ALFANO Gaetano
. The Renaissance perspective . The birth of photography and its historical / scientific premises • Focus on Niépce, Daguerre, Talbot, Bayard. • Photography vs Painting: 19th century pictorialism and Baudelaire's criticisms • The photographic automation from the carte-de-visite to the photo booth (photomatic) • The first photographic colonizations • The Alinari family in Florence • Photography and Historical Avant-gardes - Photography and ready made. • Surrealism, Atget and Walker Evans • Documentary Photography: the Farm Security Administration • Photographic trends from the 40s-50s • The conceptualism of the Sixties and Seventies • New Trends and Snapshot Style • Photography as a document and tool for recording reality • Democratization of the image and social networks
(reference books)
• F. Muzzarelli, L'invenzione del fotografico. Storia e idee della fotografia dell'ottocento, Einaudi, Torino 2014.
•Roland Barthes, La camera chiara, Einaudi, 2003
• E. Gabrielli, Pietro Toesca: "misurare" l'arte con l'obiettivo fotografico, pp. 57, in Callegari P. - Gabrielli E., Pietro Toesca e la fotografia, saper vedere, Milano 2009
During the lectures, handouts will be provided to deepen some topics, in particular for the issue of photographic documentation for cultural heritage