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18052 Italian literature in Sciences of Cultural Heritage L-1 0 MARINI Paolo
Course title: Ariosto in Hell. Reading and analysis of Satire IV.
Program: Module I: introduction to technical and thematic analysis of literary text. Module II: Reading and analysis of Ludovico Ariosto's Satira IV, with related insights into text and historical context.
Examination texts (attending and nonattending students): Module I: 1. anthology from '200 to '500 (chosen from anthologies in use in high schools; the list of authors and required passages can be downloaded from the course materials uploaded on Unitus Moodle) 2. handbook of Italian metrics (one of your choice from M. Pazzaglia, La metrica italiana, Firenze, Le Lettere; G. Bertone, Breve dizionario di metrica italiana, Torino, Einaudi; P.G. Beltrami, La metrica italiana, Bologna, il Mulino) 3. handbook of Italian philology (P. Stoppelli, Filologia della letteratura italiana, Roma, Carocci)
Module II: 1. reading and analysis of L. Ariosto, Satira IV, a cura di P. Marini, in L. Ariosto, Satire, a cura di E. Russo, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2019, pp. 131-166 (pdf downloadable from course materials uploaded to Unitus Moodle) 2. reading of A. Corsaro, Per una lettura delle Satire dell’Ariosto, in A. Corsaro, La regola e la licenza. Studi sulla poesia satirica e burlesca fra Cinque e Seicento, Manziana, Vecchiarelli, 1999, pp. 9-47 (pdf downloadable from course materials uploaded to Unitus Moodle) 3. reading of P. Marini, L’inferno in Garfagnana. Per una lettura della Satira IV di Ludovico Ariosto, in "Giornale storico della letteratura italiana", pp. 1-21 (pdf downloadable from course materials uploaded to Unitus Moodle)
(reference books)
Examination texts (attending and nonattending students): Module I: 1. anthology (chosen from anthologies in use in high schools; the list of authors and required passages can be downloaded from the course materials uploaded on Unitus Moodle) 2. handbook of Italian metrics (one of your choice from M. Pazzaglia, La metrica italiana, Firenze, Le Lettere; G. Bertone, Breve dizionario di metrica italiana, Torino, Einaudi; P.G. Beltrami, La metrica italiana, Bologna, il Mulino) 3. handbook of Italian philology (P. Stoppelli, Filologia della letteratura italiana, Roma, Carocci)
Module II: 1. reading and analysis of L. Ariosto, Satira IV, a cura di P. Marini, in L. Ariosto, Satire, a cura di E. Russo, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2019, pp. 131-166 (pdf downloadable from course materials uploaded to Unitus Moodle) 2. reading of A. Corsaro, Per una lettura delle Satire dell’Ariosto, in A. Corsaro, La regola e la licenza. Studi sulla poesia satirica e burlesca fra Cinque e Seicento, Manziana, Vecchiarelli, 1999, pp. 9-47 (pdf downloadable from course materials uploaded to Unitus Moodle) 3. reading of P. Marini, L’inferno in Garfagnana. Per una lettura della Satira IV di Ludovico Ariosto, in "Giornale storico della letteratura italiana", pp. 1-21 (pdf downloadable from course materials uploaded to Unitus Moodle)