CASADEI Federica
In the first part of the course, we will examine the effects that different strands of research in the field of language sciences can have on the practice of language education. In the second part of the course, which is more specific, we will examine the implications for language teaching of the main constructs and models developed by lexical semantics for the analysis of key phenomena of the lexicon (polysemy, ambiguity, metaphors, idiomatic expressions). The last 12 hours of the course (reserved for students in the "Literature and Civilization" curriculum who must obtain 10 CFU in this exam) will be devoted to examining in more detail some aspects of lexical didactics; participation in these classes is, however, open to all students.
(reference books)
1) M. Daloiso (a cura di), Scienze del linguaggio ed educazione linguistica, Loescher, Torino, 2014 2) F. Casadei e G. Basile (a cura di), Lessico ed educazione linguistica, Carocci, Roma, 2019
For students who must acquire 10 CFUs, the following is added:
3) P. Balboni, Fare educazione linguistica. Insegnare italiano, lingue straniere e lingue classiche, seconda edizione, UTET, Torino, 2018, only chapters 1 and 2
For non-attending students, the following is added (to the 8 or 10 CFU program as appropriate):
4) G. Porcelli, Comunicare in lingua straniera: il lessico, UTET, 2004, available online at this address: http://www.gporcelli.it/lexis/Sommario.htm