Understanding of the historical formation and of the different structural features of Italian specialized texts. Mastery of the linguistic terminology. Skills related to the linguistic analysis of specialized texts. At the end of the course students know the linguistic (grammatical, lexical, rhetorical, textual) peculiarities of texts produced by and for different channels of communication in institutional context.
15757 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
TELVE Stefano
The course provides an account of the textual, lexical and syntactic features of texts produced within an institutional context: Italian institutional language and contemporary italian; Italian for specific purposes within an institutional context; Written and oral texts and transcribed speech within an institutional context.
(reference books)
Attending students (LM37)
First section (24h, prof. S. Telve) 1. L. Serianni, Italiani scritti, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012. 2. R. Gualdo – S. Telve, Linguaggi specialistici dell’italiano, Roma, Carocci (two chapters among 3, 4, 5, 6). 3. Dispense e materiali (disponibili su Moodle o Google Classroom)
Second section (24h, prof.ssa L. Clemenzi) 1. Two chapters of you choice among these five (available on Moodle o Google Classroom): 1.1. Michele A. Cortelazzo, La semplificazione dei testi amministrativi. Le buone pratiche. 1.2. Annarita Felici, Laura Mori, Corpora di italiano legislativo a confronto: dall’Unione europea alla Cancelleria svizzera. 1.3. Riccardo Gualdo, 1976-2006 e oltre: come è cambiata la divulgazione economica in TV. 1.4. Stefano Telve, La terminologia medica in Italia: uno sguardo al dinamismo attuale. 1.5. Matteo La Grassa, Donatella Troncarelli, Comprendere le scienze attraverso i manuali scolastici. 2. Dispense e materiali (disponibili su Moodle o Google Classroom).
Non attending students (LM37 – Lingue e culture per la comunicazione internazionale) 1. L. Serianni, Italiani scritti, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012. 2. S. Telve, L’italiano: frasi e testo, Roma, Carocci, 2013. 3. R. Gualdo – S. Telve, Linguaggi specialistici dell’italiano, Roma, Carocci (cap. 2 più due capitoli a scelta fra 3, 4, 5, 6). 4. Due saggi a scelta tra i seguenti cinque (disponibili su Moodle o Google Classroom): 4.1. Michele A. Cortelazzo, La semplificazione dei testi amministrativi. Le buone pratiche. 4.2. Annarita Felici, Laura Mori, Corpora di italiano legislativo a confronto: dall’Unione europea alla Cancelleria svizzera. 4.3. Riccardo Gualdo, 1976-2006 e oltre: come è cambiata la divulgazione economica in TV. 4.4. Stefano Telve, La terminologia medica in Italia: uno sguardo al dinamismo attuale. 4.5. Matteo La Grassa, Donatella Troncarelli, Comprendere le scienze attraverso i manuali scolastici.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 27/09/2021 to 17/12/2021 |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
1.1 First part (24 hours, prof. S. Telve) The evolution of Italian in recent decades has produced, and is still producing, texts characterized by a strong hybridism (on several levels: formal / informal, written / spoken / typed and transmitted, Italian / regional / dialectal) and a marked tendency to simplification (especially syntactic and lexical). These innovative trends have had repercussions not only on the common language but also on the higher levels of the language, represented by the specialized languages of the professional sectors, the languages of the institutions, including publishing and literary translation. These aspects will be observed during the course commenting and illustrating a series of selected representative texts from the point of view of their purpose and their concrete linguistic realization.
2.2 Second part (24 hours, prof. L. Clemenzi) Some features of specialized languages may hamper understanding and, in the case of texts of public interest (e.g. bureaucratic, legal, medical, scientific or economic information texts), participation in democratic life. Representative texts selected and provided by the professor will be commented to highlight its constituent features and to reflect on simplification and good writing practices. Observations in a multilingual contrastive key will also be included.
(reference books)
1.1 First part (24 hours, prof. S. Telve) 1. L. Serianni, Italiani scritti, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012. 2. R. Gualdo - S. Telve, Linguaggi specialistici dell’italiano, Roma, Carocci (two chapters to choose between 3, 4, 5, 6). 3. Handouts and other didactic materials (available through Moodle or Google Classroom).
1.2 Second part (24 hour, prof. L. Clemenzi) 1. Two papers to choose between the following five papers (available through Moodle or Google Classroom): 1.1. Michele A. Cortelazzo, La semplificazione dei testi amministrativi. Le buone pratiche. 1.2. Annarita Felici, Laura Mori, Corpora di italiano legislativo a confronto: dall’Unione europea alla Cancelleria svizzera. 1.3. Riccardo Gualdo, 1976-2006 e oltre: come è cambiata la divulgazione economica in TV. 1.4. Stefano Telve, La terminologia medica in Italia: uno sguardo al dinamismo attuale. 1.5. Matteo La Grassa, Donatella Troncarelli, Comprendere le scienze attraverso i manuali scolastici. 2. Handouts and other didactic materials (available through Moodle or Google Classroom).
1. L. Serianni, Italiani scritti, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012. 2. S. Telve, L’italiano: frasi e testo, Roma, Carocci, 2013. 3. R. Gualdo - S. Telve, Linguaggi specialistici dell’italiano, Roma, Carocci (chapters 2 and two chapters to choose between 3, 4, 5, 6). 4. Two papers to choose between the following five papers (available through Moodle or Google Classroom): 4.1. Michele A. Cortelazzo, La semplificazione dei testi amministrativi. Le buone pratiche. 4.2. Annarita Felici, Laura Mori, Corpora di italiano legislativo a confronto: dall’Unione europea alla Cancelleria svizzera. 4.3. Riccardo Gualdo, 1976-2006 e oltre: come è cambiata la divulgazione economica in TV. 4.4. Stefano Telve, La terminologia medica in Italia: uno sguardo al dinamismo attuale. 4.5. Matteo La Grassa, Donatella Troncarelli, Comprendere le scienze attraverso i manuali scolastici.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 27/09/2021 to 17/12/2021 |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam