ASTOLFI Stefania
Soil The definition of soil The components of soil
The physical properties of soil Texture Structure Density and porosity Consistency, temperature, colour
Movement of water in the soil Water-soil relationships Water potential in the soil Available water in the soil The movement of water in the soil
The physico-chemical properties of soil Cation and anion exchange Soil pH and its measurement Buffer power of soil Oxidation-reduction reactions
Organic matter Constituents of organic matter Humic substances Humification Extraction of humic substances Immobilisation and mineralisation of organic matter
The nutrient cycle in the soil-plant system The nutrients - macroelements - microelements Movement of nutrients towards the roots - interception - mass flow - diffusion Nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur cycle: - reserves and forms - inputs - removals
The rhizosphere
Anomalous soils
(reference books)
Sequi P., Ciavatta C., Miano T. "Fondamenti di chimica del suolo" Pàtron
Radaelli e Calamai "Chimica del terreno" Piccin
Sequi "Chimica del suolo" Patron
Hand-outs from lessons