general features and classification of the subphylum. Fish .: general features and diversity; notes on the freshwater Italian fish fauna . Amphibians: general features, adaptations, diversity and classification; salamanders and frogs of the Italian fauna. Reptiles: general features, adaptations, diversity and classification; terrestrial and freshwater reptiles fauna of the Italian water. Birds: general features, adaptations, diversity and classification; the Italian avifauna especially with regard to forest and mountain ecosystems; notes on birds of wetlands and coastal areas. Mammals: general features, adaptations, diversity and classification; terrestrial mammals of the Italian fauna, with particular regard to forest and mountain ecosystems; hints on marine Italian mammals. Aspects of conservation of terrestrial vertebrates of the Italian fauna (extinct species, endangered species, non-native species, problematic species). Biogeography of terrestrial vertebrates of the Italian fauna.
(reference books)
The exam can be prepared on the slides shown in class, which the teacher will make available to the student. For some topics scientific articles and in-depth essays could be made available.