MANIA Patrizia
Beyond the Borders A Dimension of Contemporary Art from the 60s to Today.
Breaking the limits, overturning the aesthetic categories, experimenting with new and unprecedented possibilities of making art and building a thought around it, is an aspect that accompanies the whole story of art designated as contemporary. The history of contemporary art is constantly cadenced by fractures, interruptions, disruptions, transformations, reversals of linguistic, technical, social, hermeneutical, geographical, critical, sensory, material and immaterial boundaries. In a time span that from the 60s of the last century until today, the course takes as its field of investigation the instance of exceeding the limit in contemporary artistic research by interrogating some works, artists and exhibitions considered exemplary. Against this background, the course intends to deepen the works, the artists, the exhibition events and the related theoretical and critical debate which from time to time discuss the fractures and the openings that in a different way have configured the flexible development of art and its historical reconstruction.
(reference books)
- Nicolas Bourriaud, Estetica relazionale, postmediabooks, 2010 (1998). - Hal Foster, Bad New Days. Arte, critica, emergenza, postmediabooks, 2019 [2015] - Patrizia Mania, 1968-1972:la critica alle istituzioni nel progetto “Musée d’Art Moderne Département des Aigles” di Marcel Broodthaers, settecittà, 2021. - Patrizia Mania, “L’energia delle azioni e delle testimonianze installative nelle lavagne di Joseph Beuys”, in, Maddalena Vallozza e Gian Maria Di Nocera, a cura di, “Sistemi educativi e politiche culturali dal mondo antico al contemporaneo. Studi offerti a Gabriella Ciampi”, in Daidalos. Studi e ricerche di Archeologia e Antichità, n.18, Università degli studi della Tuscia, 2019, pp.117-123. - Patrizia Mania, “Copyright e pratiche artistiche contemporanee. Il caso di Tino Sehgal”, in Patrizia Mania Giulio Vesperini, Il Copyright nell’era digitale. Problematiche e casi di studio, Round Robin, 2020, pp.103-115 - Patrizia Mania, “L’azione della censura e la censura preventiva in alcuni lavori artistici contemporanei”, in, Patrizia Mania Luigi Principato, a cura di, Arte e censura. Aporie storiche e giuridiche, Round Robin, 2021.