Plant pathology and principles of phytopathological biotechnology
The aim of the discipline is to deepen the etiological, biological and epidemiological aspects of plant diseases caused by plant parasites and critically indicate the biotechnological approaches used in phytopathology. Identify biotechnological applications in agriculture based on the use of microorganisms. EXPECTED LEARNING RESULTS Knowledge and understanding Acquisition of advanced methodologies for the development of biotechnological approaches used in the agricultural field, in particular in phytosanitary defense against the main plant pathogens. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding Ability to independently carry out the surveys and processing necessary for the implementation of a phytosanitary defense intervention. Autonomy of judgment Evaluation of phytopathological problems and possible defense approaches with traditional and innovative methods. Communication skills Ability to expose the results of the studies carried out in specific language, even to a non-expert public. Learning skills Ability to update with the consultation of national and international scientific and popular publications, specific to the sector