The course provides the theoretical bases of proteomics, interatomics and matabolomics as relevant scientific disciplines able to provide useful structural and dynamic information about the proteoma and metaboloma. The course will introduce students to the principles and the experimental approaches, and the learning objectives will be achieved by presenting students with the state of innovation in the specific field with a substantial presence in the laboratories. Particular attention will be given to the study of mass spectrometry techniques for the identification of proteins, metabolites and alterations of protein expression, thus enabling them to shed light on the biological complexity of a tissue in order to differentiate / identify a pathological state from the physiological one.
1) Knowledge and understanding The student will develop the knowledge of the principles of proteomics and metabolomics. Indispensable for experimental analysis and interpretation of results in biochemical and molecular biological disciplines.
2) Applyng knowledge and understanding. The student will also be introduced to the knowledge of the major classes of small biological molecules and metabolites and will learn the basic metabolic pathways through which these molecules are degraded and synthesized. It will be familiar with the main separation methods (2Dgel, HPLC) and will use instrumentation for the identification of high performance proteins and metabolites such as MALDI TOF / TOF, ESI-TRAP.
3) Making judgments Students will be able to independently carry out observations and experiments in the field of Proteomics or metabolomics. They will also have critical thinking and evaluation skills to rationalize them in an interpretative model.
4) Communicative skills. Students will be able to work in groups and communicate clearly their knowledge Or the results of your research,
5) Learning skills Students will need to learn autonomously by using advanced texts in Italian and English. English texts will be provided during the year. Students also be able to perform bibliographic research even at advanced level, selecting relevant topics; of proteomics and metabolomics