MENNA Maria raffaella
Artistic production in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth centuries in Tuscia: from Rome to Avignon.
The course aims to analyze the artistic production in Tuscia starting from when Viterbo was the seat of the Papal Curia (1257-1281) up to the period in which the seat of the Papacy was transferred to Avignon. The main works - which have undergone or are undergoing restoration - will be examined, placing them in the context of pictorial production in Rome, central Italy (Assisi, Orvieto, Siena) and the construction site of the Papal Palace in Avignon, where Matteo Giovannetti da Viterbo worked.
The course will be divided into two parts: the first (38 hours) the teacher will draw the picture, the second (10 hours) will have a seminar character and the student will have to prepare a short report on texts assigned to a specific topic.
The following visits are planned: Viterbo (Santa Maria Nuova, Sant'Andrea a Pianoscarano), Orvieto (Cathedral, San Domenico, Opera del Duomo Museum), Assisi ( San Francesco, inferior church).
(reference books)
- E. Castelnuovo, Un pittore italiano alla corte di Avignone. Matteo Giovannetti e la pittura in Provenza nel secolo XIV, Giulio Einaudi Editore, Torino 1962, ripubblicato 1991, pp. 50-152 - E. Castelnuovo, La pittura ad Avignone capitale, in "Roma, Napoli, Avignone: arte di curia, arte di corte (1309-1377), a cura di A. Tomei, SEAT, Torino 1996, pp. 54-91. - A. Tomei, Roma senza papi: artisti, botteghe, committenti, in "Roma, Napoli, Avignone; arte di curia, arte di corte (1309-1377), a cura di A. Tomei, SEAT, Torino 1996, pp.11-53. - S. Romano, Eclissi di Roma. Pittura murale a Roma e nel Lazio da Bonifacio VIII a Martino V (1295-1431), Lecce 1992, capitolo III, schede 1,2,5,9; capitolo IV, schede 18,19,21,22. - S. Romano, a cura di, Apogeo e fine del Medioevo, Milano, Jaca Book, 2017 (La pittura medievale a Roma, Corpus, VI), schede 12, 16, 21,23,24, 36,53,61,62.