Professore Ordinario 
Settore scientifico disciplinare di riferimento  (IUS/10)
Ateneo Università degli Studi della TUSCIA 
Struttura di afferenza Dipartimento di DISTU - Dipartimento di Studi linguistico-letterari, storico-filosofici e giuridici 

Orari di ricevimento

Durante i semestri: martedì ore 10,00


Stefano Battini is Full Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Tuscia, Viterbo. In 1991 he graduated cum laude in Law from La Sapienza University of Rome, where he went on to earn his PhD in Public Administration Organization and Functioning in 1996. His academic career began at the University of Urbino, where he lectured on Public Law and Administrative Law from 1994 to 2004. His academic experience abroad includes lecturing and delivering short courses at several universities outside Italy, including Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP), Santander, Spain (2013); Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina (2012); and Sciences PO, Paris, France – Master of Public Affairs (2008). He is member of the teaching staff for the PhD in European and Global Markets Law at the University of Viterbo. He has lectured on Administrative Law and Civil Service law for various Masters and at several universities, including Sapienza University, Roma Tre University, LUISS University, University of Turin, University of Palermo, University of Urbino. Stefano Battini has been President of the National School of Administration – SNA (2017-2021). In this role, he has been responsible for the educational and scientific management of the most important government institution for the recruitment and training of senior management and top Italian administrators. During his tenure he has coordinated a program of training activities comprising approximately 250 courses. He has promoted and contributed to several research projects, including on defensive bureaucracy. Before taking up this post, Stefano Battini gained substantial experience in developing training for public employees, in particular as professor at the Higher Institute of Economics and Finance “Ezio Vanoni” (2011-2013), which was then the institution responsible for the training of Italian Ministry of the Economy personnel. Stefano Battini main research topics are Civil Service Law, Global Administrative Law (GAL), European Administrative Law, Administrative Procedure, and Public Services Regulation. Regarding GAL, he was a founding member, along with Giulio Vesperini and Sabino Cassese, of the steering committee of the Viterbo GAL Seminar Series It was established through a collaboration of Tuscia University,Viterbo, La Sapienza University, Rome (Sabino Cassese) and NYU School of Law, New York (Benedict Kingsbury and Richard B. Stewart). The GAL Seminars held annually in Viterbo between 2005 and 2014 provided an opportunity for scholars from all over the world to explore and contribute to a range of topics referring to this emerging field of legal scholarship. Prof. Battini is currently supervising, as Principal Investigator, a research project on "Defensive Bureaucracy" (PRIN 2022) and, as coordinator of the Unit of Viterbo, a research project on “Anticipatory Governance” (PRIN 2020). He has supervised and directed several research projects, including on Politics and Administration (2012-2013, Institute for research on public administration - IRPA); European Union participation in global regulatory systems (2007, Ministry of Education – MIUR - PRIN); International standards in financial services (2006-2007, IRPA); Networks of financial regulators (2006, IRPA); Global limits on national administrative laws: the impact of GATS (with Giulio Vesperini, 2005, MIUR), Political staff in the ministry (2003, MIUR); National and international administrations in the global legal arena (2002, MIUR). In addition to his academic and research activities, Stefano Battini is a member of several scientific societies, including International Society of Public Law (ICON•S), as a member of the General Council of the Italian Chapter; European Group of Public Law (EGPL); IRPA; and Italian association of administrative law professors (AIPDA). He represents Tuscia University at European Public Law Organization (EPLO). He also sits on various editorial committees, including the management boards of Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico (Public Law Quarterly Review) and of Munus (Public services law journal), the scientific committees of Rivista Italiana di Public Management (Italian Public Management Review) and of Rivista della Corte dei conti (Journal of the Court of Auditors). Prof. Battini has spoken at more than 60 international and national conferences and seminars including at the Universities of Lisbon and Paris Nanterre, at NYU School of Law, at Sciences Po Paris and at the Universidad de Alcalà. He has published four books, edited and co-edited several publications and published more than 120 scientific papers. Stefano Battini has considerable professional experience in the legal sector. He served at the Italian Constitutional Court (2008-2014). He was legal adviser at the Italian Transport Regulation Authority – ART (2015-2017). He is Cassation Lawyer (2010 to date) and founding partner of the Law Firm “Sandulli Battini Cimino”.