TRAINING OBJECTIVES The student will have knowledge and understanding of the evolutionary processes and historical and material evidence left by man from the most remote prehistory to the first appearance of written evidence, as well as being aware of archaeological documentary sources and historical method. This objective will be achieved through the use of updated textbooks, "interactive" lessons in which the student is directly involved and through the discussion of some of the topics related to the most recent acquisitions in the prehistoric field.
Expected learning outcomes (1) 1 - The student will have knowledge and understanding of the evolutionary processes and archaeological evidence left by man from the most remote prehistory to the first millennium BC. in Europe and the Near East. This objective will be achieved through the use of scientific texts and the reading of classics in the sector, also through the illustration of case studies and the presentation of the most recent discoveries in the field of prehistoric archaeology. 2 –The student will have the ability to apply their knowledge and understanding in order to demonstrate a professional approach on long-lasting phenomena, and will have adequate skills both to interpret events and to understand their developments throughout the course of prehistory. The student will be able to acquire knowledge and comprehension skills applied through direct experience on archaeological material and critical analysis of archaeological sources.
Expected learning outcomes (2) 3 - This kind of study will allow students to acquire the ability to collect and interpret data from archaeological sources through a specific methodology that will allow the student to acquire independent judgment with respect to historical-social, political and economic events. 4 - He will be able to communicate with properties and with appropriate terminology, but also in popular form, both orally and in written text, on themes of prehistoric archaeology, moreover through the methodological tools acquired he will be perfectly able to undertake subsequent studies in a conscious way. 5 - In addition to the traditional teaching, the student's continuous solicitation to intervene in the discussions during the lectures and in the illustration of the case studies, represents the most suitable way to achieve comprehension skills.
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Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Derived from
18053 Palaeoethnology/ Prestoric archaeology in Sciences of Cultural Heritage L-1 DI NOCERA Gian Maria
Title: Outlines of prehistory and research methodology. The module is divided into two parts. In the first part of the course methodological issues are addressed. A short history of the studies will be followed by themes that aim to provide a critical reading of archaeological sources. Then we will discuss topics on the social organization systems of pre-protohistoric societies through ethno-anthropological points of view and we will introduce topics on the ancient systems of economic exchange. The fundamental stages of man will also be illustrated: his physical evolution, the introduction of the productive economy, the urbanization process, the role of technology and the birth of religion. The slides of the individual lessons in pdf format will be sent periodically by the teacher to the attending students only. Students who cannot attend classes are invited to contact the teacher for an interview on the exam schedule and to receive information on the exam texts.
(reference books)
Indication on the exam texts will be provided by the teacher on the first day of class.
HISTORY OF STUDIES DANIEL G., RENFREW 1988 – The idea of Prehistory, Edinburgh University. GUIDI A. 1988 - Storia della Paletnologia, Laterza, Bari. (Biografia di V.G. Childe) GUIDI A. 2001 – La storia dell’archeologia preistorica italiana nel contesto europeo, in Archeologia teorica, Terrenato N. (ed.), All’insegna del Giglio, Firenze: 23-37. RERONI R. - Preistoria e protostoria. La vicenda degli studi in Italia, in Le vie della preistoria, edizione Il Manifesto, Roma 1992: 9-70.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
Evaluation methods
Oral exam