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118981 Monitoring terrestrial ecosystems carbon cycle (ICOS) in SCIENZE FORESTALI E AMBIENTALI (LM-73) LM-73 PAPALE Dario
1. GHGs cycles, atmosphere and climate change 2. Monitoring carbon stocks changes in biomass and soil with inventory approaches 3. Monitoring canopy productivity and dynamics through periodic measurements of stock changes 4. Monitoring GHGs exchanges using chambers and practical applications 5. Monitoring GHGs exchanges using the Eddy Covariance technique: from setup to results (theory, sensors, fluxes calculation and correction, gapfilling, partitioning, evaluation) 6. Micrometeorological measurements and link to carbon and other GHGs monitoring 7. Remote sensing, phenology and Sun Induced Fluorescence 8. Global monitoring networks, data access and analysis 9. Data management, organization and interpretation
Burba, George. (2013). Eddy Covariance Method for Scientific, Industrial, Agricultural and Regulatory Applications: A Field Book on Measuring Ecosystem Gas Exchange and Areal Emission Rates. 10.13140/RG.2.1.4247.8561.
Aubinet M., Vesala T., Papale D (2012). Eddy Covariance - A Practical Guide to Measurement and Data Analysis. Springer, ISBN: 978-94-007-2351-1
The ICOS Instructions for Ecosystem measurements:
Datasets e materiale forniti durante il corso (Moodle)