-The main nutrients: lipids * proteins * carbohydrates * vitamins * mineral salts * - Calorimetry; measurement of energy expenditure (direct and indirect calorimetry), energy needs and its evaluation, respiratory quotient; basal and total metabolism; - Diet induced thermogenesis; - Energy and nutrient requirements; - Nutrigenomics; - Cellular oxidation and antioxidants; - Applications of dietetics as a preventive tool for some pathologists; -Applications of dietetics as a support for some pathologies; - Immunology and nutrition; Adverse reactions to food (food intolerances and allergies); -Functional foods: classification, study method and new knowledge in this sector;
* These topics are treated only from the point of view of food science, leaving out the biochemical, molecular and microbiological aspects that are treated in other courses.
(reference books)
Lecture notes. Siliprandi & Tettamanti; Biochimica Medica; Piccin Editori A. Mariani –Costantini; C. Cannella; G Tomassi/ Alimentazione e Nutrizione Umana. Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore Roma, 2006. Nino Carlo Battistini, Patrizia Pedrazzi Monica Prampolini, Curare con il cibo: Gli alimenti funzionali nella dietetica e nella dietoterapia. Livelli di Assunzione Raccomandati di Energia e Nutrienti, Società Italiana di Nutrizione Umana.