Professore Ordinario
Settore scientifico disciplinare di riferimento
Università degli Studi della TUSCIA
Struttura di afferenza
Dipartimento di
DAFNE - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali
Date: June 2021
Born in Manziana (Roma), Italy on 28/01/1963
Nationality: Italian.
Address: Viterbo (Italy).
Full Professor in agricultural economics and policy at Università della Tuscia – DAFNE. Via S. C. De Lellis, snc - IT-01100, Viterbo, Italy. He is: teaching “Agricultural Policy and Markets” to MSc students; member of the Doctoral program board; teaching “Forestry economics and appraisal” to undergraduate students.
Analysis of agricultural policy with an emphasis on ex-ante and ex-post evaluation of CAP policies mostly referring to CAP Pillar 1 measures such as direct payments, market measures risk management policies. Analyses have been performed by applying mathematical programming, econometric methods, and stochastic simulation methods at the individual farm level. The focus of research and evaluation is on-farm production choices, income level, variability and distribution, risk analysis and management at farm level using micro-data including individual farm and households (FADN and EU-SILC). Lately, he has also developed research on the resilience and sustainability of farming systems. He has extensively worked on the economics of irrigation applying regional mathematical programming models to several irrigation areas of Italy.
Quality and Impact of Publications
The scientific production has been intense: Google Scholar reports 170 papers. According to this database, these have generated 1028 citations (544 since 2016) and a H index of 16 (12 since 2016).
Scopus reports 34 documents, 330 citations and an h-index of 11 (Jan. 5th, 2021).
Recently the quality of his publications has improved: of the 18 papers reported in Scopus since 2012 in journal within the categories Economics and Econometrics and Economics Econometrics and Finance, 5 papers are published in journals in Q1, while other 11 in Q2. One additional paper is published in a journal in Q1 of the category Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law. Two journals in which he has published have an H index of 75, 2 of 56 and other 3 above 46. 7 of his articles are published on journals belonging to Class A of the scientific area 13.
Recently the impact of his publications has improved. The 5 papers published in journals in Q1 within the categories Economics and Econometrics and Economics Econometrics and Finance have been published in 2020 and 2021. Furthermore, while the citations where of around 20 in 2016, his papers steadily increased the number of citations per year reaching 99 citations in 2020 according to Scopus. Additional information can be found in the Annex.
Further details can be found at:
Google Scholar:
Web of Science:; ResearcherID: A-6944-2017
The commission for the “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale” (National competition to be eligible for) to become full professor in the area Agricultural Economics and Policy (sector 07/A1) (Call 2012) has evaluated the impact of his overall scientific production as Excellent (measured using the indicators referred to in Article 6 and Annexes A and B of the ASN).
The paper: Cortignani R., Severini S. (2012). “A constrained optimization model based on generalized maximum entropy to assess the impact of reforming agricultural policy on the sustainability of irrigated areas”. Agricultural Economics, 43 (6): 621-633, has been awarded as “Best Article published in the journal Agricultural Economics” in the year 2012.
The paper: Severini S., Tantari A. and Di Tommaso G. (2016). Do CAP direct payments stabilise farm income? Empirical evidences from a constant sample of Italian farms. Agricultural and Food Economics 4(6): 1-17. This research article has been highlighted as “Editors’ Pick” by the Editors of the journal as recognised by Dr. Erica Gordon-Mallin of Springer Nature on 16 September 2016 because considered an articlethat makes an especially strong contribution to the field.
For the European Parliament:
• “The EU farming employment: current challenges and future prospects”. Expert collaborating in the study requested by European Parliament's Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development. A study coordinated by ÖIR GmbH, Vienna (Austria).
For the European Commission:
• « Evaluation study of the impact of the CAP measures towards the general objective “viable food production” « (2018). COGEA S.r.l. – Roma (Italy). Final report approved.
• «Evaluation of the structural effects of direct support”. Evaluation of CAP measures concerning sectors subject to past or present direct support – Lot 1: Horizontal issues. Agrosynergie EEIG. Bruxelles, 2013.
• “Evaluation of income effects of direct support”. Evaluation des mesures de la PAC relatives aux secteurs ayant bénéficié de soutien direct – Lot 1: Questions horizontales. Contrat n° 30-CE-0223110/00-78. Agrosynergie EEIG. Bruxelles, Oct. 2010.
• «Évaluation des effets sur les marchés du décuplage partiel». Evaluation des mesures de la PAC relatives aux secteurs ayant bénéficié de soutien direct – Lot 1. COGEA S.r.l. – Roma (Italy). 2010.
• «Évaluation des mesures de la PAC relatives au secteur du riz». Rapport Final. COGEA s.r.l.. Roma, Nov. 2009.
• “Évaluation des mesures de la PAC relatives au secteur du tabac brut”. Rapport Final. COGEA s.r.l.. Roma, Aug. 2009. “Evaluation de l’activation des paiments directs sur les cultures de fruits et légumes dans le modèle régional”. Contrat n° 30-CE-0035027/00-37. Agrosynergie – Groupment Européen d’Intérét Economique, Bruxelles. April 2008.
Other evaluations:
• Evaluation of the National Strategy of operational programs in the fruit and vegetable sector (2020-2021) – Italy.
• International team leader in the project: “Turkey: Mapping Agribusiness Support Measures in Turkey Phase III - Support the design of a Monitoring and Evaluation System of the Turkish Agriculture Support Measures in line with best practices”. Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (International Advisory Services). Project financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). (2020-February 2021)
• Evaluation of the National Strategy for sustainable operational programs (2012) - Italy. Available at:
• Delegate of the Rector for International Relations (Since November 26th, 2019 - currently).
• President Elect of the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA). Since June 2020 - currently.
• Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Bio-based Agricultural and Applied Economics (BAE). June 2016 - June 2020.
• June 2018-May 2021. Principal Investigator of the Research Unit of the University of Tuscia within the European (Horizon 2020) research project: “Towards SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing systems (SURE-Farm)”. The project, coordinated by Wageningen University, using resilience thinking, develops a comprehensive resilience enabling framework and applies several assessment tools including: participatory approaches, farm surveys, structured interviews, focus groups, workshops and the Resilience Assessment Tool (ResAT). Emphasis is given also to the role of risk management in enhancing the resilience of the farming systems. The project provides a thorough analysis of the complex challenges to Europe’s agricultural sector and an assessment of relevant policies novel and risk-management tools for farmers.
• 2001-02. Principal investigator of the Research Unit of the University of Tuscia, in the Research Program of Relevant National Interest (PRIN) co-financed by MURST ("The new agricultural negotiation within the World Trade Organization and the process of reform of the agricultural policies of the European Union ".
• 2012-13. Member of the team of the project: “Analysis of the income of Italian farms by means of the FADN database” within a project regarding the policies related to natural disasters” (Funded by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture).
• 2009-11. Member of the team of the project AGROSCENARI (Funded by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture): economic analysis on the adaptation of Italian agriculture to Climate Changes.
• 2008-13. Member of the project "WFD: cost recovery of water services in agriculture" (Funded by the Italian Ministry of Research).
• 2004-06, PON ATAS (Funded by Italian Institute of Agricultural Economics): economic modeling of water and land use in agriculture.
• 2002-04, MONIDRI INEA (Funded by the Italian Government): economic analysis and integrated modeling of water use optimization in agriculture.
• Dottorato di Ricerca in Agricultural policy. Università della Tuscia, Viterbo (Italy). 1998.
• Master of Sciences in Agricultural and Resource Economics. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Arizona, Tucson (USA). 1997.
• Specialization in Agro-Food Economics. SMEA - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Cremona (Italy). 1991.
• Degree in Agricultural Science. Università della Tuscia, Viterbo (Italy). 1988.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the following seminars and Congresses:
• 178th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE): “Future challenges and resilience of farming systems in Europe”. 18th - 20th May 2021 – Wageningen, The Netherlands.
• 173rd Seminar of the EAAE: “Sustainable and resilient farming systems in the European Union”. September 26-27, 2019 – Bucharest, Romania
• 171st Seminar of the EAAE: “Measuring and evaluating farm income and well-being of farm families in Europe”. 5–6 September 2019, Taenikon, Switzerland.
• Chairman of the 7th Conference of the AIEAA: “Science policy dialogue to face agri-food system challenges”. June 2018; Conegliano (TV), Italy.
• 156th EAAE seminar “Prospects for agricultural insurance in Europe”, 3-4 October 2016, Wageningen UR, The Netherlands.
• 3rd AIEAA Conference: "Between Crisis and Development: Which Role for the Bio-Economy". Parma (Italy), 6-7 June 2013.
• Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee 109th EAAE seminar: “The CAP after the Fischler Reform: national implementations, impact assessment and the Agenda for future reforms.” Viterbo, 20 – 21 November 2008.
• Evaluator of research project proposals in the EU Framework Programs FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020.
• Referee for several scientific journals in the field of agricultural economics and policy, including: Agricultural Economics (IAAE), European Review of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Finance Review, Bio-based agriculture, Agriculture and Food Economics.