Derived from
14786 LINGUA E LETTERATURA ARABA in Languages and Cultures for International Communication LM-37 BOZZA CRISTIANA
The course is structured in two interrelated modules. The Linguistic module will focus in particular on the following topics: quadriliteral verbs; derived forms of irregular verbs; modal verbs; the passive voice (al-mabnī li-l-mağhūl); ’iḍāfa lafẓiyya; the partitive; oaths and exclamations; the optative; the specification (al-tamyīz). The Literature module will provide an overview of modern and contemporary Arabic literature, and familiarizes the student with the major writers of the period, the main stylistic-linguistic characteristics of which as well as their cultural and literary-historical background will be examined through the analysis of selected texts.
(reference books)
Durand O., Langone A. D., Mion G. Corso di arabo contemporaneo. Lingua standard, Milano, Hoepli, 2010
Allen R. La letteratura araba, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006
Handouts and additional materials will be provided by the teacher during the classes.