PROGRAMME 1. Italian cities in the Middle Ages. 2. Political conflicts and urban projects in mid-Quattrocento Rome: Stefano Porcari and Leon Battista Alberti
The first part of the course explains and discusses the most important lines of the development of Italian Comuni. A few original documents will be read and commented,in order to understand the characters of the different sources available for the Middle Ages.
The second part of the course is about one specific theme and period, analyzed with the students through the reading of all possible sources. The works of Leon Battista Alberti will be read in order to clarify the different urban projects of Quattrocento popes.
(reference books)
‒ E. OCCHIPINTI, L’Italia dei comuni (secoli XI-XIII), Roma 2000 (o ristampe successive). Editore: Carocci ‒ A. MODIGLIANI, Congiurare all’antica. Stefano Porcari, Niccolò V, Roma 1453, Roma 2013. Editore: Roma nel Rinascimento (www.romanelrinascimento.it) ‒ A. MODIGLIANI, Roma al tempo di Leon Battista Alberti (1432-1472). Disegni politici e urbani, Roma 2019. Editore: Roma nel Rinascimento (www.romanelrinascimento.it)