1) Knowledge and understanding: the course aims at providing the student with the knowledge and ability to understand a) the fundamental legal profiles functional to the distinction of the company on the market, b) the techniques of correct competition on the market, c) the purpose, nature and limits of private rights, and d) the basic technical elements of business contracts aimed at market development. 2) Applying knowledge and understanding: through an in-depth study of the individual institutes, including case studies, the course aims at providing the student with knowledge and ability to understand the issues mentioned in point 1) above, not limited to the theoretical approach of the questions, but such as to allow the understanding of the application implications of the relevant notions and the problems that practice presents to the jurist. 3) Making judgements: the course aims at stimulating the student's critical spirit, providing him/her with the essential methodological tools, also in view of a possible future in-depth study of the legal institutes dealt with in the course, for the examination and study of the normative sources, of the doctrinal contributions and of the jurisprudence. 4) Communication skills: also by attending the lessons, the course aims at improving the student's communication and expositive skills with reference to commercial law, stimulating the acquisition of the relevant technical language. 5) Learning skills: the course aims to stimulate the student's curiosity towards the subject, requiring commitment and attention in the study of both general topics and detailed issues, in order to improve the student's learning ability.
119273 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Derived from
15002 DIRITTO COMMERCIALE AVANZATO in Marketing and Quality Management LM-77 LA MARCA Ermanno, PETTITI PRISCILLA
Enterprise, competition and market Management, Finance, and Controlling LM-77 a.y. 2021/2022 Course program
1. Objective: to understand the legal profiles functional to the identification of the firm on the market 1.1. Business name 1.2. Insignia 1.3. Trademark
2. Objective: to understand the techniques of correct competition on the market 2.1. Free competition 2.2. Competition and market regulation: the figures of the antitrust regulation 2.3. Unfair competition 2.4. Legal and conventional limits on competition 2.5. Misleading and comparative advertising 2.6. Unfair commercial practices
3. Objective: to understand the purpose, nature and limits of property rights Intellectual works and industrial inventions 3.1. Industrial patents 3.2. Copyright
4. Objective: to acquire essential technical elements of business contracts aimed at market development 4.1. Sale 4.2. A contract for sale or return 4.3. Franchise agreement 4.4. Supply contract 4.5. Contract of agency 4.6. Brokerage 4.7. Merchandising agreement
(reference books)
Recommended text for the study of the legal constructs involved in the programme Recommended text for the study of the legal constructs involved in the programme: G. FERRI, Manuale di diritto commerciale, a cura di C. ANGELICI - G.B. FERRI, Utet, sixteenth edition. According to the student’s preferences, using other updated university textbooks is allowed. It is recommended that students, including non-attendants, study the notes and case study material made available on the portal. In any case, it is necessary to integrate the study of the individual legal constructs with the examination of the Civil Code, the laws concerned and the judgments that will be made available on the portal.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam