Docente di ruolo di altro ateneo - corsi interateneo
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Università degli Studi di ROMA "La Sapienza"
DIBAF - Dipartimento per la Innovazione nei Sistemi Biologici, Agroalimentari e Forestali
Curriculum Vitae Serena Cavallero
Posizione attuale: Ricercatrice di tipo A (tempo definito) SSD VET/06 presso il Dipartimento di sanità pubblica e malattie infettive, Sapienza Università di Roma (15 dicembre – 14 dicembre 2023)
Abilitazione scientifica nazionale per Professore di II fascia SSD VET/06 conseguita a luglio 2020 e valida fino al 2029 .
Attività di consulente esperto
• Progetti di ricercar nazionali Repubblica Ceca “Czech Science Foundation” (2020)
• Progetti MSCA (European Projects 2019)
• Progetti di ricercar nazionali Polonia (2019)
• ANGQ (Associazione Nazionale Garanzia della Qualità) - Corso di Filogenesi molecolare e genetica delle popolazioni presso UNIRELAB srl (MIPAAFT) (2018)
• Generon srl Consulente per Validazione di kit diagnostici basati su tecnologia PCR Real Time da applicare su alimenti per la ricerca di acidi nucleici specificamente riferibili a nematodi anisakidi (2016)
• Progetti europei FP7 (2015)
Attività di ricerca Post-doc:
• Comparative transcriptomic analyses on Anisakid pathogenic species (2017-2018 Dipartimento di sanità pubblica e malattie infettive, Sapienza Università di Roma)
• One-Health approach: genetic variability in chamois subspecies in relation to epidemics (2013-2016 Dipartimento di sanità pubblica e malattie infettive, Sapienza Università di Roma)
• Microbiological safety in thermal bath facilities (2012 – Dipartimento di scienze cliniche e medicina traslazionale, Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
• Comparative analyses in transcriptomes from zoonosic parasitic nematodes (Anisakis and Hysterothylacium) - EMBO short term fellowship (6876 application number ASTF 632-2016) (Dipartimento di medicina veterinaria, Università di Cambridge Gennaio-Marzo 2017)
• Characterization and risk mapping of zoonotic agents of helminthiases in the Mediterranean Basin (FILAS – Progetto Regione Lazio agosto 2016-gennaio 2017)
• Molecular, biochemical and immunological characterization of helimnths of public health concern – Sapienza fellows presso l’Accademia Slovacca delle Scienze a Kosice (Dicembre 2012 – Maggio 2013)
• Evolutionary processes in anisakid nematodes: from gene sequences to the hypotheses of speciation mechanisms, host-parasite co-phylogeny and morphological and life history evolution” – Ministero degli affair esteri, programmi di cooperazione tecnica e scientifica Italia-USA presso la University of California, Davis - Department of Nematology (Marzo 2010)
Abilitazione alla professione di Biologo (Sapienza Università di Roma2011)
Membro delle seguenti società scientifiche: International Society of Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV); European society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID); Società Italiana di Parassitologia (SOIPA); Società Scientifica Veterinaria per l’Apicoltura (SVETAP).
Best young researcher SOIPA nel 2018, 2016, 2012. Best oral talk in Human Parasitology at SOIPA congress in 2021.
Dottorato in Sanità Pubblica e Microbiologia conseguito a Marzo 2012 (curriculum Parassitologia)
Titolo della tesi – “Molecular systematics of Anisakid nematodes (Anisakis spp., Pseudoterranova spp., Contracaecum spp.)”
Laurea specialistica in Biologica cellulare applicate conseguita a Ottobre 2008
Titolo della tesi – “Specie gemelli nel genere Anisakis (Nematoda: Anisakidae): ipotesi di una zona ibrida intorno allo Stretto di Gibilterra)”
Laurea Triennale in Scienze Biologiche conseguita a Febbraio 2007
Titolo della tesi – “Caratterizzazione genetica di Ascaris spp. da diverse regioni geografiche”
Corsi di formazione frequentati
Emergenza sanitaria da nuovo coronavirus SARS CoV-2: preparazione e contrasto (Corso FAD ISS Marzo 2020)
Basic Extracellular Vesicles (Coursera – ISEV 2019)
Rfam and RNAcentral bioinformatic platforms course. European Institute of Bioinformatics EBI (Hinxton Cambridge UK 2019)
Extracellular vesicles in Helminths (Hydra, Grecia 2019)
Echinococcosis: epidemiological, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutical aspects (Istituto Nazionale per le Malattie Infettive “Lazzaro Spallanzani“ I.R.C.C.S. 2017)
Chikungunya: data, actions and criticisms (Sapienza 2017)
National Reference Laboratories meeting for food-borne parasites (Ministero della salute 2017)
Comparative methods in evolutionary biology (Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, 2016)
Summer school “Fish Parasitology” (ECIP European centre of IchtyoParasitology e Masarik University, Faculty of Science- Brno, Czech Republic 2016)
RNA-SEQ Data analysis (Università di Napoli 2016)
HACCP course (Bio Invent snc Rome 2014)
Biosafety in laboratories (VWR International PBI S.r.l. Rome 2014)
Preventive and quality controls in Biobanks (PB - International Rome 2011
Cystic Echinococcosis: Burden of Disease in the EU and Clinical Management” (ESCMID and WHO Echinococcus group University of Pavia 2011)
Computational Molecular Evolution (EMBO, Grecia 2010)
Comparative Genomics (Ecole Normal Superior, Lyon 2009)
Guest Editor per lo Special Issue dal titolo “Novel Omics Studies on Anisakid Nematodes” per la rivista Genes
Guest Editor per la Collection dal titolo “Zoonotic parasitic diseases in a changing world” for Frontiers in Veterinary Science (Parasitology Section)
Guest Editor per Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Reviewer per: Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, Plos One, Parasites and Vectors, Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, BMC Genomics, Veterinary Parasitology, Infection Genetic and Evolution, Helminthologia, Parasitology Research, Mediterranean Marine Science, Parasitology International, African Journal of Biotechnology.
• ESCMID Research Grant 2021 “Intestinal Organoids as a new model to unravel the role of exosomes in
host-nematode interactions”
• Sapienza ateneo 2019 “Deciphering host-parasite interactions using an in-vitro system with Caco-2 cells and Anisakis exosomal microRNA”
• Progetto di divulgazione scientifica - “Eureka”-Roma 2018” titolo: “Roma ti apiamo”
• Sapienza avvio alla ricerca 2016 “Cryptic species in whipworms from humans and non-human primates: zoonosic risk in wildfile and captivity”
• ESCMID Research Grant 2015 “Comparative analyses on transcriptomes of anisakid pathogenic species”
• Sapienza avvio alla ricerca 2015 “Molecular characterization of Trichuris spp. from captive and domestic rodents”
• SOIPA avvio alla ricerca 2015 “Molecular characterization of Trichuris spp. from captive and domestic rodents, zoonosic implication”
• Sapienza avvio alla ricerca 2014 “Genotyping Ascaris spp. (Nematoda: Ascaridida) with High Resolution Melting approach”
• The genome of the zoonotic parasite Anisakis pegreffii as a framework for deepen the knowledge on host-parasite interaction (Sapienza 2020 Prof D’Amelio S)
• The host-parasite interface: characterization of non-coding RNAs in exosomes from anisakid nematodes of human health concern (Sapienza 2018 Prof D’Amelio S, Prof Lombardo F, Dr. Arcà B., Dr. Cavallero S)
• Echinococcosi cistica…al lavoro: azioni in-formative per la prevezione e gestione del rischio zoonosico nella regione Sardegna - Progetto di azione prevezionale, Dir. Regionale INAIL (2018)
• Identification, genetic diversity and phylogeny of intestinal nematodes from Galápagos land iguanas Conolophus subcristatus and Conolophus marthae. SOIPA 2018 (Università di Roma Tor Vergata Dr. Berrilli F, Dr. Montalbano Di Filippo M, Dr. Cavallero S).
• Causative relation among MHC heterozygosity, fertility and parasites in deer populations of Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio – Dr. Corlatti L, Prof D’Amelio S, Dr Cavallero S.
• Non-invasive sampling methods in wild and captive primates – Units of Primatology CNR (Dr Visalberghi, Dr Truppa).
• Interactions between Escherichia coli and nematodes in free living and parasitic models. Sapienza 2015 (Prof Longhi C, Prof D’Amelio, Dr Cavallero S).
• Genomics and host-pathogen interaction: a study model in the One-Health perspective–PRIN 2011-2014 Prof D’Amelio
• Molecular epidemiology of ascariasis: A perspective on the transmission dynamics of Ascaris in people and pigs in endemic and non-endemic countries Sapienza 2015 (Prof D'Amelio).
• Study on the presence and distribution of nematode larvae of the family Anisakidae in anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus) fished on the Lazio coast and in euryhaline fish species farmed in sea cages – Progetto di ricerca corrente 2010-2013 Istituto Zooprofilattico sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana
• Surveillance of priority and emerging diseases in wildlife in the Alpine Central and Eastern Europe – Progetto Ricerca corrente 2009 dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie
• Molecular, biochemical and immunological characterization of helimnths of public health concern. Slovak Academy of Science (Dr. Snabel V).
• Host-pathogen interaction in pyrenean chamois populations exposed to pestivirus - (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Prof. Ignasi, Lavín, Prof López-Olvera)
Altre lingue
Competenze Specifiche
Metodi di biologia molecolare (DNA, RNA, PCR, RFLP, Real Time PCR, HRM, CDNA, miRNAs) analisi di sequenze nucleotidiche, filogenesi, genetica di popolazione, morfologia (Chromas, Trace, MEGA; DnaSP, Arlequin, Beast, MrBayes, PamL, FigTree, Dendroscope, TCS, Network, PopArt). NGS approaches: mapping assembly e annotation RNAseq, DEGs, miRNAs. Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop cs3 e Linux (Ubuntu system).
Altri interessi e attività
Nel 2015 fonda l’associazione di promozione sociale BUONO, con lo scopo di divulgare la scienza e conservare la natura mediante l’esempio virtuoso del mondo delle api ( Project manager e research activity manager.
Nel 2018 si abilita e si iscrive all’albo nazionale come esparto in analisi sensoriale dei mieli (CRA-API Bologna).
Capacità relazionali
Buona esperienza nel lavoro di gruppo, nelle relazioni multiculturali, buone capacità di leadership e time-planning
Capacità organizzative
Buone capacità di coordinamento, pianificazione del lavoro e organizzazione del tempo, sia nel lavoro singolo sia di gruppo. Buone capacità di problem-solving.
Patente di guida
Pubblicazioni in riviste peer-reviewed (with IF)
1. Šnábel V, Kuzmina TA, Antipov AA, Yemets OM, Cavallero S, Miterpáková M, D'Amelio S, Antolová D, Vasilková Z, Sałamatin R. (2021) Molecular Study of Echinococcus granulosus Cestodes in Ukraine and the First Genetic Identification of Echinococcus granulosus Sensu Stricto (G1 Genotype) in the Country. Acta Parasitol. 2021 19.
2. Cavallero S, Lombardo F, D'Amelio S. Novel Omics Studies on Anisakid Nematodes. Genes (Basel). (2021) 16;12(8):1250.
3. Cavallero S, D'Amelio S. (2021) Anisakis: From Molecular Identification to Omic Studies. pp.415-424. In Molecular Food Microbiology - ISBN:9780815359500. (In FOOD MICROBIOLOGY series - book chapter) 4. Peradotto M, Rolle E, Zaccaria T, Cavallero S, Bondi A, Bottino P, De Angelis C, D'Amelio S, Saracco GM, Cavallo R. (2021) An unpleasant souvenir: Endoscopic finding of Trichuris trichiura (Nematoda: Trichuridae). Parasitol Int. 80:102220.
5. D’Amelio S, Cavallero S (2020). Geohelminths. pp.1-10. In Encyclopedia of Infection and Immunity - ISBN:9780128012383 DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-818731-9.00025-2.
6. Cavallero S, Montalbano Di Filippo M, Rondón S, Liberato C, D'Amelio S, Friedrich KG, Berrilli F. (2020) Nuclear and Mitochondrial Data on Trichuris from Macaca fuscata Support Evidence of Host Specificity. Life (Basel). 31;11(1):18. 7. Martini A, Pietrafesa E, Rondinone B, Iavicoli S, D'Amelio S, Cavallero S, Bonafede M. (2020). Toxoplasmosis and knowledge: What do the Italian women know about? Epidemiology and Infection, 148, E256.
8. D'Amelio S, Lombardo F, Pizzarelli A, Bellini I, Cavallero S. Advances in Omic Studies Drive Discoveries in the Biology of Anisakid Nematodes. Genes (Basel). 2020;11(7):E801. doi:10.3390/genes11070801
9. Cavallero S, Lombardo F, Salvemini M, Pizzarelli A, Cantacessi C, D'Amelio S. Comparative Transcriptomics Reveals Clues for Differences in Pathogenicity between Hysterothylacium aduncum, Anisakis simplex sensu stricto and Anisakis pegreffii. Genes (Basel). 2020;11(3):321.
10. Turchetto S, Obber F, Rossi L, D’Amelio S, Cavallero S, Poli A, Parisi F, Lanfranchi P, Ferrari N, Dellamaria D, Citterio CV. Sarcoptic Mange in Wild Caprinae of the Alps: Could Pathology Help in Filling the Gaps in Knowledge? (2020) Front. Vet. Sci. 7:193.
11. Panayotova-Pencheva M, Šnábel V, Dakova V, Čabanová V, Cavallero S, Trifonova A, Mirchev R, Hurníková Z, Vasilková Z, Miterpáková M. Dirofilaria immitis in Bulgaria: the first genetic baseline data and an overview of the current status. (2020) Helminthologia 57, 3: 211 – 218.
12. Šnábel V, Antolová D, Cavallero S, D'Amelio S. On the geographic genetic variants of the cestode Echinococcus multilocularis with reference to the original descriptions from Bowles et al. (1992) and Bowles and McManus (1993), and their use. (2020) Parasitol Int. 75:102039.
13. Montalbano Di Filippo M, Berrilli F, De Liberato C, Di Giovanni V, D'Amelio S, Friedrich KG, Cavallero S. (2020) Molecular characterization of Trichuris spp. From captive animals based on mitochondrial markers. Parasitol Int. 75:102043.
14. Abtahi M, Eslami G, Cavallero S, Vakili M, Hosseini SS, Ahmadian S, Boozhmehrani MJ, Khamesipour A. (2020) Relationship of Leishmania RNA Virus (LRV) and treatment failure in clinical isolates of Leishmania major. BMC Res Notes. 4;13(1):126.
15. Hammad S. J., Cavallero S, Al-Nasiri FS, D᾿ Amelio S. Comparative study among lactophenol blue, lactophenol solution and proteinase-K lytic solution for rostellar hooks morphometry of Echinococcus granulosus protoscolices. Helminthologia, 57:1. Doi:
16. Jarošová J, Antolová D, Šnábel V, Guimarães N, Štofík J, Urban P, Cavallero S, Miterpáková M. The fox tapeworm, Echinococcus multilocularis, in grey wolves and dogs in Slovakia: epidemiology and genetic analysis. J Helminthol. 2020;94:e168.
17. Jarošová J, Šnábel V, Cavallero S, Chovancová G, Hurníková Z, Antolová D. The Mouse Bile Duct Tapeworm, Hymenolepis microstoma in Free-living Small Mammals in Slovakia: Occurrence and Genetic Analysis. (2020) Helminthologia. 57(2):120-128.
18. Jarošová J, Antolová D, Šnábel V, Miklisová D, Cavallero S (2020) The dwarf tapeworm Hymenolepis nana in pet rodents in Slovakia – epidemiological survey and genetic analysis. Parasitol Res.;119(2):519-527.
19. Cavallero S, El Sherif RA, Pizzarelli A, El Fituri AA, El Showdhi M, Benmosa F, D’Amelio S. (2019) Occurrence of Anisakis and Hysterothylacium nematodes in Atlantic chub mackerels from Libyan coasts. Helminthologia, 56, 4: 347 – 352
20. Cavallero S, Nejsum P, Cutillas C, Callejón R, Doležalová J, Modrý D, D'Amelio S. (2019) Insights into the molecular systematics of Trichuris infecting captive primates based on mitochondrial DNA analysis. Vet Parasitol. 272:23-30.
21. Cavallero S, Martini A, Migliara G, De Vito C, Iavicoli S, D'Amelio S. (2018) Anisakiasis in Italy: Analysis of hospital discharge records in the years 2005-2015. PLoS One. 11; 13 (12): e0208772.
22. Massolo A, Valli D, Wassermann M, Cavallero S, D'Amelio S, Meriggi A, Torretta E, Serafini M, Casulli A, Zambon L, Boni CB, Ori M, Romig T, Macchioni F. (2018) Unexpected Echinococcus multilocularis infections in shepherd dogs and wolves in south-western Italian Alps: A new endemic area? Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl. 13;7(3):309-316.
23. Montalbano Di Filippo M, Meoli R, Cavallero S, Eleni C, De Liberato C, Berrilli F. (2018) Molecular identification of Mesocestoides sp. metacestodes in a captive gold-handed tamarin (Saguinus midas). Infect Genet EvolAug 12 ;65:399-405.
24. Cavallero S, D’Amelio S (2018) Anisakis: from molecular identification to “omics” studies (chapter 29) in “Molecular food microbiology, Boca Raton, Florida:CRC Press Taylor e Francis Group.
25. D’Amelio S, Snabel V, Cavallero S (2018) Ascaris (chapter 78) in Handbook of Foodborne Diseases pp 843-850 (Boca Raton, Florida:CRC Press Taylor e Francis Group, ISBN 9781138036307 - CAT# K31813).
26. Cavallero S, Lombardo F, Su X, Salvemini M, Cantacessi C, D’Amelio S (2018) Tissue-specific transcriptomes of Anisakis simplex (sensu stricto) and Anisakis pegreffii reveal potential molecular mechanisms involved in pathogenicity. Parasit Vectors, 11, 31.
27. Hammad SJ, Cavallero S, Milardi GL, Gabrielli S, D᾿Amelio S, Al-Nasiri FS (2018) Molecular genotyping of Echinococcus granulosus in the North of Iraq. Vet Parasitol 15;249:82-87
28. Šnabel V, Calma C, Georgescu SO, Cavallero S, D’Amelio S, Vadilkova Z, Ito A. (2017) Genetic survey of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in Romania: first molecular evidence of Echinococcus multilocularis in humans in the Country. Helminthologia, 54, 3: 189-198.
29. Cavallero S, Bruno A, Arletti E, Caffara M, Fioravanti ML, Costa A, Cammilleri G, Graci S, Ferrantelli V, D'Amelio S. (2017). Validation of a commercial kit aimed to the detection of pathogenic anisakid nematodes in fish products. Int J Food Microbiol (257), 75–79.
30. Gazzonis AL, Cavallero S, Zanzani SA, Olivieri E, Malandra R, Ranghieri R, D’Amelio S, Manfredi MT. (2017). Anisakis sp. and Hysterothylacium sp. larvae in anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus) and chub mackerel (Scomber colias) in the Mediterranean Sea: Molecular identification and risk factors. Food Control 366-373, ISSN: 0956-7135.
31. Cavallero S, Pombi M, Perrone V, Milardi GL, D'Amelio S, Giuliani C, Gabrielli S. (2017) Gasterophilus intestinalis (Diptera: Oestridae) in the diaphragmatic muscle: An unusual finding. Vet Parasitol. 15;237: 117-121.
32. Luzzago C, Ebranati E, Cabezón O, Fernández-Sirera L, Santiago L, Rosell R, Veo C, Rossi L, Cavallero S, Lanfranchi P, Marco I, Zehender G. (2016) Spatial and Temporal Phylogeny of Border Disease Virus in Pyrenean Chamois (Rupicapra p. pyrenaica) PLOS ONE 11(12):e0168232.
33. Šnábel V, Kuzmina T, Cavallero S, D´Amelio S, Georgescu SO, Szénási S, Cielecka D, Sałamatin R, Yemets A, Kucsera I (2016) A molecular survey of Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato in central-eastern Europe. Open Life Sci. 11: 524–532.
34. Cavallero S, Scribano D, D'Amelio S. (2016) First case report of invasive pseudoterranoviasis in Italy. Parasitol Int. 65(5 Pt A):488-90.
35. Visalberghi E, Cavallero S, Fragaszy DM, Izar P, Aguiar RM, Truppa V (2015) Making use of Chapuchins’ behavioral propensities to obtain hair samples for DNA analyses. Neotrop Primates, vol. 2, p. 89-93, ISSN: 1413-4703
36. Cavallero S, De Liberato C, Friedrich KG, Di Cave D, Masella V, D'Amelio S, Berrilli F. (2015). Genetic heterogeneity and phylogeny of Trichuris spp. from captive non-human primates based on ribosomal DNA sequence data. Infect Genet Evol. 2015 Aug;34:450-6.
37. Cavallero S, Magnabosco C, Civettini M, Boffo L, Mingarelli G, Buratti P, Giovanardi O, Fortuna CM, Arcangeli G. (2015). Survey of Anisakis sp. and Hysterothylacium sp. in sardines and anchovies from the North Adriatic Sea. Int J Food Microbiol DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2015.01.017.
38. Cavallero S, Costa A, Caracappa S, Gambetta B, D’Amelio S. (2014) Putative hybrids between two Anisakis cryptic species: molecular genotyping using High Resolution Melting. Exp Parasitol, doi: 10.1016/j.exppara.2014.08.017.
39. Cavallero S. (2014) Letter to the Editor, Journal of Food Quality and Hazard Control, 1 (66): eISSN: 2345-6825.
40. Costa G, Chada T, Melo-Moreira E, Cavallero S, D'Amelio S. (2014) Endohelminth parasites of the leafscale gulper shark, Centrophorus squamosus (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Squaliformes: Centrophoridae) off Madeira Archipelago. Acta Parasitol 59: 316-22.
41. De Liberato C, Bossù T, Scaramozzino P, Nicolini G, Ceddia P, Mallozzi S, Cavallero S, D'Amelio S. (2013) Presence of Anisakid Larvae in the European Anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus, Fished Off the Tyrrhenian Coast of Central Italy. J Food Protection 76 (9): 1643-1648.
42. Cavallero S, Šnábel V, Pacella F, Perrone V, D’Amelio S. (2013) Phylogeographical studies of Ascaris spp. based on ribosomal and mitochondrial DNA sequences. PLOS NTD 7: e2170 doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002170.
43. Berrilli F, Di Cave D, Cavallero S, D'Amelio S. (2012) Interactions between parasites and microbial communities in the human gut. Front Cell Infect Microbiol, doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2012.00141.
44. Cavallero S, Marco I, Lavín S, D’Amelio S, López-Olvera JR. (2012) Polymorphisms at MHC class II DRB1 exon 2 locus in Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica). Infect Genet Evol, 12 (5):1020-6.
45. Cavallero S, Ligas A, Bruschi F, D’Amelio S. (2012) Molecular identification of Anisakis spp. from fish collected in the Tyrrhenian Sea (NW Mediterranean). Vet Parasitol, doi:10.1016/j.vetpar.2012.01.033.
46. Šnábel V, Taira K, Cavallero S, D´Amelio S, Rudohradská P and Saitoh Y. (2012) Genetic structure of Ascaris roundworm in Japan and patterns of its geographical variation. Jpn J Infect Dis 65 (2):179-83.
47. D’Amelio S., Cavallero S., Busi M., Ingrosso S., Giuffra E., Farjallah S. and Costa G. (2012) Anisakis (Chapter 45). In: Molecular detection of human parasitic pathogens. (eds: Dongyou Liu, RCPA Biosecurity QAP, New South Wales, Australia).
48. D'Amelio S, Cavallero S, Dronen N, Barros N, Paggi L. (2011) Two new species of Contracaecum Railliet & Henry (Nematoda: Anisakidae), Contracaecum fagerholmi n. sp. and Contracaecum rudolphii F from the brown pelican, Pelecanus occidentalis, from the northern Gulf of Mexico). Syst Parasitol 81(1):1-16.
49. Cavallero S, Nadler SA, Paggi L, Barros NB, D’Amelio S. (2011) Molecular characterization and phylogeny of anisakid nematodes from cetaceans from southeastern Atlantic coasts of USA, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea. Parasitol Res 108: 781-792.
50. Costa G, Cavallero S, D’Amelio S, Paggi L, Garcia Santamaria MT, Borges Perera C, Santos MJ, Mahnaz Khadem (2011) Helminth parasites of the Atlantic chub mackerel, Scomber colias (Gmelin, 1789) from Canary Islands, Central North Atlantic, with comments on their relations with other Atlantic regions. Acta Parasitol 1: 98-104.
51. Brutti A, Rovere P, Cavallero S, D’Amelio S,Danesi P, Arcangeli G. (2010) Inactivation of Anisakis simplex larvae in raw fish using high hydrostatic pressure treatments. Food Control, 21: 331-333.
Partecipazioni a Congressi Nazionali e Internazionali
Rondon S, Cavallero S, Pombi M, D’Amelio S Molecular identification of bot flies (Cuterebra baeri) infesting grey-legged night monkeys (Aotus griseimembra) and howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) in Colombia. 2021. pp. 1-390. (convegno 69th Wildlife Disease Association/ 14th European Wildlife Disease Association).
S D’AMELIO, A PIZZARELLI, I BELLINI, S CAVALLERO. Novel omics technologies in the study of anisakid nematodes 2021. (convegno XXXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Parassitologia - I parassiti del Terzo Millennio).
RONDÓN S; Cavallero S, Link A, GONZÁLEZ C, D'Amelio S. 2021. Prevalence of intestinal parasites infecting free-ranging non-human primates in Colombia pp. 1-285. (convegno XXXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Parassitologia - I parassiti del Terzo Millennio).
Cavallero S, Bellini I, Pizzarelli A, D’Amelio S, Arcà B. 2021. Small-RNA analysis from third-stage larvae and exosomes provides the first miRNAs catalogue from anisakid nematodes (convegno XXXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Parassitologia - I parassiti del Terzo Millennio).
Bellini, Scribano D, Ambrosi C, Sarshar M, Palamara AT, D’Amelio S, Cavallero S. (2020) Anisakis simplex sl and their interaction with human caco-2 cells. XI Seminar - PhD Day. COVID-19: Facing a multi(face)phase pandemic. Istituto Superiore di Sanità. September, October 2020.
Rondón S, Cavallero S, Link A, González C, D’Amelio S. (2020). Molecular characterization and prevalence of protozoan and metazoan parasites infecting non-human primates in natural and captive conditions. XI Seminar - PhD Day. COVID-19: Facing a multi(face)phase pandemic. Istituto Superiore di Sanità. September, October 2020.
Pizzarelli A, Cavallero S, Arcà B, Lombardo F, D’Amelio S. (2020). First draft of a miRNA catalogue from Anisakis pegrefii infective third-stage larvae and exosome-enriched fraction. XI Seminar - PhD Day. COVID-19: Facing a multi(face)phase pandemic. Istituto Superiore di Sanità. September, October 2020.
Pizzarelli A, Martini A, Cavallero S, Iavicoli S, D'Amelio S. (2019) Anisakis and allergy risk in workers of the fishing industry. pp. 79-79. In X Seminar - PhD Day. Democracy for Science - Science for Democracy. Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Rome, May 17, 2019.
Pizzarelli A, Martini A, Cavallero S, Iavicoli S, D'Amelio S. (2019) Anisakis rischio emergente in medicina del lavoro: stato dell'arte. pp.121-121. In GIORNALE ITALIANO DI MEDICINA DEL LAVORO ED ERGONOMIA - ISSN:1592-7830 vol. 41 (4, suppl.) - Congresso 82° SIMLI - Trieste.
Cavallero S, Martini A, Migliara G, De Vito C, D’Amelio S. 2018. Anisakiasis in Italy. Analysis of hospital discharge records in the decade 2005-2015. XXX SoIPA meeting, Milano 26-29 giugno. p. 69.
Cavallero S, Lombardo F, Salvemini M, Cantacessi C, D’Amelio S. 2018. Transcriptomic analyses of non-pathogenic marine ascaridoid Hysterothylacium aduncum and pathogenic Anisakis simplex sl larvae. XXX SoIPA meeting, Milano 26-29 giugno. p.94
Montalbano Di Filippo, Cavallero S, Meoli R, Eleni C, De Liberato C, Berrilli F. 2018. Molecular identification of Mesocestoides sp. metacestodes in a captive gold-handed tamarin (Saguinus midas). XXX SoIPA meeting, Milano 26-29 giugno. p.95
Cavallero S, Montalbano Di Filippo M, Berrilli F, De Liberato C, Friedrich KG, D’Amelio S. 2018. Trichuris spp. infecting animals of the Bioparco Zoological garden of Rome. XXX SoIPA meeting, Milano 26-29 giugno. p.247
Costa A, Cavallero S, D’Amelio S. 2018. Study of the prevalence of Anisakis hypersesitivity in professionally exposed populations. IX Seminar PhD Day: Filling the science communication gap. Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma,17 maggio 2018. Pag 29 ISSN: 0393-5620/2384-857X)
Martini A, Cavallero S, Gabrielli S, Giacomi A, Milardi GL, D’Amelio S. 2018. Cystic echinococcosis in Italy: a neglected work related disease. 32nd International Congress on Occupational Health (ICOH) Dublin 29 Aprile-4 Maggio 2018. Occup Environ Med 2018;75 (Suppl 2):A1–A651.
Cavallero S, Pirovini L, Nicodemo E, Starita A, Deangeli L, Dalla Bona M, Ferrari N, D’Amelio S (2017) Alpine chamois population with impaired health status living in isolated habitat: evidences from pathology and molecular genetics (IV Congresso Nazionale di Ecopatologia della Fauna (SIEF), Domodossola 11-13 Ottobre).
Martini A, Cavallero S, D’Amelio S (2017) Utilizzo delle schede di dimissione ospedaliera per migliorare la conoscenza del rischio da Anisakis. 80° Congresso SIMLII Società Italiana Medicina del Lavoro ed Igiene Industriale (Padova 20-22 Settembre 2017)
Martini A, Cavallero S, De Carli R, Gabrielli S, Giacomi A, Milardi GL, D’Amelio S. (2017) Occupational and non-occupational risk factors associated with seropositivity to Echinococcus granulosus (VIII Seminar – PhD Day: Interdisciplinary approaches in health sciences: a bridge to the future. Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, 5 Giugno 2017. Pag. 5, ISSN:0393-5620/2384-857X)
Martini A, Cavallero S, D’Amelio S. (2016) Rischio echinococcosi: proposta di uno strumento clinico-anamnestico per il medico competente. (79° Congresso Nazionale SIMLII Società Italiana di Medicina del Lavoro ed Igiene Industriale Roma 21-23 Settembre)
Martini A, Cavallero S, De Carli R, Gabrielli S, Giacomi A, Milardi GL, D'Amelio S. (2016) L’idatidosi: studio della zoonosi di interesse occupazionale in centro-italia. 1° Congreso Internacional Italia Argentina de Medicina del Trabajo y Salud de los Trabajadores (29 Ottobre - Argentina)
Cavallero S, De Liberato C, Montalbano Di Filippo M, D’Amelio S, Berrilli F (2016) Generic hererogeneity and phylogeny of Trichuris spp. From non-human primates based on mitochondrial DNA (XXIX Congress SoIPa & European Veterinary Parasitology College "Parasites, Poverty and Social commintment", 2016, pp. Bari, 21-24 June 2016)
Cavallero S, Bruno A, Arletti E, Caffara M, Fioravanti L, Costa A, Graci S, D’Amelio S (2016) A validation plan for a commercial kit aimed to the detection of pathogenic anisakids in fish products (XXIX Congress SoIPa & European Veterinary Parasitology College "Parasites, Poverty and Social commintment", 2016, pp. 63 - 63 Bari, 21-24 June 2016)
Gazzonis AL, Cavallero S, D’Amelio S, Zanzani S, Malandra R, Ranghieri V, Manfredi MT (2016) Anisakis and Hysterothylacium larvae in anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus) and chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) in the Mediterranean sea: molecular identification and risk factors (XXIX Congress SoIPa & European Veterinary Parasitology College "Parasites, Poverty and Social commintment", 2016, pp. Bari, 21-24 June 2016)
Cavallero S, Mattiucci S, Crisafi B, Scribano D, D’Amelio S (2016) First report of human case of pseudoterranoviasis in Italy (XXIX Congress SoIPa & European Veterinary Parasitology College "Parasites, Poverty and Social commintment", 2016, Bari, 21-24 June 2016)
Gambetta B, Perrone V, Gabrielli S, Cavallero S. (2016) Aggiornamento del quadro epidemiologico di Ascaris spp. da ospite umano e suino in Italia (SIPAS 10-11 Marzo – Montichiari)
Partel P, Cavallero S, Citterio CV (2016) Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) versus Sarcoptes scabiei: field evidence of possible resistance as a driver for management and research. X Congresso Italiano di Teriologia, Acquapendente (VT) 20-23 Aprile 2016. Hystrix the Italian Journal of Mammology, volume 27 (Supplement) pag 35. ISSN 0394-1914
Cavallero S, Umehara A, D’Amelio S. (2015) Genotyping Anisakids using HRM. 9th International Symposium of Fish Parasite, 31 August – 4 September Valencia (Spain).
Cavallero S, Gambetta B, Gabrielli S, Dutto M, Perrone V, D’Amelio S. (2014) Genetic characterization of human and pig Ascaris spp. from Italy. SOIPA XXVIII Congress, 24-27 June Rome, Italy.
Cavallero S, Vichova B, Chovancová B, Paule L, Snabel V, D’Amelio S. (2014) Variability at neutral and adaptive markers in the endangered tatric chamois. SOIPA XXVIII Congress, 24-27 June Rome, Italy.
Cavallero S, Costa A, Caracappa G, Currò V, Gambetta B, Amprimo V, D’Amelio S. (2014) Putative hybrids of two Anisakis cryptic species in Stenella coeruleoalba from the Mediterranean Sea. SOIPA XXVIII Congress, 24-27 June Rome, Italy.
Relatore a invito: Cavallero S, Vichova B, Chovancová B, Paule L, Snabel V, D’Amelio S. (2014) Genetic variability at adaptive and neutral markers in the endangered tatric chamois subspecies R. r. tatrica. Chamois International Congress, Majella National Park, 17-20 June, Lama dei Peligni, Italy.
Cavallero S, Gambetta B, Perrone V, Gabrielli S, Dutto M, D’Amelio S. (2014) Zoonotic role of Ascaris suum in human infection in Italy. 4Parasitological Meeting, May 25-30; Congress Center Academia, Stara Lesna, The High Tatra Mountain, Slovakia.
Cavallero S, Vichova B, Chovancová B, Paule L, Snabel V, D’Amelio S (2013) Genetic variability in the endangered subspecies Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica. II Rupicapra Symposium, Bellver de Cerdanya (Catalonia, Spain) 24-25 October, pp45.
Cavallero S, Citterio C, Lanfranchi P, Rossi L, Obber F, D’Amelio S (2013) Host-pathogen interaction in modulating variability at MHC DRB1 locus in alpine chamois. II Rupicapra Symposium, Bellver de Cerdanya (Catalonia, Spain) 24-25 October, pp89.
Cavallero S, Gambetta B, Perrone V, Pacella F, Snabel V, Dutto M, D’Amelio S. (2013) Genetic variability and phylogeography in Ascaris spp. using nuclear and mitochondrial markers. Fifth Congress Italian Society for Evolutionary Biology, Trento (28-31 August).
Berrilli F, Di Cave D, Cavallero S, D’Amelio S (2013) Parasitic infection and human gut microbiota: new insights into the systematic of nematodes of potential use as therapy. The Microbiota and Immunity in Human Diseases (MIHD-OBG 2013, Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù, 3-4 May, Rome – ITALY).
Costa A, Cavallero S, D’Amelio S, Alio V, Seminara L, Caracappa S (2012) Molecular characterization of Contracaecum rudolphii (Nematoda: Anisakidae) from Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis from Sicily. XI European Multicolloquium of Parasitology (EMOP- July 25/29, Cluj-Napoca, Romania).
Šnábel V, Kuzmina T, Calma C, Georgescu SO, Szenasi Z, Emets A, Neghina R, Cielecka D, Salamatin R, Kucsera I, Cavallero S. (2012) Genotypes of Echinococcus granulosus complex in central-eastern Europe. XI European Multicolloquium of Parasitology (EMOP- July 25/29, Cluj Napoca, Romania), Cozma Editor, Medimond International Proceedings p: 63-67.
Cavallero S, Snabel V, Otranto D, Pacella F, Latrofa MS, Perrone V, D’Amelio S. (2012) Deepening the evolutionary relationships in Ascaris spp. XI European Multicolloquium of Parasitology (EMOP- July 25/29, Cluj-Napoca, Romania).
Cavallero S., D’Amelio S. (2012) Occurrence of Anisakid nematodes in commercially important fishes from markets in central Italy. SOIPA XXVII Congress, Alghero, Italy. Mappe parassitologiche, p174.
Cavallero S, Citterio C, Obber F, Vichova B, Snabel V, Lopez-Olvera JR, Lavin S, Marco I, D’Amelio S. (2012) Demography and pathogens pressure on shaping variability at MHC DRB1 locus in chamois species. SOIPA XXVII Congress, Alghero, Italy. Mappe parassitologiche, p132.
Cavallero S, Snabel V, Otranto D, Pacella F, Latrofa MS, Perrone V, D’Amelio D. (2012) Deepening the evolutionary relationships in Ascaris spp. SOIPA XXVII Congress, Alghero, Italy. Mappe parassitologiche, p217.
Burzacca F, Antonini S, D’Amelio S, Cavallero S, Angeletti M, Favia G. (2012) Anisakid nematodes in some fishes collected in the middle Adriatic sea: epidemiological analysis and molecular characterization of recombinant genotypes. SOIPA XXVII Congress, Alghero, Italy. Mappe parassitologiche, p171.
Perrone V, Cavallero S, Cito G, Ingrosso S., Busi M. (2011) Presenza di Cysticercus tenuicollis all’ispezione post-mortem in suini da allevamento intensivo. VI° Workshop Nazionale di Epidemiologia Veterinaria: l’epidemiologia veterinaria "ONE WORLD ONE HEALTH", Orvieto (TR), 1 e 2 dicembre 2011.
Cavallero S, Busi M, Farjallah S, Snábel V, D’Amelio S. (2011) Phylogeographic inference of Echinococcus granulosus haplotypes. Annual Spring Meeting of British Society for Parasitology, Univ. of Nottingham, 12-14 April 2011.
Perrone V, Cavallero S, Cito G. (2011) Caso di idatidosi in suini d’allevamento regolarmente macellati. Atti della SIPAS, Società Italiana di Patologia ed Allevamento dei Suini, pag. 351. XXXVII Meeting Annuale, Piacenza, 24-25 Marzo 2011.
López-Olvera GR, D’Amelio S, Marco I, Cavallero S, Fernández L, Lavín S. (2010) Genetic diversity in Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica) from Catalonia, NE Spain. 9th Conference of the European Wildlife Disease Association (EWDA) Vlieland, The Netherlands, 13-16 September, 2010.
Cavallero S, D’Amelio S, Nadler S A, Barros N, Paggi L. (2010) Molecular characterization and phylogeny of anisakid nematodes from cetaceans from south-eastern Atlantic coasts of U.S.A., Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. XXVth Congress of the Italian Society of Parasitology (SOIPA). Perugia, Italy, June 22-25, 2010. Parassitologia, vol 52, p 197.
Cavallero S, Ligas A, Bruschi F, D’Amelio S. (2010) Molecular identification of nematodes of the genus Anisakis from three fish species collected in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea. XXVth Congress of the Italian Society of Parasitology (SOIPA). Perugia, Italy, June 22-25, 2010. Parassitologia, vol 52, p 198.
Cavallero S, Corritore E, Ingrosso S, Lopez-Olvera J R, Lavin S, Ignasi M, Rossi L, Citterio C, Cerutti M C, Lanfranchi P, D’Amelio S. (2010) Variability at DRB locus (MHC class II) in Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra p. pyrenaica) and Alpine chamois (Rupicapra r. rupicapra). XXVth Congress of the Italian Society of Parasitology (SOIPA). Perugia, Italy, June 22-25, 2010. Parassitologia, vol 52, p 266.
Barzi C, Cavallero S, Busi M, Farjallah S, Snabel V, D’Amelio S. (2010) Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto: a phylogeographical distribution of haplotypes. XXVth Congress of the Italian Society of Parasitology (SOIPA). Perugia, Italy, June 22-25, 2010. Parassitologia, vol 52, p 194.
López-Olvera G.R., D’Amelio S., Marco I., Cavallero S., Fernández L., Lavín S. (2009) Characterization of MHC class II DRB1 allelic diversity in Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica). V World Conference on Mountain Ungulates, 10-14 November, Granada, Spain.
D’Amelio S, Busi M, Farjallah S, Ingrosso S, Cavallero S, Paggi L(2008). On the significance of heterozygote genotypes in sibling species of the Anisakis simplex complex. XXVth Congress of the Italian Society of Parasitology (SOIPA). Pisa, Italy, June 21-24, 2008. Parassitologia vol. 50, suppl.1, p 18.
D’Amelio S, Busi M, Farjallah S, Ingrosso S, Cavallero S, Paggi L (2008). Intra-individual variation in the nuclear RDNA in sibling species of the Anisakis simplex complex (Nematoda:Anisakidae). Xth European multicolloquium of Parasitology (EMOP) Paris, France, August 24-28, 2008.
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