The course presents a series of preparatory lessons aimed at defining the guidelines of the history of contemporary art. In particular, preparatory lessons are planned to define the guidelines of the history of contemporary art from impressionism to the most recent experiences. We provide, through the analysis of some basic figures and junctions, of the contexts, of the founding texts, of the works, the main interpretations that allow the student an adequate approach to the problems of contemporary art, to its fundamental concepts, to the leading artists, to the new languages, to the new hermeneutical models involved, to the new technologies. The course will be spend particular attention to praxis of art towards environmental trespassing, the aspiration to transform itself into a practice that is hybrid with the space of everyday life, and to the relationship between art and architecture, between art and environment and landscape (city and nature) during the 20th and 21th centuries.
(reference books)
1. G.C. Argan, L’Arte Moderna 1770-1970. L’arte oltre il Duemila, Sansoni 2. E. Cristallini, Dialoghi tra arte e architettura negli anni della ricostruzione 1945-1955, Gangemi, 2017
Not attending. In addition to the texts indicated above, the study of the following volumes is required
1. M. De Micheli, Le avanguardie artistiche del ‘900, Feltrinelli 2. E. Cristallini (a cura di), Avanguardie del dopoguerra 1945-1952, Lithos, 1999 3. E. Cristallini (a cura di), L’arte fuori dal museo. Saggi e interviste, Gangemi, 2008
For everyone Compilation of 5 historical-critical texts of as many artists according to the methods available on Moodle