Part I. Preliminary remarks - 14 h I.1. The legal system and the law. - I.2. The sources of law and the mechanisms of interpretation. - I.3. The administrative organization. - I.4. Administrative law and the notion of public administration in national and EU legal systems. - I.5. The procedure and the proceedings; negotiation tools.
Part II. Cultural heritage - 26 h II.1. The constitutional principles of cultural heritage. II.2. Cultural heritage: notion and characteristics - II.3. The legal nature of cultural goods. - II.4. Administrative functions: protection. - II.6. Administrative functions: enhancement, management and use. - II.7. Administrative functions: enhancement, management and use. - II.8. The administrative organization of cultural heritage. Central administrations. - II.9. The administrative organization of cultural heritage. Decentralized administrations. - II.10. Landscape. Notion. - II.11. Landscape. Planning and constraints.
Part III. The global dimension - 8 h III.1. The legal globalization of cultural heritage. - III.2. Unesco sites.
(reference books)
Testi didattici C. Barbati – M. Cammelli – L. Casini – G. Piperata – G. Sciullo, Diritto del patrimonio culturale, II ed., Il Mulino, Bologna, 2020, Premessa e Capp. I-II-III-IV-V
Letture facoltative S. Cassese - S. Battini – C. Franchini – R. Perez – G. Vesperini, Manuale di diritto pubblico, V ed., Giuffrè, Milano, 2014, Capp. 1-2-3-4-24-31 L. Casini, La globalizzazione giuridica dei beni culturali, in Aedon 3/2012 www.aedon.mulino.it