The course introduces to the fundamental concepts and the experimental approaches to the study of genetics. The course aims to consolidate the basic knowledge of the logic of genetic analysis through both the study of theoretical concepts and by performing exercises on mendelism, sex inheritance, pedigree analysis, gene mapping, chromosomal mutations, genetics of populations. It also provides a basis for specialized studies such as karyotyping and the use of the micronucleus as biomarker in biomonitoring studies. In particular, these issues are provided in the laboratory practice.
Knowledge and understanding At the end of the course students will have a thorough knowledge of the basic principles of genetics such as mendelism, sex inheritance, pedigree analysis, gene mapping, chromosomal mutations, genetics of populations In addition, they will have learned how to perform exercises in order to understand how to address genetic problems by applying the fundamental principles. Finally, they will have gained the ability to build up a karyotype and to use the micronucleous as a biomarker.
Applying knowledge and understanding Students will be encouraged to take advantage of the knowledge acquired during the course and during laboratory practice in order to apply them to specific issues such as, for example, the identification of the inheritance modalities of a character or the quantitative description of the gene pool of a Mendelian population.
Making judgements Students will be able to interpret and work out new problems similar to those taken during lessons and be able to identify in them the highlights and key points.
Communication skills During the lessons it will be stimulated students' ability to think and discuss about the topics covered as well as the comparison of opinions to develop their communication skills.
Learning skills Students will be able to expose and develop scientific issues related to the course. The active involvement of students through oral classroom discussions and experiences in the laboratory practices, will develop that skill.
c) Program
Mendelian genetics. Exercises related to Mendelian genetics. The chromosome theory of heredity. Exercises related to the chromosome theory of heredity. Mendelian genetics and the chromosome theory of heredity in human. Exercises related to Mendelian genetics and the chromosome theory of heredity in human. Extensions of Mendelian genetics. Exercises related to extensions of Mendelian genetics. The genetic maps. Exercises related to genetic maps. The changes in the structure and number of chromosomes. Exercises related to changes in the structure and number of chromosomes. Mutations. Exercises related to mutations. Population genetics and quantitative. Exercises related to population and quantitative genetics. Normal and pathological karyotype. Practice: building a karyotype; demonstration of semi-conservative DNA synthesis; analysis of the spontaneous frequency of micronuclei in buccal epithelial cells; microscopic observation of cytogenetic preparations.
(reference books)
The teaching materials and all the lessons in power-point format are provided by the teacher.
Non-attending students are encouraged to contact the lecturer for information on the program, teaching materials and how to evaluate the profit.