Ricercatore a tempo determinato Legge 240/10 - Tipo A
Settore scientifico disciplinare di riferimento
Università degli Studi della TUSCIA
Struttura di afferenza
Dipartimento di
DAFNE - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali
Orari di ricevimento
Ricevimento previo contatto via mail
Personal Details
Rachele Venanzi
Date of birth 1/August/1975 | Nationality Italian
2017 -2020 Research Doctorate in SSDD AGR/06-09
Università degli Studi di Padova, (Italy) XXIII Ciclo Land, Environment, Resources and Health
Research area Agriculture and forest mechanisation and operations management
2012 Registered at the Guild for Doctorates in Agronomy and Forestry in the Province of Viterbo no. 351
2011 Passed the State Examination for Professional Certification to operate as a Doctorate in Forestry, final grade awarded 32/40
2007–2010 Completed a degree specializing in the Conservation and Restoration of Forest Biodiversity and Ground Protection, final grade awarded 110/100 Cum Laude at the University of Tuscia in Viterbo Italy. Title of thesis ‘Study of the ground microarthropod community to assess the naturalness of the protected areas’
2002 Winner of the public contest for admission the doctoral research program. University of Tuscia in Viterbo Italy. ‘Ecology and management of biological resources’ - XVIII Cycle. UNTERMINATED
1994–2001 Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences final grade awarded 110/110 e Cum Laude University of Tuscia in Viterbo Italy. Title of thesis ‘Conservation of a species at risk of extinction: the fresh water shrimp (Austropotamobius italicus). Reintroduction activities in three nature parks in the upper region of Latium’. This thesis was recognized for EU project fund financing by CEE - Obiettivo 5b.
Mother Tongue italian
Spanish C2
English B1
Communication skills
Good communication skills acquired during my career
Organizational and management skills
Good skills
Digital skills
Data elaboration Communication Data creation Safety Problem solving
Advanced user Advanced user Independent user Independent user Independent user
Other skills
● Knowledge of the methodologies for physico-chemical and biological monitoring of internal water bodies (DLGS 152/1999, Extended Biological Index, Index of river functionality)
● Knowledge of the methodologies for the evaluation of population parameters in aquatic and terrestrial environment in relation to natural populations subject to hunting and fishing
● Knowledge of the methodologies for the monitoring of soil biological quality through QBS-ar index, QBS-c index and eco-toxicology tests
● Member of the Regional Commission for the releasing of Hunting licenses in Viterbo District I have knowledge concerning: hunting regulations; zoology applied to hunting, nature environment protection and safeguarding of agriculture production, weapons for hunting, regulations about hunters’ behavior, basic first aid, cynophilia
Driving license Italy type B
● Socrates-Erasmus 1998/1999 at the University of Seville Spain
● Scholarship winner Fondazione A.M. Catalano for the ‘International Year of the Forest’ to perfect the QBS Method (Parisi, 2001) study of the microarthropod community on the ground of the forest ecosystem. Case study: application of QBS-ar in two natural park areas in the Province of Viterbo
● Scholarship winner ‘Biomonitoring of the ground in the Municipality of Fiumicino’ project financed by Sotel, for the activity ‘Sample gathering and analysis by the QBS method and ecotoxicology of the quality of agricultural and forest grounds’ at the Department of Science Technologies for Agriculture, Forests, Nature, and Energy (DAFNE)
Courses and Seminars
Refresher seminar organized by the Natural Reserve of Monte Rufeno on environmental education held in Sabaudia (LT) at the National Park of Circeo 29 November to 1 December
Refresher course for nature guides at the Natural Reserve of Monte Rufeno, Acquapendente (VT) held for 11 days.
Course for nature guides organized by the WWF Italia (world fund for nature), Viterbo section. Total hours 32, theory and practice.
Seminars for touristic activities organized by the Regione Lazio, Section of School, Training and Employment Politics, Inforcoop, 100 hours total
Workshop: "Environmental Education and Protected Areas. Programs and Operations for Agenda 21" organized by the Pangea Institute for Regione Lazio, Use and Value of Environmental Resources, held in Sabaudia at the National Park of Circeo at the "Labnet-Lazio Territorial Laboratory for Environmental Education and Information held 26-27-28 November, total 24 hours.
Course for the prevention of forest fires organized by WWF-ITALIA, Viterbo section.
Refresher course ‘The Forest: Didactic Laboratory for Environmental Education’, held at Acquapendente (VT) at the Natural Museum of the Flower from 5 March to 2 April, total 20 hours.
Training course ‘Operators for Farms and Teaching Farms’ organized by the administration
Course ‘wildlife hunting management of the roe deer’ organized by the Assessor of Agriculture, Hunting, and Fishing of the Province of Viterbo according to the teaching criteria of the National Institute of Wildlife held from 2 April 03 to 10 April 03
Course for the ‘Communication of Public Entities’ organized by the Assessor of the Environment, Ecology and Territorial Planning of the Province of Viterbo, total 35 hours.
Residential qualification course for Technical Referrals of Environmental Education in Protected Areas held in Sabaudia (LT) at the Study Center of the National Park of Circeo from 19 Jan 04 to 24 Jan 04, total 40 hours organized by ARP Regional Park Agency of the Lazio Region
Theoretical-practical training course lasting 44 hours held in Viterbo from 06 Sept 04 to 11 Sept 04 entitled "Practical biological methods for mapping the quality of watercourses analysis of the macroinvertebrate community", organized by the Department of Environment of the Province of Viterbo, APAT, APPA Trento in collaboration with CISBA (Italian Center for Environmental Biology Studies)
Training course held in Rome from 26 Oct 04 to 29 Oct 04 entitled "Application of the I.F.F. index (Index of River Functionality) for the evaluation of the river ecosystem" organized by the Istituto Superiore di Sanita, APAT, ARPA Toscana in collaboration with the Department of Environment of the Province of Viterbo.
Course of "Mediterranean Gardening" for curators of Parks and Gardens organized by the University of Tuscia for a total duration of 36 hours
"Training course for SIT technician" for the use of geographic information systems for the management and analysis of environmental and territorial data as a support tool for Environmental Impact Assessment procedures – held from 29 Nov 06 to 20 Dec 06 organized by the Province of Viterbo in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment, ANCI, UPI, UNCEM total 70 hours.
Cycle of seminars for the technical referents of Environmental Education in Protected Areas held in Bracciano (RM) at the Bracciano-Martignano Regional Natural Park from 06 Nov 06 to 10 Nov 06 total 32 hours organized by ARP (Regional Parks Agency of the Lazio Region)
University course of improvement and professional updating on the "Role and Functions of Local Authorities in the Protection of the Environment", organized by the University of Tuscia of Viterbo with ANCI Lazio, total 50 hours held from 06 March 07 to 05 June 07.
Course "Introduction to the QBS-ar Index" held at the Museum of Natural History of the University of Parma on 24-25 May 2010.
Specialized training course "Implementation of Directive 2000/60/EC in Italy: Biological Methods for the assessment of the quality status of watercourses" held at the Palazzo Doria Pamphilij in San Marino at Cimino Viterbo from 11 to 15 October 2010 organized by the Province of Viterbo, in collaboration with ENEA – ISS – ISPRA – University of Tuscia – IRSA-CNR
Course "The QBS-ar Index: from its application to data processing", with notions of eco-toxicology applied to the soil, held at the Museum of Natural History of the University of Parma on 26-28 March 2012.
Laboratory activities in the field of Toxicology Tests on plant and animal matrices, held at the Museum of Natural History of the University of Parma on May 24, 2012.
organized Institute of Aerobiology, held in Parma 3 - 7 November 2014, divided into 5 days of theoretical lessons alternating with practical tests
Choose, design, write and present PhD research projects and results, Teachers: Davide Pettenella, Edi Defrancesco and Laura Secco, October 2017
Basic Statistics Teachers: Marco Borga and Giulia Zuecco, December 2017
Ecosystem services and products from ideas to business Teacher professors from UNIPD, University of Manchester, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Transilvania University of Brasov and other organizations On line from October to December 2017
English course Intensive English course + private lessons BELS School of Malta April 2018
Applied Statistics with applications in R, Teachers: Alessio Cecchinato and Hugo Toledo Alvarado February 2018
Advanced Statistics with R: Experimental design in lab and field, Teachers: Roberto Mantovani February 2018
Applied Statistics with R mixed models, Teachers: Cristina Sartori, Hugo Toledo Alvarado February 2018
Scientific Writing in English, Teacher: Mark E. Olson March 2018
Health and Safety at work, On line course
The welcome in the laboratory, element of safety and quality Training course-Teacher: Dott. Silvia Ramirez Pizarro-DISUCOM Department, Tuscia University–Viterbo 5 and 12 April 2019 (9hours)
Participation in the Course "Basic course on the integrated stability assessment of trees" held at the CEFAS in Viterbo from 15 March to 5 April 2019 total 24 hours. Certificate issued in Viterbo, 29 April 2019 prot.n. 707
Participation in the course "Static and dynamic consolidation of trees, Viterbo", held at the CEFAS in Viterbo on 8 November 2019 total 8 hours. Certificate issued in Viterbo, 12 November 2019 prot.n. 1990
Participation in the Course "Tree Stability Assessment (advanced module)" held at the CEFAS in Viterbo on 28-29 November 2019 total 16 hours. Certificate issued in Viterbo, 5 December 2019 prot.n. 2134
Participation in the theoretical/practical training course for "Expert in forest management for the conservation of biodiversity LEVEL 1", passing the final tests. Duration of the course: 24 hours, of which 12 hours of online training and 12 hours of practical exercise, held in March and April 2021
Specific professional experience with research activities
01/03/2013 - 28/02/2014
Research Fellow SSDD AGR/06-05
University of TUSCIA - Via S.Maria in Gradi, 4 - VITERBO
Structure Dep. L.240/2010 Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
1/03/2014 - 28/02/2015
Research Fellow SSDD AGR/06-05
University of TUSCIA - Via S.Maria in Gradi, 4 - VITERBO
Structure Dep. L.240/2010 Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
1/03/2015 - 28/02/2016
Research Fellow SSDD AGR/06-05
University of TUSCIA - Via S.Maria in Gradi, 4 - VITERBO
Structure Dep. L.240/2010 Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
1/03/2016 - 28/02/2017
Research Fellow SSDD AGR/06-05
University of TUSCIA - Via S.Maria in Gradi, 4 - VITERBO
Structure Dep. L.240/2010 Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
1/03/2017 - 28/02/2018
Research Fellow SSDD AGR/06-05
University of TUSCIA - Via S.Maria in Gradi, 4 - VITERBO
Structure Dep. L.240/2010 Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
01/10/2017 - 30/09/2020
PhD student University of PADOVA - Via 8 Febbraio, 2 - PADOVA Struttura Dip. L.240/2010 TERRITORY AND AGRO-FORESTRY SYSTEMS (TESAF) PhD title LAND, ENVIRONMENT, RESOURCES, HEALTH Scientific sectors Disciplinary AGR 06 and AGR 09
1/03/2018 - 28/02/2019
Research Fellow SSDD AGR/06-05
University of TUSCIA - Via S.Maria in Gradi, 4 - VITERBO
Structure Dep. L.240/2010 Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
1/03/2019 - 28/02/2020
Research Fellow SSDD AGR/06-05
University of TUSCIA - Via S.Maria in Gradi, 4 - VITERBO
Structure Dep. L.240/2010 Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
1/03/2020 - 28/02/2021
Research Fellow SSDD AGR/06-05
University of TUSCIA - Via S.Maria in Gradi, 4 - VITERBO
Structure Dep. L.240/2010 Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
1/03/2021 - 28/02/2022
Research Fellow SSDD AGR/06-05
University of TUSCIA - Via S.Maria in Gradi, 4 - VITERBO
Structure Dep. L.240/2010 Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
Teaching assistant
● Teaching assistant (“cultore della materia”) in Forest yards planning and management, Forest logging, for the sector AGR/06 from 4/12/2018.
● Teaching assistant (“cultore della materia”) in Certification schemes for the forests and forest products, Wood technology, for the sector AGR/06 from 4/12/2018.
Co-Tutor in Bachelor Degree Thesis
1. Title “Main impacts of utilizations carried out through high mechanisation level in forest coppice management”, Academic Year 2016/17, Dr. Ilaria Collepardi, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
2. Title “Use of gis technology in forest viability planning, for management of forestry utilisation with use of high mechanization level”, Academic Year 2016/17, Dr. Emiliano Gennari, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
3. Title “Studies on thinning operation in chestnut coppices”, Academic Year 2017/18, Dr. Francesco Albertini, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
4. Title “Studies on thinning operation in chestnut coppices”, Academic Year 2017/18, Dr. Nicolò Di Marzio, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
5. Title “Studies on clear cutting in a pine forest”, Academic Year 2017/18, Dr. Nicolò Di Marzio, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
6. Title “Dendrometric study and planning of forest intervention in a turkey oak coppice”, Academic Year 2017/18, Dr. Matteo Fieni, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
7. Title “Dendrometric analysis of an aged chestnut coppice and forest logging planning”, Academic Year 2017/18, Dr. Luca Fortini, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
8. Title “Mechanical resistance of beech roots managed as high forest”, Academic Year 2017/18, Dr. Valerio Ricciardi, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
9. Title “Precision forestry usage for improving high mechanization level in forest utilization”, Academic Year 2018/19, Dr. Yuri Marchionni, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
10. Title “Forest operations in oak coppice forest and influence on tree regeneration”, Academic Year 2018/19, Dr. Roberta Pasquali, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
11. Title “Assessment of soil impacts in the yard with intermediate level of mechanization”, Academic Year 2018/19, Dr. Irene Giubilei, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
12. Title “Mechanized logging in coppices, assessment of soil impacts and recovery times”, Academic Year 2019/20, Dr. Davide Venditti, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
13. Title "Planning of forest uses with precision forestry in beech drums" Academic Year 2019/20, Dr. Michael Bertellini, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
14. Title "Forest operations in coppices and their influence on tree renewal" Academic Year 2019/20, Dr. Carolina Mattioli, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
15. Title "Deforestation con forwarder in cuts of preparation on beech drums, analysis of ground disorders" Academic Year 2019/20, Dr. Ivan Di Cola, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
16. Title "Deforestation with forest winch in preparation cuts on beech drums, analysis of soil disorders" Academic Year 2019/20, Dr. Valentina Falasca, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
17. Title "Deforestation with forest winch in preparation cuts on beech drums, analysis of soil disorders" Academic Year 2019/20, Dr. Valentina Falasca, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
18. Title "Silvicultural intervention in coppice with a prevalence of chestnut of the cultivation unit 10d of the forest management plan of the civic property of the municipality of Cerisano" Academic Year 2020/21, Dr. Jacopo Garofolo, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
Co-Tutor in Master Degree Thesis
1. Title “Thinning in chestnut coppices: effects on forest soil and recovery capacity”, Academic Year 2017/18, Dr. Alessandra Battaglini, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
2. Title “Extraction methodologies in strip clear cut: compatibility with renaturalization interventions of pine stands and management-ecological implications”, Academic Year 2017/18, Dr. Chiara Lodovici, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
3. Title “Comparative analysis of wood pellets charcoals, evaluation of different uses”, Academic Year 2017/18, Dr. Marco Proietti, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
4. Title “Evaluation of pellets production from different agro-forestry systems”, Academic Year 2017/18, Dr. Ylenia de Rinaldis, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
5. Title “Use of gis in planning of forestry viability, forest evaluation and validation of experimental models”, Academic Year 2017/18, Dr. Damiano Tocci, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
6. Title “Different mechanisation levels in short wood logging system and soil and topsoil impact assesment”, Academic Year 2018/19, Dr. Loredana Barbona, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
7. Title “Precision forest harvesting: operations planning and validation of GIS models”, Academic Year 2018/19, Dr. Valentina Buccella, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
8. Title “Even-aged beech high forest managed with shelterwood system, tree stability assessment to windthrow”, Academic Year 2018/19, Dr. Emiliano Gennari, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
9. Title “Validation of forest operations planning systems with high mechanization using precision forestry technologieS”, Academic Year 2018/19, Dr. Roberta Malatesta, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
10. Title “Assessment of some remote sensing technologies for the ex-post analysis in logging activities”, Academic Year 2018/19, Dr. Federico Moschetti, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
11. Title "Planning of forestry operations in thinning interventions on beech high forest" Academic Year 2019/20, Dr. Francesco Muggia, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
12. Title "Thinning in Turkey oak barrel, damage analysis and influence on the stability of the population" Academic Year 2020/21, Dr. Alessandro Martinelli, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
13. Title "Thinning in Turkey oak barrel, damage analysis and influence on the stability of the population" Academic Year 2020/21, Dr. Alessandro Martinelli, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
14. Title "Statistical validation of GIS-AHP systems for the planning of forest uses" Academic Year 2020/21, Dr. Luca Cozzolino, Tutor Rodolfo Picchio
Lessons and Seminars
• Master degree: Environment and forests conservation and restoration LM-73, Course: Forest yards planning and management (6 CFU), 5 hours of lecture on: Forest logging planning, authorization process management and yard hypothesis. Aspects related to forest yard planning and logging activities with environmental constraints in particular on coppice management respect to Natura 2000 Network, SCI, SPA. Issues related to environmental impact and impact assessments.
• Master degree: Environment and forests conservation and restoration LM-73; Course: Certification schemes for the forests and forest products (6 CFU); 3 hours of lecture on: Biondicators to sustainable forest management.
• Bachelor degree: Forest and Natural Sciences L-25; Course: Forest logging (6 CFU); 3 hours of lecture on: Post logging forest yard analysis and testing.
Assistance in field trip
• Assistance in field trip for the Master degree Environment and forests conservation and restoration LM-73; Topic: Forest yard planning evaluation on SCI area on uneven-aged broad-leaved trees and aged coppices with a prevalence of Horn beam and Turkey oak. Considerations and assessment related to the compliance with the requirements of the impact assessment. Site: Mezzano lake forests; Hours: 13
• Assistance in field trip for the Bachelor degree: Forest and Natural Sciences L-25; Topic: Visit to logging yards on coppice woods, visit to bunching sites on high forests. Forest roads assessment, first step. Site: Amiata Mountain forests, Hours: 6
• Assistance in technical short training course for the Bachelor degree: Forest and Natural Sciences L-25; Topic: Technical trip and training course on logging activities after windstorms. Site: Pieve tesino UNITUS study center, Hours: 40
Direction or participation in editorial boards of magazines, editorial series, encyclopedias and treatises of recognized prestige
01-01-2020 - 31-03-2021
Guest Editor for the scientific journal Sustainability (IF 3,251) Special Issue "Technologies, Applications and Assessments for Proper Sustainable Forest Operations (SFO)", 16 articles presented and 12 articles published
01-01-2021 to present
Guest Editor for the scientific issue Land (IF 3,395) Special Issue "Influence on Soil Quality of Agriculture and Forest Management: Assessment, Mitigation and Best Management Practices", 3 articles presented and 1 article published
16-03-2022 to present
Topic Editor for the scientific journal Frontiers (IF 5,750) Special Issue “Bioenergy Production from Agriculture and Forestry: The Complex Issue of Developing Sustainable Supply Chains”
Organization or participation as a speaker at scientific conferences in Italy and abroad
• Participation in the organizing secretariat of the international conference TRACE 2013 Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology held in Viterbo 8-11 May 2013, DAFNE, University of Tuscia from 08-05-2013 to 11-05-2013
• Participation in the organizing secretariat of the National Conference SIRF (Italian Society of Forest Restoration): Restoration: theoretical assumptions and opportunities for the Italian forest system, held in Rome on December 12, 2013 from 12-12-2013 to 12-12-2013
• Participation in the organizing secretariat of the Tra.Tec.F.U.L.En. (Transfer of innovations in the short supply chain for the production, collection and use of wood from coppices and S.R.F. for energy purposes), Eboli (SA) 8 May 2014 from 08-05-2014 to 08-05-2014
• Participation in the organizing secretariat of the National Conference SIRF (Italian Society of Forest Restoration): ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION AND FOREST RESTORATION. Cittaducale (RI) held on May 15, 2014 from 15-05-2014 to 15-05-2014
• Participation as a speaker at the SIRF Conference (Italian Society of Forest Restoration) Meaning and management of forests, holding a report entitled "Causes of degradation in forest uses". Camerino (MC) 24 October 2014 from 24-10-2014 to 24-10-2014
• Participation as a speaker at the Conference Forest uses and mechanization, costs and opportunities, with a speech entitled "Forest uses and mechanization, costs and opportunities", Abbadia San Salvatore (SI) 14 November 2014.from 14-11-2014 to 14-11-2014
• Participation in the organizational secretariat of the Conference: The possible silvicultural choices for a correct management of the productive beech drums, Abbadia San Salvatore (SI) 28 February 2015. Organized by Soc. Macchiafaggeta, PEFC Italia and Università degli Studi della Tuscia from 28-02-2015 to 28-02-2015
• Participation as a speaker at the International Conference Coppice forests, presenting a poster entitled "Silvicultural and logging impact on soil microarthropod community in Mediterranean coppice", Brno (Czech Republic) 10 April 2015 from 10-04-2015 to 10-04-2015
• Participation in the organizational secretariat of the provaciagr intermediate conference, as part of the PSR 2007-2013 Lazio Region Mis. 124, held in Viterbo 29 April 2015. Organized by UNITUS and CREA-ING from 29-04-2015 to 29-04-2015
• Participation in the organizational secretariat of the demonstration conference day of deforestation sites as part of the PSR 2007-2013 Abruzzo Mis Region project. 124 "MORINABIO", Pizzoli (AQ) 7 May 2015 from 07-05-2015 to 07-05-2015
• Participation in the organizational secretariat of the demonstration conference day of deforestation sites within the PSR project 2007-2013 Abruzzo Region FOREST SUPPORT PROJECT Measure 4.1.1 – Activity 4 – Action a, Pizzoli (AQ) 11 May 2015 from 11-05-2015 to 11-05-2015
• Participation in the organization of the conference and the demonstration day of construction sites of deforestation as part of the PSR project 2007-2013 Lazio Region Mis. 124 "Validation and transfer of innovative models for the management of high-age oak stands subject to deterioration", Tolfa (Rome) 5 June 2015 from 05-06-2015 to 05-06-2015
• Participation in the organizing secretariat of the final conference PROVACIAGR (Process of enhancement of agroforestry wood chips), as part of the RDP 2007-2013 of the Lazio Region Measure 124, held in Viterbo on June 18, 2015 from 18-06-2015 to 18-06-2015
• Participation in the organizational secretariat of the conference: Presentation of the MORINABIO project Process innovation in forest supply chains aimed at the production of virgin biomass to be used for energy purposes, PSR-Abruzzo Mis. 124, L'Aquila 23 September 2015 from 23-09-2015 to 23-09-2015
• Participation in the organizing secretariat of the conference "Forest roads: from design to maintenance" at the headquarters of the Macchia Faggeta Company of Abbadia San Salvatore (SI) December 18, 2015 from 18-12-2015 to 18-12-2015
• Participation in the organizational secretariat of the conference day of in-depth study on forest fires, as part of the training activities of the CRAFDS Master's Degree course, held in Viterbo on June 17, 2016 from 17-06-2016 to 17-06-2016
• Participation in the organizing secretariat of the conference: The supply chain of fruit chestnut: productive and landscape values, holding a report entitled "The mechanization of chestnut growing", organized by SIRF, at the School of Agriculture of the University of Florence, in Florence on March 31, 2017 from 29-03-2017 to 29-03-2017
• Participation in the organizing secretariat of the international conference "SUSTAINABLE RESTORATION OF MEDITERRANEAN FORESTS: analysis and perspective within the context of bio-based economy development under global changes" held in PALERMO from 19 to 21 APRIL, 2017. International Congress organized by: Italian Society of Botany (SBI), Italian Society for Forestry Restoration (ISFR / SERE), International Union of Forest Research Organization (IUFRO), Italian Academy of Forest Sciences (AISF), University of Palermo (UNIPA), University of Insubria (UNINSUBRIA) from 19-09-2017 to 19-09-2017
• Participation as a speaker at the National Conference The Changing Forest, holding a report entitled. "The use of mobile furnaces for carbonization at the imposto, a possible added value to forest production", organized by SISEF, at the CNR congress center, Rome 10-13 October 2017 from 10-10-2017 to 13-10-2017
• Participation in the organizational secretariat of the conference Innovation of the agricultural and forestry sector for energy sustainability, holding a report entitled "The use of mobile furnaces for carbonization at the imposto: activation of short forest supply chains", organized within EIMA Energy, at the Bologna Fiere headquarters, Bologna, 7 November 2018 from 05-11-2018 to 05-11-2018
• Participation in the organizing secretariat of the Conference: The circular economy of the forest in Tuscany: innovation, energy, sustainability, organized as part of the PIF Toscana Foglie, Castel del Piano (GR), 17 December 2018 from 17-12-2018 to 17-12-2018
• Participation in the organizational secretariat of the conference Innovation of the agricultural and forestry sector for energy sustainability, holding a report entitled "The use of mobile furnaces for carbonization at the imposto: activation of short forest supply chains", organized within EIMA Energy, at the Bologna Fiere headquarters, Bologna, 7 November 2018.
• "The use of mobile furnaces for carbonization at the imposto: activation of short forest supply chains", organized as part of EIMA Energy, at the Bologna Fiere headquarters, Bologna, 7 November 2018 from 05-11-2018 to 05-11-2018
• Participation in the organizing secretariat of the Conference: The circular economy of the forest in Tuscany: innovation, energy, sustainability, organized as part of the PIF Toscana Foglie, Castel del Piano (GR), 17 December 2018 from 17-12-2018 to 17-12-2018
• Participation as a speaker at the Conference: The circular economy of the forest in Tuscany: innovation, energy, sustainability, holding a report entitled "Characterization of coal and employment prospects in current markets", organized as part of the PIF Toscana Foglie, Castel del Piano (GR), 17 December 2018 from 17-12-2018 to 17-12-2018
• Participation as a speaker at the International Conference: Wood Science Economy, holding a report entitled "Thinning operations in beech high forest, assessment of soil impact and its potential for soil recovery", organized by the Wood Technology Institute of Poznan (Poland), on 21 and 22 October 2019 from 21-10-2019 to 22-10-2019
• Participation in the organizational secretariat of the Conference: The chestnut landscape, organized by the Tuscany Region and the Union of Municipalities of Casentino, Ponte a Poppi (AR), on October 31, 2019 from 31-10-2019 to 31-10-2019
• Participation as a speaker at the SISEF Conference: Useful science for forests: research and transfer, holding a report entitled "Thinning interventions in transient beech fustaia managed with different levels of mechanization, evaluation of impacts on the ground and aboveground", organized by the Italian Society of Forestry and Forest Ecology, Palermo, on 12-15 November 2019 from 12-11-2019 to 15-11-2019
• Participation in the organizational secretariat of the Conference: Interventions of forest uses and wildlife, two aspects able to influence the natural renewal of beech drums, organized at the Macchia Faggeta Society, Abbadia San Salvatore (SI), on November 21, 2019 from 21-11-2019 to 21-11-2019
• Participation as a speaker at the Conference: Interventions of forest uses and wildlife, two aspects able to influence the natural renewal of beech trees, holding a report entitled "First results on the analysis of impacts on the soil on ungulates", organized at the Macchia Faggeta Society, Abbadia San Salvatore (SI), on November 21, 201 from 21-11-2019 to 21-11-2019
• Participation in the organizing secretariat of the International Conference: 1st International Electronic Conference on Forests (IECF), organized by MDPI international of Basel (Switzerland), on 15 and 30 November 2020 from 15-11-2020 to 30-11-2020
• Participation as a speaker at the International Conference: 1st International Electronic Conference on Forests (IECF), giving a talk entitled: "Disturbances to the Ground and to the Stand in Beech Forests Due to Thinning Treatments Performed by Different Levels of Mechanization" organized by MDPI international of Basel (Switzerland), on 15 and 30 November 2020 from 15-11-2020 to 30-11-2020
• Participated as an organizer in the Conference: Innovations in the mechanization of fruit chestnut groves, organized as part of the PS-GO INGECA PSR Toscana 2014-2020, held on November 18, 2021 in Arcidosso from 10-11-2021 to 18-11-2021
• Participated as an organizer in the Conference: The parasites of the fruit chestnut grove: biology and ecology, organized as part of the PS-GO INGECA PSR Toscana 2014-2020, on December 9, 2021 in Ortignano Raggiolo from 01-12-2021 to 09-12-2021.
• Participates as an organizer in the Conference: FORECAST Organized Form of Evolved Network of Chestnut Growing, Activating Innovative Strategies in Tuscany, organized as part of the PS-GO FORECAST PSR Toscana 2014-2020, on November 25, 2021 in Ortignano Raggiolo from 15-11-2021 to 25-11-2021.
• Participates as organizer of the Conference: The biological defense of the fruit chestnut grove, organized as part of the PS-GO INGECA PSR Toscana 2014-2020, on February 23, 2022 in Loro Ciuffenna from 15-02-2022 to 23-02-2022.
• One of the organizers of the Conference: Transformation of plant biomass into biochar: a new resource for chestnut farms, holding a report entitled "Biochar and wood charcoal are an opportunity: possible uses and applications", organized as part of the PS-GO INGECA PSR Toscana 2014-2020, on March 30, 2022 in Talla from 20-03-2022 to 30-03-2022.
Participation in the activities of a research group characterized by collaborations at national or international levels
• Participation in the activities of the research group within the LIFE+ ManFor project C.BD. Managing forests for multiple purposes: carbon, biodiversity and socio-economic wellbeing, of which Dr. G. Matteucci is the national scientific director for the CNR-IBAF from 01-01-2013 to 31-12-2015
• Participation in the activities of the research group within the Biomass + project "Operational interventions for the activation of short supply chains", a project funded by the Italy-France "Maritime" Cross-border Cooperation Program 2007-2013. Promoted by the Province of Lucca in partnership with the Liguria Region, the Office du Développement Agricole et Rural de Corse, the Province of Nuoro, the Province of Massa-Carrara, the Province of Pisa and the Province of Grosseto. In particular, activate and make lasting over time the short "organized" or in any case "tested" supply chains; stabilize, extend and make available to the public the scientific work, with the establishment of a Transboundary Observatory of existing plants, which publicly monitors their performance and provides correct information about the environmental impact of boilers; define certification procedures in order to "certify" the short supply chain, or the origin "on site" of wood chips of agricultural and forestry origin from 01-01-2014 to 30-05-2015
• Participation in the activities of the research group related to the identification of Criteria for low impact uses and technological evaluation of Amiata beech drums at the end of the cycle. Attended by DAFNE, Soc. Macchiafaggeta and PEFC Italia from 01-01-2014 to 01-01-2015
• Participation in the activities of the DAFNE research group of the RDP project 2007-2013 Abruzzo Region FOREST SUPPORT PROJECT Measure 4.1.1 – Activity 4 – Action a, concerning the development of demonstration forest sites for the production of wood chips for energy purposes, "MORINABIO", from 01-01-2014 to 31-12-2015
• Participation in the activities of the COST project called Eurocoppice within the European working group "WG4 Services, protection, nature conservation", of the COST Action FP-1301. from 01-01-2014 to 31-12-2016 from 01-01-2014 to 31-12-2016
• Participation in the activities of the DAFNE research group of the PSR 2007-2013 Lazio Mis Region project. 124 "Validation and transfer of innovative models for the management of high-age oak stands subject to deterioration" from 01-01-2015 to 31-12-2015
• Participation in the activities of the research group in the drafting and implementation of the international project "Strategic Partnership on Sustainable Forestry (STRATFOR), presented by "Dauerwaldstiftung in Pommern", and considered fundable by Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung from 01-01-2015 to 31-12-2015
• Participation in the activities of the DAFNE research group of the PSR 2007-2013 Lazio Mis Region project. 124 "PROVACIAGR: PROCESSES OF ENHANCEMENT OF AGROFORESTRY WOOD CHIPS" concerning the enhancement of wood chips for energy purposes from 01-01-2015 to 31-12-2015
• Participation in the activities of the DAFNE research group concerning the restoration of forest areas crossed by forest interface fire in the Municipality of L'Aquila, research assignment coordinated and entrusted by the University of L'Aquila MESVA department from 01-01-2016 to 31-12-2018
• Participation in the activities of the DAFNE research group of the Integrated Supply Chain Project (PIF) FOGLIE - RICACCI Project "Innovative Carbonization Recovery and Activation of "Energy-Forestry" Coordinated and Inclusive Certification" funded under the Tuscany RDP 2014-2020 - Multimeasure Call for Integrated Supply Chain Projects - Year 2015 - Submeasure 16.2 from 01-01-2016 to 31-12-2016
• Territorial research project/contract, partners: UNITUS and AFOR Umbria, concerning the planning of logging activities for coppice management. Financial support of 7,500 €
• dal 01-05-2016 al 31-12-2018
• Territorial research project/contract, partners: UNITUS and Macchia Faggeta Company, concerning the assessment and monitoring of forest logging and ungulate management in order to improve the renewal of beech forests.
• dal 01-01-2018 a oggi
• Participation in the activities of the WP3 research group, in the MIUR law 232/2016 project, for the financing of the Departments of Excellence, of which DAFNE, University of Tuscia was the winner from 01-03-2018 to today
• International research project/contract, partners: UNITUS and VASTO “legno” Company, the use of thermotreatment for tropical timbers, as a strategy to reduce wood harvesting and qualify forest productions
• dal 01-01-2019 a oggi
• Participation in the activities of the DAFNE research group for the studies on "The behavior of untreated and heat-treated Ayous" for the performance of the following activity "Study of the physical, mechanical and aesthetic characteristics of Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum in different environmental and treatment conditions" funded with funds from the Vasto Legno research contract of which Prof. Angela Lo Monaco is scientific director from 01-01-2019 to today
• Participation in the activities of the DAFNE research group of the PSR Toscana INGECA project, PS-GO, "Innovative low impact strategies for disease and pest management in fruit-chestnut groves" from 01-01-2019 to today
• PSR Veneto, measures 16.1 and 16.2 "Constitution and management of the operational groups of the IEP in the matter of productivity and sustainability in agriculture" -"Realization of pilot projects and development of new products, practices, processes and technologies". Project: Biochar and new forest surfaces: winning pair for the conservation and sequestration of carbon in the soil (CARTER).
• Partecipazione alle attività del gruppo di ricerca sulle tematiche dell'alta meccanizzazione del settore forestale con un team internazionale presso l'Università degli Studi di Poznan (Polonia), Dipartimento di Utilizzazioni Forestali.
• dal 28-10-2019 al 03-12-2019
• Participation in the activities of the DAFNE research group of the PSR Toscana project, Change Plan, measure 16.2 "Modify, Innovate and Organize the forest management plan" from 01-01-2020 to today
• Participation in the activities of the DAFNE research group of the PSR Toscana BIOACTAM project, PS-GO, "Biochar: innovations obtained through carbonization tested in Amiata and Maremma "BIOACTAM" (PEI – AGRI) (Miss. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 16.2) from 01-01-2020 to today
Articles in international journals with IF and contributions in conference proceedings
1. Latterini F., Civitarese V., Walkowiak M., Picchio R., Karaszewski Z., Venanzi R., Bembenek M. (2022) Quality of Pellets Obtained from Whole Trees Harvested from Plantations, Coppice Forests and Regular Thinnings, Forests, 13(4), 502;
2. Latterini, F., Stefanoni, W., Venanzi, R., Tocci, D., Picchio, R. (2022) GIS-AHP Approach in Forest Logging Planning to Apply Sustainable Forest Operations. Forests 13(3),484
3. Venanzi, R., Latterini, F., Stefanoni, W., Tocci, D., Picchio, R. (2022). Variations of Soil Physico-Chemical and Biological Features after Logging Using Two Different Ground-Based Extraction Methods in a Beech High Forest—A Case Study. Land 1(3),388
4. Jourgholami, M., Sohrabi, H., Venanzi, R., Tavankar, F., Picchio, R. (2022). Hydrologic responses of undecomposed litter mulch on compacted soil: Litter water holding capacity, runoff, and sediment. Catena 210,105875 0
5. Tavankar, F., Kivi, A.R., Taheri-Abkenari, K., Venanzi, R., Picchio, R. (2022) Evaluation of Deadwood Characteristics and Carbon Storage under Different Silvicultural Treatments in a Mixed Broadleaves Mountain Forest. Forests 13(2),259
6. Ezzati, S.; Tavankar, F.; Ghaffariyan, M.R.; Venanzi, R.; Latterini, F.; Picchio, R. (2021) The Impact of Weather and Slope Conditions on the Productivity, Cost, and GHG Emissions of a Ground-Based Harvesting Operation in Mountain Hardwoods. Forests, 12, 1612.
7. Khoramizadeh, A.; Jourgholami, M.; Jafari, M.; Venanzi, R.; Tavankar, F.; Picchio, R. (2021) Soil Restoration through the Application of Organic Mulch Following Skidding Operations Causing Vehicle Induced Compaction in the Hyrcanian Forests, Northern Iran. Land, 10, 1060.
8. Tavankar F, Nikooy M, Latterini F, Venanzi R, Bianchini L, Picchio R (2021). The effects of soil moisture on harvesting operations in populus spp. Plantations: Specific focus on costs, energy balance and ghg emissions. SUSTAINABILITY, vol. 13,4863, ISSN: 2071-1050, doi: 10.3390/su13094863
9. Jourgholami M, Feghhi J, Tavankar F, Latterini F, Venanzi R, Picchio R (2021). Short-term effects in canopy gap area on the recovery of compacted soil caused by forest harvesting in old-growth oriental beech (Fagus orientalis lipsky) stands. IFOREST, vol. 14, p. 370-377, ISSN: 1971-7458, doi: 10.3832/ifor3432-014
10. Sohrabi H, Jourgholami M, Jafari M, Tavankar F, Venanzi R, Picchio R (2021). Earthworms as an ecological indicator of soil recovery after mechanized logging operations in mixed beech forests. FORESTS, vol. 12, p. 1-18, ISSN: 1999-4907, doi: 10.3390/f12010018
11. Tavankar F, Latterini F, Nikooy M, Venanzi R, Naghdi R, Picchio R (2021). Influence of forest management and sylvicultural treatments on abundance of snags and tree cavities in mountain mixed beech forests. ENVIRONMENTS, vol. 8, 55, ISSN: 2076-3298, doi: 10.3390/environments8060055
12. Jourgholami M, Khoramizadeh A, Lo Monaco A, Venanzi R, Latterini F, Tavankar F, Picchio R (2021). Evaluation of leaf litter mulching and incorporation on skid trails for the recovery of soil physico-chemical and biological properties of mixed broadleaved forests. LAND, vol. 10, 625, ISSN: 2073-445X, doi: 10.3390/land10060625
13. Jourgholami M, Feghhi J, Picchio R, Tavankar F, Venanzi R (2021). Efficiency of leaf litter mulch in the restoration of soil physiochemical properties and enzyme activities in temporary skid roads in mixed high forests. CATENA, vol. 198, 105012, ISSN: 0341-8162, doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2020.105012
14. Tavankar, Farzam, Picchio, Rodolfo, Nikooy, Mehrdad, Jourgholami, Meghdad, Latterini, Francesco, Venanzi, Rachele (2021). Effect of soil moisture on soil compaction during skidding operations in poplar plantation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOREST ENGINEERING, vol. 32, p. 128-139, ISSN: 1494-2119, doi: 10.1080/14942119.2021.1878802
15. Tavankar F, Picchio R, Nikooy M, Jourgholami M, Naghdi R, Latterini F, Venanzi R (2021). Soil natural recovery process and Fagus orientalis lipsky seedling growth after timber extraction by wheeled skidder. LAND, vol. 10, p. 1-17, ISSN: 2073-445X, doi: 10.3390/land10020113
16. Picchio R., Stefanoni W., Pari R., Lazar S., Venanzi R., Tocci D., Latterini F. (2021). Felling operation in artificial coniferous stands: Work productivity analysis. In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. p. 263-264, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2021
17. Latterini F., Stefanoni W., Pari R., Lazar S., Venanzi R., Tocci D., Picchio R. (2021). Precision forest harvesting: Wood extraction planning and validation of gis models. In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. p. 32-35, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2021
18. Latterini F., Stefanoni W., Pari R., Lazar S., Venanzi R., Tocci D., Picchio R. (2021). Forest operation in high slope: Preliminary considerations on the possibility of substituting cable yarder with helicopter for timber extraction. In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. p. 304-305, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2021
19. Latterini F., Stefanoni W., Pari R., Lazar S., Venanzi R., Tocci D., Di Marzio N., Picchio R. (2021). Work productivity analysis in thinning intervention of chestnut coppice in central Italy. In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Conference Renewable Energies, 2021
20. Picchio R., Stefanoni W., Pair R., Lazar S., Venanzi R., Tocci D., Latterini F. (2021). Work productivity evaluation of different harvesting systems in oak coppice stands. In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. p. 260-262, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2021
21. Latterini F., Stefanoni W., Pari R., Lazar S., Venanzi R., Di Marzio N., Tocci D., Picchio R. (2021). Heavy gravity cable Yarding in Italian alps, operation planning and logistic. In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. p. 298-300, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2021
22. Picchio R, Venanzi R, Di Marzio N, Tocci D, Tavankar F (2020). A comparative analysis of two cable Yarder technologies performing thinning operations on a 33 year old pine plantation: A potential source of wood for energy. ENERGIES, vol. 13, 5376, ISSN: 1996-1073, doi: 10.3390/en13205376
23. Venanzi R., Picchio R., Spinelli R., Grigolato S. (2020). Soil Disturbance and Recovery after Coppicing a Mediterranean Oak Stand: The Effects of Silviculture and Technology. SUSTAINABILITY, vol. 12(10), ISSN: 2071-1050, doi: 10.3390/su12104074
24. Picchio R., Latterini F., Mederski P. S., Tocci D., Venanzi R., Stefanoni W., Pari L. (2020). Applications of GIS-based software to improve the sustainability of a forwarding operation in central Italy. SUSTAINABILITY, vol. 12, p. 1-15, ISSN: 2071-1050, doi: 10.3390/su12145716
25. Tavankar F., Nikooy M., Monaco A. L., Latterini F., Venanzi R., Picchio R. (2020). Short-term recovery of residual tree damage during successive thinning operations. FORESTS, vol. 11, 731, ISSN: 1999-4907, doi: 10.3390/F11070731
26. Picchio R, Tavankar F, Latterini F, Jourgholami M, Marian BK, Venanzi R (2020). Influence of different thinning treatments on stand resistance to snow and wind in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda l.) coastal plantations of northern iran. FORESTS, vol. 11, p. 1-14, ISSN: 1999-4907, doi: 10.3390/f11101034
27. Picchio R., Latterini F., Venanzi R., Stefanoni W., Suardi A., Tocci D., Pari L. (2020). Pellet production from woody and non-woody feedstocks: A review on biomass quality evaluation. ENERGIES, vol. 13, 2937, ISSN: 1996-1073, doi: 10.3390/ en13112937
28. Venanzi R., Picchio R., Grigolato S., Spinelli R. (2020). Soil disturbance induced by silvicultural treatment in chestnut (Castanea sativa mill.) coppice and post-disturbance recovery. FORESTS, vol. 11, p. 1-15, ISSN: 1999-4907, doi: 10.3390/f11101053
29. Sohrabi H., Jourgholami M., Jafari M., Shabanian N., Venanzi R., Tavankar F., Picchio R. (2020). Soil recovery assessment after timber harvesting based on the sustainable forest operation (SFO) perspective in iranian temperate forests. SUSTAINABILITY, vol. 12(7), 2874, ISSN: 2071-1050
30. Picchio R., Pari L., Venanzi R., Latterini F., Suardi A., Alfano V., Bergonzoli S. (2020). Italian coppices and their economic income. In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. p. 74-76, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2020
31. Picchio R., Pari L., Venanzi R., Latterini F., Suardi A., Alfano V. (2020). Analysis of woody biomass obtainable from abruzzo forests. In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. p. 71-73, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2020
32. Picchio R., Pari L., Venanzi R., Latterini F., Suardi A., Alfano V. (2020). Thinning: Working times, productivities and utilization costs in a pine forest. In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. p. 144-146, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2020
33. Picchio R., Pari L., Venanzi R., Latterini F., Suardi A., Alfano V., Bergonzoli S. (2020). A new mobile kiln prototype for charcoal production. In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. p. 686-689, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2020
34. Picchio R, Venanzi R., Tavankar F., Luchenti I., Iranparast Bodaghi, A. Latterini, F. Nikooy, Di Marzio, N. Naghdi, R (2019). Changes in soil parameters of forests after windstorms and timber extraction. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH, ISSN: 1612-4669
35. Schweier J., Blagojevic B., Venanzi R., Latterini F., Picchio R. (2019). Sustainability assessment of alternative strip clear cutting operations for wood chip production in renaturalization management of pine stands. ENERGIES, vol. 12, 3306, ISSN: 1996-1073, doi: 10.3390/en12173306
36. Sohrabi H., Jourgholami M., Tavankar F., Venanzi R., Picchio R. (2019). Post-harvest evaluation of soil physical properties and natural regeneration growth in steep-slope terrains. FORESTS, vol. 10, 1034, ISSN: 1999-4907, doi: 10.3390/ f10111034
37. Picchio R., Tavankar F., Bonyad A., Mederski P. S., Venanzi R., Nikooy M. (2019). Detailed Analysis of Residual Stand Damage Due to Winching on Steep Terrains. SMALL-SCALE FORESTRY, ISSN: 1873-7617
38. Tavankar F., Picchio R., Monaco A. L., Nikooy M., Venanzi R., Bonyad A. E. (2019). Wound healing rate in oriental beech trees following logging damage. DREWNO, vol. 62, p. 5-22, ISSN: 1644-3985, doi: 10.12841/wood.1644-3985.294.07
39. Tavankar, Farzam, Lo Monaco, Angela, Nikooy, Mehrdad, Venanzi, Rachele, Bonyad, Amireslam, Picchio, Rodolfo (2019). Snow damages on trees of an uneven age in mixed broadleaf forests: effects of topographical conditions and tree characteristics. JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH, p. 1-12, ISSN: 1007-662X, doi: 10.1007/s11676-018-0710-x j.foreco.2019.117666
40. Venanzi R., Picchio R., Grigolato S., Latterini F. (2019). Soil and forest regeneration after different extraction methods in coppice forests. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, vol. 454, 117666, ISSN: 0378-1127, doi: 10.1016/
41. Picchio R., Tavankar F., Nikooy M., Pignatti G., Venanzi R., Monaco A. L. (2019). Morphology, growth and architecture response of beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) and maple tree (Acer velutinum Boiss.) seedlings to soil compaction stress caused by mechanized logging operations. FORESTS, vol. 10, 771, ISSN: 1999-4907, doi: 10.3390/f10090771
42. Bodaghi A. I., Nikooy M., Naghdi R., Venanzi R., Latterini F., Tavankar F., Picchio R (2018). Ground-Based Extraction on Salvage Logging in Two High Forests: A Productivity and Cost Analysis. FORESTS, ISSN: 1999-4907
43. Behjou FK, Lo Monaco A, Tavankar F, Venanzi R, Nikooy M, Mederski PS, Picchio R (2018). Coarse woody debris variability due to human accessibility to forest. FORESTS, ISSN: 1999-4907
44. Picchio, Rodolfo, Mercurio, Roberto, Venanzi, Rachele, Gratani, Loretta, Giallonardo, Tommaso, Monaco, Angela Lo, Frattaroli, Anna Rita (2018). Strip clear-cutting application and logging typologies for renaturalization of pine afforestation-A case study. FORESTS, vol. 9, 366, ISSN: 1999-4907, doi: 10.3390/f9060366
45. Mederski, Piotr S., Venanzi, Rachele, Bembenek, Mariusz, Karaszewski, Zbigniew,ń sRkoas, i Martyna, Pilarek, Zeno n, Luchenti, Irene, Surus, Michał (2018). Designing thinning operations in 2nd age class pine stands-economic and environmental implications. FORESTS, vol. 9, 335, ISSN: 1999-4907, doi: 10.3390/f9060335
46. Picchio, Rodolfo, Pignatti, Giuseppe, Marchi, Enrico, Latterini, Francesco, Benanchi, Mirko, Foderi, Cristiana, Venanzi, Rachele, Verani, Stefano (2018). The application of two approaches using GIS technology implementation in forest road network planning in an Italian mountain setting. FORESTS, vol. 9, 277, ISSN: 1999-4907, doi: 10.3390/f9050277
47. Picchio, Rodolfo, Tavankar, Farzam, Venanzi, Rachele, Lo Monaco, Angela, Nikooy, Mehrdad (2018). Study of forest road effect on tree community and stand structure in three italian and Iranian temperate forests. CROATIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST ENGINEERING, vol. 39, p. 57-70, ISSN: 1845-5719
48. Picchio, Rodolfo, Venanzi, Rachele, Latterini, Francesco, Marchi, Enrico, Laschi, Andrea, Lo Monaco, Angela (2018). Corsican pine (Pinus laricio Poiret) stand management: Medium and long lasting effects of thinning on biomass growth. FORESTS, vol. 9, 257, ISSN: 1999-4907, doi: 10.3390/f9050257
49. Tavankar, Farzam, Lo Monaco, Angela, Picchio, Rodolfo, Venanzi, Rachele, Nikooy, Mehrdad (2018). Healing ability and diameter growth of lime-trees (Tilia begonifolia Stev.) following logging wounds. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH, vol. 137, p. 45-55, ISSN: 1612-4669, doi: 10.1007/s10342-017-1089-5
50. Tavankar, Farzam, Picchio, Rodolfo, Nikooy, Mehrdad, Lo Monaco, Angela, Venanzi, Rachele, Iranparast Bodaghi, Afraz (2017). Healing rate of logging wounds on broadleaf trees in hyrcanian forest with some technological implications. DREWNO, vol. 60, p. 65-80, ISSN: 1644-3985, doi: 10.12841/wood.1644-3985.200.05
51. Tavankar, Farzam, Bonyad, Amir E., Nikooy, Mehrdad, Picchio, Rodolfo, Venanzi, Rachele, Calienno, Luca (2017). Damages to soil and tree species by cable-skidding in caspian forests of Iran. FOREST SYSTEMS, vol. 26, e009, ISSN: 2171-5068, doi: 10.5424/fs/2017261-09100
52. Tavankar, Farzam, Nikooy, Mehrdad, Picchio, Rodolfo, Venanzi, Rachele, Monaco, Angela Lo (2017). Long-term effects of single-tree selection cutting management on coarse woody debris in natural mixed beech stands in the caspian forest (Iran). IFOREST, vol. 10, p. 652-658, ISSN: 1971-7458, doi: 10.3832/ifor2091-010
53. Cambi, Martina, Paffetti, Donatella, Vettori, Cristina, Picchio, Rodolfo, Venanzi, Rachele, Marchi, Enrico (2017). Assessment of the impact of forest harvesting operations on the physical parameters and microbiological components on a Mediterranean sandy soil in an Italian stone pine stand. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH, vol. 136, p. 205-215, ISSN: 1612-4669, doi: 10.1007/s10342-016-1020-5
54. Tavankar, Farzam, Nikooy, Mehrdad, Picchio, Rodolfo, Bonyad, Amireslam, Venanzi, Rachele (2017). Effects of logging wounds on caucasian alder trees (Alnus subcordata C.A. Mey.) in Iranian caspian forests. CROATIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST ENGINEERING, vol. 38, p. 73-82, ISSN: 1845-5719
55. Cambi, Martina, Hoshika, Yasutomo, Mariotti, Barbara, Paoletti, Elena, Picchio, Rodolfo, Venanzi, Rachele, Marchi, Enrico (2017). Compaction by a forest machine affects soil quality and Quercus robur L. seedling performance in an experimental field. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, vol. 384, p. 406-414, ISSN: 0378-1127, doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.10.045
56. Bertolotto, P., Calienno, L., Conforti, M., D'Andrea, E., Lo Monaco, A., Magnani, E., Marinšek, A., Micali, M., Spina, R., Venanzi, R. (2016). Assessing indicators of forest ecosystem health. ANNALS OF SILVICUL RTEUSREAALRCH, vol. 40, p. 64-69, ISSN: 2284-354X
57. Bernini R Pelosi C, Carastro I, Venanzi R, Filippo A, Piovesan G, Ronchi B, P Danieli (2016). Dendrochemical investigation on hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs) in poplars by an integrated study of micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and gas chromatography. TREES, ISSN: 0931-1890, doi: DOI 10.1007/s00468-015-1343-8
58. Primi, Riccardo, Filibeck, Goffredo, AMICI, ANDREA, Bückle, Christoph, Cancellieri, Laura, Di Filippo, Alfredo, Gentile, Carmelo, Guglielmino, Adalgisa, Latini, Roberta, Mancini, Leone D., Mensing, Sc oach for sustainable stocking assessment and ecological monitoring in mountain grasslands. AGRICULTURE, ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, vol. 234, p. 118-133, ISSN: 0167-8809, doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2016.04.028
59. Venanzi, Rachele, Picchio, Rodolfo, Piovesan, Gianluca (2016). Silvicultural and logging impact on soil characteristics in Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) Mediterranean coppice. ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 92, p. 82-89, ISSN: 0925-8574, doi 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.03.034
60. Marchi, Enrico, Picchio, Rodolfo, Mederski, Piotr S., Vusić, Dinko, Perugini, Mattia, Venanzi, Rachele (2016). (2016). Impact of silvicultural treatment and forest operation on soil and regeneration in Mediterranean Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) coppice with standards ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 95, p. 475-484, ISSN: 0925-8574, doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.06.084
61. Picchio, Rodolfo, Spina, Raffaello, Calienno, Luca, Venanzi, Rachele, Lo Monaco, Angela (2016). Forest operations for implementing silvicultural treatments for multiple purposes. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY, vol. 11, p. 156-161, ISSN: 1125-4718
62. 55.Tavankar, Farzam, Bonyad, Amireslam, Marchi, Enrico, Venanzi, Rachele, Picchio, Rodolfo (2015). Effect of logging wounds on diameter growth of beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) trees following selection cutting in Caspian forests of Iran. NEW ZEALAD JOURNAL OF FORESTRY SCIENCE, vol. 45, 19, ISSN: 0048-0134, doi: 10.1186/s40490-015-0052-9
63. Marchi, Enrico, Picchio, Rodolfo, Spinelli, Raffaele, Verani, Stefano, Venanzi, Rachele, Certini, Giacomo (2014). Environmental impact assessment of different logging methods in pine forests thinning. ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 70, p. 429-436, ISSN: 0925-8574, doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.06.019
Contributi su riviste nazionali (in Italian)
1. Picchio R, Perugini M., Venanzi R (2016). Carbonaia mobile orizzontale: come rendere moderna una produzione tradizionale. SHERWOOD, supplemento T&P n. 123, pp. 9-11
2. Picchio R, Venanzi R, Micheli G, Giuliani G, Calabrese A, Calienno L, Mercurio R (2016). Pinete artificiali, i tempi della rinaturalizzazione: i cantieri di esbosco realizzati nell'ambito del progetto Morinabio finanziato dal Psr Abruzzo. TERRA È VITA, vol. 3, ISSN: 2421-356X.
3. Picchio R, Marziali L, Venanzi R (2015). Residui di conifere o pioppo srf. Qualità energetiche a confronto. TERRA È VITA, vol. 31/32, ISSN: 2421-356X.
4. Venanzi R, Calienno L, Picchio R, Piovesan G (2015). Valutare l'impatto al suolo delle utilizzazioni. SHERWOOD. FORESTE ED ALBERI OGGI, vol. 112, p. 10-12, ISSN: 1590-7805.
5. Picchio R, Calienno L, Venanzi R, Spina R (2014). Il verricello forestale una tecnologia ancora marginalmente diffusa in Italia. TERRA E VITA, vol. 42, p. 31-34, ISSN: 0040-3776.
Publications (In Italian)
1. Picchio R, Antogiovanni A, Calienno L, Caputo F, MarzialiL, Venanzi R, Lo Monaco A (2015). Le utilizzazioni forestali e la meccanizzazione per la gestione dei rimboschimenti di conifere. In: AAVV. PROGETTO MORINABIO Linee guida per la rinaturalizzazione dei rimboschimenti di conifere in Abruzzo e per l'utilizzo delle biomasse . p. 37-48.
2. Picchio R, Lo Monaco A, Piovesan G, Venanzi R, Sandoletti L, Caputo F, Marziali L, Antogiovanni a (2015). Caratterizzazione dello sminuzzato. in: aavv. (a cura di): rodolfo picchio, manuale tecnico: processi di valorizzazione del cippato agroforestale agr. p. 37-54, ISBN:9791220004442.
3. Calienno L, Mercurio R, Picchio R, Venanzi R (2015). Descrizione del soprassuolo e del pianosperimentale. in: aavv. progetto Morinabio. Linee guida per la rinaturalizzazione dei rimboschimenti di onifere in Abruzzo e per l'utilizzo delle biomasse . p. 77-80
4. Picchio R, Lo Monaco A, Piovesan G, Venanzi R (2015). Presentazione del progetto e premessa. In: AAVV. (a cura di): Rodolfo Picchio, Manuale tecnico: processi di valorizzazione del cippato agroforestale agr p. 6-8, ISBN: 9791220004442.
5. Antogiovanni A, Sperandio G, Calienno L, Petroni G (2015). Approfondimenti su alcuni risultati del progetto. In: AAVV. (a cura di): Rodolfo Picchio, Manuale tecnico: processi di valorizzazione del cippato agroforestale agr. p. 84-106, ISBN: 9791220004442.
6. Picchio A, Antogiovanni A, Calienno L, Caputo F, Marziali L, Venanzi R, Lo Monaco A (2015). Utilizzazioni e meccanizzazione forestale. In: AAVV. PROGETTO MORINABIO Linee guida per la rinaturalizzazione dei rimboschimenti di conifere in Abruzzo e per l'utilizzo delle biomasse. p.113-117.
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