Professore Associato 
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code  (L-LIN/02)
University Università degli Studi della TUSCIA 
College/Department Department  DISUCOM - Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche, della Comunicazione e del Turismo 


Dr. Simone Casini is Associate Professor of Educational Linguistics (Didattica delle lingue moderne L/LIN 02) at the University of Tuscia (VT). He authored many scholarly publications including several books such as Language Creativity: A Semiotic Perspective. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (2020), Lingue e linguaggi d’Italia in Canada. Riflessioni di linguistica educative su Quannu nun era matrimoniu ‘ppi procura di Lina Riccobene. Toronto-Ottawa-New York: Legas (2021) with Salvatore Bancheri and Che cosa è la linguistica educativa Roma: Carocci (2016) with Massimo Vedovelli. His latest publication is What Is the Language of Power? Theoretical Reflection on Italian, Italiese and Other Languages published by Legas in 2022. Simone Casini has also published over 45 scientific articles in the most important international journals including Forum Italicum, Italian Canadiana, Italica, Le forme e la storia. Rivista di filologia moderna, Mosaic, Semiotica, Studi canadesi, and Studi italiani di linguistica teorica e applicata. Professor Casini’s areas of research include educational linguistics, Italian linguistics, sociolinguistics, semiotics, language education policies and language policies for Italian abroad, language teaching and learning, Italian Canadian studies, and second-language acquisition. It should be noted that the present study encompasses all seven of these domains of expertise. Professor Casini is currently the co-investigator for the SSHRC project (Social sciences and Humanities) “Italiese and its new developments: from endangered to a global language” with the scientific responsibility for the theoretical framework on languages in contact and data collection methodology. Moreover, he was a part of numerous international research groups and won funding for two projects in 2019 and 2021 from the Jackman Humanities Institute. He was the scientific director of many international projects related to the Global classroom and Experiential Learning; a component of numerous international research projects funded by the European Union. In particular, he a member of the research project group Leonardo LLP (2012-2014) “Tell Me a Story” Project funded by European Commission, under the portfolio Lifelong Learning Programme, Trasversal Actions KA2 Languages, and the “VinoLingua. L’apprendimento linguistico lega le regioni vinicole europee”. Lifelong Learning Program Leonardo Da Vinci Grant Agreement 2009-2179/001-001. 2010-2012.