Cell physiology: cell membrane and transports, cellular communication, active and passive electrical properties, synaptic transmission and signal conduction. General organization of the nervous system, cell types. Sensory function: somatosensory, visual, auditory, vestibular, taste, olfactory system. Skeletal muscle physiology. Physiology of the heart and circulatory system. Physiology of the respiratory system. Physiology of the renal system. Endocrine regulation.
(reference books)
- “Fisiologia, dalle molecole ai sistemi integrati”, Carbone, Cicirata, Aicardi (EdiSES) - “Fisiologia Umana”, Stuart Ira Fox (PICCIN) - “Fisiologia Umana, Fondamenti”, Autori vari (Edi-Ermes) - however, other general Physiology texts can also be used as long as they are updated - “slides” of the lessons made available by the teacher in the website (as valuable tools describing the program)