FANELLI Pierluigi
Professore Associato
Settore scientifico disciplinare di riferimento
Università degli Studi della TUSCIA
Struttura di afferenza
Dipartimento di
DEIM - Dipartimento di Economia, Ingegneria, Società e Impresa
Orari di ricevimento
Tuesday 14-15
Thursday 14-15
Prof. Eng. Pierluigi Fanelli, Ph.D., is Associate Professor in ING-IND/14 - Machine design at the Department of Economics, Engineering, Society and Business Organization of the Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy.
He obtained the Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2007 and the Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering curriculum Design of mechanical systems in 2011 at the Department of Industrial Engineering of Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy.
Fanelli's scientific endeavors encompass various research domains, primarily focusing on the analysis of structures, both in static and dynamic contexts. These investigations employ advanced methodologies to facilitate the optimal design of mechanical components and systems. These methodologies encompass numerical techniques such as finite element analysis and concentrated parameter analysis. Additionally, innovative approaches are employed to characterize the fatigue properties of specific components and mechanical joints. The research includes theoretical analyses and experimental measurements to determine reference parameters. Analytical and numerical solutions are developed to elucidate the behavior of mechanical structures.
Throughout the entire research undertaking, there is a consistent aim to formulate interpretative models based on experimental reference data. These models are not exclusively derived from numerical simulations, but often rely on the analytical resolution of physical-mathematical models. Consequently, the overarching objective is to establish interpretive frameworks for the studied phenomena, enabling comprehension, prediction, and optimization of structural behavior.