The chordates and phylogenetic relationships of Vertebrates and their characteristics. Sex features and reproduction. Migration of germ cells and gametogenesis. fertilization: processes of sperm maturation and egg, the role of MPF , a meeting of the gametes, fast and slow block of polyspermy, MPF and calcium role in the post-fertilization processes, modification of the cytoplasm. The segmentation events that direct cell division and the formation of the blastocoel, again: MPF role. Gastrulation, cell movements and the formation of sheets: entoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm. The molecules that lead the gastrulation (morphogenetic factors and cadherins). The nerulation: formation of the neural tube, neural crest cells and the role of the notochord. extra-embryonal membranes and coelomic pouches formation.Organogenesi formation and organization of the integument, scales and teeth. Organogenesis and organization of skeletal bone (skull, vertebres and apparatus appendiceal) and muscles (notes). Organogenesis and general organization of the central and peripheral nervous system. The endocrine system: hipothalamus-pituitary glands, pineal gland, thyroid / parathyroid, adrenal gland, gonads, intestine. Organogenesis and organization of the respiratory, circulatory and heart. Organogenesis and organization of the urogenital system. Laboratory (1 CFU- 8 hrs) IT IS NECESSARY TO FOLLOW THE LABORORATORY to gain the credit: morphogenesis: watching movies, and microscopic preparations related to the development (echinoderms, fish, amphibians, birds, mammals). Practical vision (prepared macroscopic and microscopic): organization of the integument of vertebrates. Skull and skeleton of vertebrates. Organization of the respiratory system (lungs and gills) in Vertebrates. Organization of the circulatory system and the heart in vertebrates. Organization of the urogenital and endocrine systems in vertebrates. Digestive System.
(reference books)
For Comparative Anatomy: - Stingo et al., Anatomia Comparata, ed. ermes
further lectures Liem et al. Anatomia Comparata, Edises
For Morphogenesis Gilbert, Biologia dello Sviluppo ed. Zanichelli (in parte). For the practical laboratory: Atlante di Anatomia microscopica dei Vertebrati,Unicopoli ed.; Minelli-Del Grande, Atlante di Anatomia dei Vertebrati, Piccin ed.
Ulteriori materiali didattici di studio ed approfondimento sono disponibili su classroom/google drive per gli studenti universitari della Tuscia/ 536/5000 For COMPARATIVE ANATOMY: - Stingo et al., Comparative Anatomy, ed. ermes to consult Liem et al. Comparative Anatomy, Edises
For MORPHOGENESIS Gilbert, Developmental Biology ed. Zanichelli (in part). Consult: Giudice et al. Developmental biology, Piccin Atlas of Microscopic Anatomy of Vertebrates, Unicopoli ed .; Minelli-Del Grande, Atlas of Vertebrate Anatomy, Piccin ed.
Additional didactic study and in-depth materials are available on classroom / google drive for Tuscia university students /