Degree Course: Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
A.Y. 2020/2021
Autonomia di giudizio
Il futuro laureato acquisisce durante il percorso formativo la capacità di raccogliere, interpretare ed elaborare criticamente le informazioni e i dati raccolti, ed è in grado di formulare giudizi autonomi e muoversi responsabilmente nell'attività lavorativa, con la dovuta attenzione ai temi sociali, scientifici o etici presenti.
Tale autonomia di giudizio viene sviluppata mediante tutte quelle attività che richiedono allo studente un impegno personale, quali la produzione di elaborati scritti individuali, in singoli insegnamenti o per l'elaborato richiesto per la prova finale, e anche dal confronto di conoscenze e di idee nell'ambito di attività di gruppo interdisciplinari (laboratori, esercitazioni fuori sede).
La stessa prova finale esercita lo studente all'autonomia di giudizio: reperimento fonti, utilizzazione delle stesse, sintesi dei dati e delle informazioni acquisite.
Essenziale tuttavia è che lo spirito critico degli studenti sia incentivato e che la disponibilità degli studenti a questo riguardo sia esplicita.
L'autonomia di giudizio non è facilmente esplicitabile senza un terreno fertile, anche per i problemi più strettamente tecnico-scientifici.Abilità comunicative
I laureati sono in grado di comunicare informazioni, idee, problemi e soluzioni relativi alla loro formazione tecnico-scientifica acquisita e sperimentata nel corso delle verifiche di esame.
Sono in grado di interagire adeguatamente con interlucotori specialisti e non specialisti e in grado di utilizzare i principali mezzi di comunicazione, anche quelli informatici.
L'abilità comunicative sono valutate e misurate nelle prove di esame, negli elaborati scritti eventuali, nella presentazione dell'elaborato finale dinanzi alla Commissione di laurea.
L'abilità comunicativa è qualcosa che si esercita nei tre anni di corso di studio ed in una certa misura si estrinseca anche nel voto di laurea.
E' questa una capacità che non si insegna esplicitamente nei diversi insegnamenti, ma si impara anche dai docenti in aula nel loro modo di rapportarsi alla materia e dalla rispondenza dei materiali didattici forniti.Capacità di apprendimento
I laureati sviluppano necessariamente una capacità di apprendimento durante il percorso formativo superando ed acquisendo i CFU previsti dal piano di studio.
Sulla base dell'esperienza pregressa la quasi totalità dei laureati del corso di I livello prosegue nella laurea di II livello laureandosi in tempi rapidi e con pochi abbandoni.
Ciò è la prova della capacità di apprendimento che hanno sviluppato quasi come una sorta di allenamento e selezione allo sforzo intellettuale.
La capacità di apprendimento complessiva è misurata dal voto di laurea e la laurea consente di intraprendere con successo gli studi successivi o permette la formazione continua autonoma nei vari settori di attività professionale.Requisiti di ammissione
Per accedere al corso di studio, occorre essere in possesso di un diploma di scuola secondaria superiore o di altro titolo di studio conseguito all'estero e riconosciuto idoneo secondo la normativa vigente.
Allo scopo di accertare il livello di preparazione di base è svolto un test di accesso essenzialmente su domande di matematica, in comune con gli altri corsi di studio "scientifici" di Ateneo.
Il test non ha alcun carattere selettivo e viene consigliato agli studenti che presentano la non-sufficienza al test di Matematica di seguire i corsi di supporto in Matematica (e in subordine Chimica) che il dipartimento mette a disposizione ogni anno e che si tengono durante lo svolgimento delle lezioni previste al I semestre.
Gli studenti che superano il corso di supporto Matematica sono poi facilitati nel superamento del corso di Matematica obbligatorio.
Prova finale
La prova finale per il conseguimento del titolo prevede la discussione di un elaborato scritto sul tirocinio svolto o su uno studio teorico, e/o sperimentale, e/o progettuale su uno specifico problema applicativo con dimostrazione di una sufficiente analisi critica e corretta impostazione metodologica.
Alla prova finale sono riservati 5 CFU.
La votazione della prova finale è espressa in centodecimi con eventuale lode.
Alla formazione del voto finale concorrono la carriera studiorum dello studente, la valutazione della qualità dell'elaborato finale e della presentazione dinanzi alla Commissione di laurea.
Il Regolamento della Prova Finale è disponibile al link in ingresso
Nel file allegato si presentano le attività di orientamento svolte dal personale del DAFNE dal mese di maggio 2018 sino al mese di maggio 2019
Lo staff dell'orientamento attualmente e' costituito da:
Sergio Madonna (delegato del Direttore con funzione di coordinamento)
Dott.ssa Emilia Gitto (mansioni amministrative ed organizzative)
Doriano Vittori (mansioni organizzative e logistiche)
Dott.ssa Claudia Menghini e sig.
Nino De Pace (questi ultimi pur ricoprendo principalmente altre mansioni rappresentano una stabile ed efficace interfaccia, soprattutto nel periodo estivo per ricevere e smistare gli studenti).
Tutors - Con un numero di ore variabile a disposizione, tra il mese di maggio 2018 e quello del 2019, sono stati reclutati 5 tutors, che sono stati utilizzati sia per le attività di orientamento in sede (accoglienza e ricevimento presso l'Ufficio orientamento nei giorni previsti, gestione delle visite presso le nostre strutture, presenza negli Open Day Unitus e DAFNE…ecc.); sia per la organizzazione e gestione delle attività fuori sede (presenza presso gli stand organizzati nelle varie manifestazioni, distribuzione di materiale informativo, ecc.).
Il Delegato del Direttore, la Dott.ssa Gitto ed il Dott.
Vittori hanno svolto mansioni di gestione e di organizzazione delle attivita' di orientamento ed in particolare:
Contatti con gli Istituti
Controllo e gestione attività tutor (controllo presenze, fogli firme, ecc.)
Organizzazione e logistica delle attività esterne in occasione di Open Day, Salone dello studente, etc.
(trasporto materiale, istallazione e presenza nello stand, ecc.)
Front office orientamento (informazioni riguardanti la struttura e le attivita' didattiche, organizzative, amministrative e di servizio dell'Ateneo, del Dipartimento e del CCS; supporto nella comunicazione diretta dello studente con il corpo docente)
Pianificazione visite o esercitazioni presso i laboratori di ricerca del Dipartimento (Contatti con i docenti responsabili dei Laboratori del DAFNE, contatti con i docenti degli Istituti superiori, ecc.).
Contatti con centro Stampa di Ateneo per realizzazione flyer, locandine e manifesti
Cura (in collaborazione con il Direttore), della pagina Facebook DAFNE.
(Dott.ssa Gitto)
Contatti con gestore interno sito Dipartimento per news relative ad attività di orientamento, Open Day, iniziative varie, Bandi (Dott.ssa Gitto)
Integrazione informazioni di orientamento su attività Erasmus nel DAFNE (Dott.ssa Gitto - referente outgoing e incoming nella segreteria didattica)
Sintesi delle principali attivita' di orientamento (vedi tabella allegata)
Nell'intervallo temporale considerato, le attivita' di orientamento del Dipartimento DAFNE sono state coordinate ed armonizzate con le attivita' di orientamento dell'Ateneo in quanto, come stabilito dal Magnifico Rettore, l'Ufficio di orientamento di Ateneo doveva provvedere direttamente a contattare ed a presentare l'offerta formativa complessiva di Ateneo ai vari Istituti.
Pur con questa limitazione, sono stati comunque mantenuti e ove possibilmente consolidati, i contatti con gli Istituti con i quali, negli scorsi anni, sono state concordate specifiche attivita' di orientamento, soprattutto quelli per i quali i nostri corsi di studio rappresentano, storicamente, il normale completamento del loro percorso formativo e che costituiscono attualmente il nostro principale bacino di utenza.
Per indirizzare in modo piu' specifico le attivita' di orientamento di Dipartimento sono stati richiesti ed elaborati i dati di provenienza degli studenti DAFNE (oltre 400 Istituti), al fine di concentrare le azioni di orientamento dirette, per gli Istituti e per le manifestazioni che si sono svolte per quelli da cui provengono il maggior numero dei nostri studenti, ed in particolare, per motivi economici e logistici, soprattutto per quelli ubicati nelle Provincie di Roma e Viterbo.
In particolare, siamo tornati a svolgere attività di orientamento presso alcuni importanti Istituti Agrari romani come il Sereni ed il Garibaldi, che ci forniscono un notevole numero di studenti.
Data l'importanza di questi Istituti le attività presso le loro sedi sono state svolte direttamente dal nostro Direttore Prof.
Lacetera coadiuvato dal sottoscritto.
Il materiale volto ad illustrare l'offerta formativa del Dipartimento e' stato aggiornato e sono stati realizzati dei roll-up informativi per aumentare la nostra visibilità soprattutto nelle manifestazioni fuori sede.
Ove possibile è stato deciso di procedere al rinnovo del contratto per alcuni tutor che avevano maturato una notevole esperienza e che hanno quindi potuto affiancare i nuovi tutors che hanno preso servizio.
I tutor con la collaborazione del Dott.
Vittori della Dott.ssa Gitto, del personale della Segreteria Didattica e di alcuni docenti, oltre che assicurare un presidio anche nel periodo Estivo, hanno fornito informazioni sulla nostra offerta formativa a tutti gli interessati, rispondendo alle mail, alle telefonate e ricevendo chi è venuto direttamente al nostro Dipartimento.
Ove possibile gli interessati sono stati smistati e indirizzati direttamente ai Presidenti dei CCS o ai loro referenti per informazioni specifiche per i singoli corsi.
Sono state pianificate e attuate sia attività di orientamento svolte presso le strutture del Dipartimento DAFNE, sia attività di orientamento svolte direttamente presso le sedi degli Istituti.
Inoltre, e' stata assicurata la partecipazione con stand informativi, presentazioni e/o seminari a tutte quelle manifestazioni o Open Day dei singoli Istituti per le quali e' stata la richiesta la presentazione della offerta formativa del nostro Dipartimento.
Analogamente Sono stati mantenuti e, ove possibile, rafforzati i contatti con le Associazioni Professionali (Ordine degli Agronomi e dei Forestali, Collegio dei Periti Agrari) e con altre Associazioni Enti o Fondazioni interessate alle Specifiche attività didattiche o di ricerca svolte presso il nostro Dipartimento (nella tabella in allegato è riportato un sintetico schema delle principali attività svolte).
Ove possibile la presentazione della offerta formativa e' stata integrata con la concomitante presentazione delle attività di job placement (Prof.
Massimo Cecchini) ed Erasmus.
È stata potenziata la mail list di tutti gli Istituti di provenienza dei nostri studenti per i quali sono state attuate attività di orientamento "a distanza" e in pratica a "costo zero", quali periodiche informazioni sui nostri corsi e sulle nostre attività ed in particolare: date degli Open Day, link alla pagina facebook di Dipartimento, manifestazioni, seminari, diffusione di iniziative Scientifiche.
Per tutti gli Istituti inseriti nella mail list, inoltre, è stata inviata una mail di presentazione del nostro dipartimento, curata dal nostro Direttore, a cui è stato allegato il nostro materiale informativo (guida dello studente, flyer, locandine, ecc.).
L’Ateneo della Tuscia (e nello specifico il Dipartimento DANE – referente Prof.
Sergio Madonna), nel 2018 insieme ad una cordata di altre Università (con capofila nella Università di Firenze - , ha aderito ad un Progetto POT (Piani di Orientamento e Tutorato -DM 1047/2017, artt.
5 e 6), per le lauree di Classe L25.
Il POT dal titolo "Essere, Conoscere, Scegliere: ECS.10 – avendo ricevuto un ottimo punteggio finale (1,63) è stato finanziato al 100% dal MIIUR.
IL POT prevede un cofinanziamento degli Atenei partecipanti nella misura del 10%.
In estrema sintesi il l POT ha come obiettivi:
• Garantire una scelta universitaria più consapevole e motivata;
• Garantire una migliore formazione degli studenti sulle materie di base (Italiano, matematica, chimica, fisica, biologia, inglese, ecc);
• Ridurre il numero degli studenti che finiscono fuori corso o abbandonano il corso di studi;
• Rafforzare le competenze e i soft skills utili per trovare un lavoro alla fine del percorso universitario.
Rispetto alle azione previste dal POT nel mese di aprile 2019 sono stati fatti una serie di incontri per coordinare il POT per le lauree di Classe L25, con il PLS (Coordinato dal Prof.
Grandinetti), con gli altri POT attivi presso il nostro Ateneo (Dipartimento DEIM) e con il LABFORM (Dott.ssa Sibi).
E’ stata quindi fatta una riunione presso l’Università di Firenze per il coordinamento con gli altri Atenei coinvolti nel POT e con la referente nazionale del progetto (Prof.
In base alla provenienza degli studenti che si iscrivono ai nostri corsi, sono stati individuati e coinvolti nel progetto POT una serie di Istituti Superiori con i quali tuttavia le azioni previste dal POT, per motivi connessi alla programmazione scolastica, verranno sviluppate soprattutto a partire dal mese di settembre 2019.
A livello locale a presentazione del POT è stata fatta durante sia durante il convegno "Formare al Cambiamento organizzato dalla Università della Tuscia in collaborazione con numerosi Enti ed Organizzazioni scolastiche e territoriali, il 28 e 29 maggio 2019, sia in occasione della chiusura del PLS di Ateneo il 3 giugno 2019.
A livello nazionale la presentazione del POT avverrà presso il 7 e ll’8 giugno 219 nell’apposito convegno organizzato presso presso l’Università degli studi di Firenze.
Il POT prevede una serie di azioni rivolte non solo agli studenti iscritti ai nostri corsi, ma anche ai loro Istituti di provenienza, al fine di far approfondire la conoscenza di alcune materie di base utili in ambito universitario e in particolare:
Azione 1.A
Sarà rafforzato il raccordo con le scuole secondarie di secondo grado principalmente di tipo "tecnico" per condividere le diverse azioni del progetto.
Il raccordo avverrà mediante riunioni in cui saranno presentate/coprogettate le attività.
Saranno predisposti questionari di valutazione delle attività i cui risultati saranno condivisi con le scuole per effettuare un monitoraggio e un riesame delle attività a livello di sede e di Cabina di Regia del progetto.
Azione 1.B
− presentazione nelle scuole secondarie di secondo grado partecipanti al progetto, dell'Offerta formativa di tutti gli Atenei coinvolti delle classi di laurea L25 con focus sulle differenze caratterizzanti i diversi ambiti territoriali.
− testimonianze di professionisti e neolaureati relative al percorso didattico e professioni in qualità di parti terze interessate con particolare attenzione alla promozione dell’equilibrio di genere.
− predisposizione di video e materiale fruibile via web inerente gli obiettivi formativi e le informazioni relative agli sbocchi occupazionali.
− seminari tematici su problemi relativi alla sostenibilità per far comprendere come l’interdisciplinarietà̀ è fondamentale nella risoluzione di problemi complessi e quanto ogni professionalità contribuisca alla loro risoluzione.
Azione 1.C
- sarà erogato un test di autovalutazione sulla base di quanto richiesto per la valutazione delle competenze in ingresso dalle singole sedi.
Il test sarà composto anche da una macro sezione di tipo motivazionale relativa agli atteggiamenti, al metodo di studio e alle credenze funzionali a un inserimento adattivo nel nuovo contesto universitario.
Il test sarà erogato in modalità on-line nelle diverse sedi e i risultati saranno discussi con i docenti delle scuole coinvolte a livello di singola sede e nella cabina di regia del progetto.
Il test sarà somministrato nelle classi IV e nelle classi V delle scuole coinvolte.
Ogni studente riceverà un profilo della prova effettuata relativo alle sezioni disciplinari e un profilo della prova relativo alla sezione motivazionale.
- saranno promossi incontri con i docenti delle scuole secondarie coinvolte al fine di ridiscutere i risultati conseguiti negli anni precedenti dagli studenti nel test e nella progressione di carriera con il fine di definire i saperi minimi richiesti per un proficuo accesso all’Università̀.
- saranno organizzati corsi di potenziamento delle competenze di matematica, fisica, biologia e chimica attraverso moduli pomeridiani.
Gli studenti avranno inoltre la possibilità di accedere ai compendi DIALOGARE sviluppati da UNIFI e relativi alle discipline di Chimica, matematica, fisica, biologia e logica (
Sarà possibile inoltre usufruire da smartphone dei compendi come ipertesti per eseguire esercizi on line, verificarne l’esecuzione e ottenerne la spiegazione
Azione 1.D
- saranno sviluppati percorsi di alternanza strutturati con attività di laboratorio volta a raggiungere obiettivi formativi che permettano agli studenti di trasformare le conoscenze in competenze e osservare in modo critico i diversi aspetti del sapere legati alla sostenibilità ambientale.
Tali azioni di orientamento potranno essere inquadrate all'interno delle attività promosse dalle Scuole nell'ambito dei PON Scuola 2014–2020 e riguarderanno:
- percorsi di Alternanza Scuola – Lavoro per permettere agli studenti di sperimentarsi nel contatto reale con le discipline universitarie attraverso la frequenza a lezioni e laboratori specifici per potenziare aspetti disciplinari e facilitare la scelta accademica ancorata all’esperienza;
- sviluppo di un progetto/prodotto su proposta della scuola attraverso i seguenti step: seminario di almeno 4 ore tenuto da docenti universitari, realizzazione presso la scuola del progetto/prodotto e discussione finale del lavoro realizzato nella sede universitaria.
Al termine del lavoro redazione di articolo scientifico da sottoporre al comitato editoriale dello The Young Darwinian Journal, rivista internazionale dedicata alla pubblicazione di progetti e prodotti realizzati dagli studenti.
Il percorso favorisce la maturazione di aspetti di team building e problem solving, attraverso il coinvolgimento e la partecipazione attiva degli studenti alla progettazione e realizzazione di progetti/prodotti, oltre che l’apprendimento delle basi del rigore metodologico nel comunicare i propri progetti di ricerca sia tecnologici che sociali.
All’interno dell’Azione 2 "Tutorato" le attività riguarderanno:
Azione 2.A
– Indagine conoscitiva per individuare le criticità nella progressione di carriera e le cause dell’abbandono.
Sarà reso disponibile l’applicativo CorData sviluppato da UNIFI che permetterà l’analisi delle carriere su dati ANS.
Azione 2.B
- Reclutamento di tutor - Il sistema di tutorato potrà prevedere figure differenziate per attività.
Azione 2.C
- formazione dei tutor sulle tecniche di studio in gruppo, sul public speaking e sui principi della comunicazione nelle relazioni;
- formazione dei tutor senior sulle discipline PLS;
Azione 2.D
- monitoraggio delle attività di tutoraggio mediante somministrazione di questionari agli utenti e discussione dei risultati all’interno della Cabina di Regia per valutare azioni di miglioramento.
Orientamento e tutorato in itinere
I responsabili dell'orientamento e tutorato in itinere del DAFNE risultano:
Dott.ssa E.
Nel corso di questo AA stanno svolgendo e svolgeranno funzioni di tutor gli studenti:
GAROZZO Eleonora (rinnovo)
DI BARI Giovanna Miriana
In allegato si riportano le attività di tutorato.
Inoltre, l'orientamento in itinere effettuato dal CCS si esprime attraverso diverse modalità di erogazione.
Attività di tutorato in itinere è svolta da tutti i docenti del CdS, tipicamente durante le ore di ricevimento, ed è rivolta ad assistere nella risoluzione di problemi legati alla condizione di studente e al metodo di studio.
Oltre al Coordinatore del CCS, sono previsti docenti di riferimento (dott.
Francesco Sestili) incaricati ai quali gli studenti possono rivolgersi in caso di necessità per richiedere un servizio di tutorato personale e per concordare le corrispondenti modalità di svolgimento.
Il Delegato del Direttore, la Dott.ssa Gitto ed il Dott.
Vittori hanno svolto mansioni di gestione e di organizzazione delle attivita' di orientamento ed in particolare:
Contatti con gli Istituti
Controllo e gestione attivita' tutor (controllo presenze, fogli firme, ecc.)
Organizzazione e logistica delle attività esterne in occasione di Open Day, Salone dello studente, etc.
(trasporto materiale, istallazione e presenza nello stand, ecc.)
Front office orientamento (informazioni riguardanti la struttura e le attivita' didattiche, organizzative, amministrative e di servizio dell'Ateneo, del Dipartimento e del CCS; supporto nella comunicazione diretta dello studente con il corpo docente)
Pianificazione visite o esercitazioni presso i laboratori di ricerca del Dipartimento (Contatti con i docenti responsabili dei Laboratori del DAFNE, contatti con i docenti degli Istituti superiori, ecc.).
Contatti con centro Stampa di Ateneo per realizzazione flyer, locandine e manifesti
Cura (in collaborazione con il Direttore), della pagina Facebook DAFNE.
(Dott.ssa Gitto)
Contatti con gestore interno sito Dipartimento per news relative ad attività di orientamento, Open Day, iniziative varie, Bandi (Dott.ssa Gitto)
Integrazione informazioni di orientamento su attività Erasmus nel DAFNE (Dott.ssa Gitto - referente outgoing e incoming nella segreteria didattica)Il Corso di Studio in breve
(Classe L-25; D.M.17/2010)
Il Corso di Laurea triennale in Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali L25 (SAA L25) permette di acquisire conoscenze e competenze nella gestione delle produzioni vegetali e animali.
Questo avviene sia con l'approfondimento dei temi cruciali della coltivazione agraria e dell'allevamento del bestiame, sia con uno studio sistemico delle relazioni tra esigenze biologiche, disponibilità di mezzi tecnici e risorse territoriali, sostenibilità economica ed ambientale.
Il laureato possiede conoscenze e competenze nella gestione tecnico-economica delle imprese e dei territori agricoli e rurali, con particolare riferimento agli aspetti della salvaguardia dell'ambiente e del territorio, alla valutazione dei rischi e alla stima dei beni.
In particolare, la conoscenza delle coltivazioni agrarie, dei principali allevamenti zootecnici e delle prime trasformazioni dei prodotti di queste attività permette al laureato in SAA L25 di operare professionalmente nella attività di gestione, divulgazione e assistenza tecnica qualificata nel settore agro-industriale, agrituristico e agro-ambientale.
Il corso di laurea è strutturato in due curriculum Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali e Biotecnologie Agrarie, con cinque insegnamenti specifici.
Il curriculum Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali prevede quattro diversi profili apicali: "Agrario e Ambientale", "Zootecnico", "Territorio, Ambiente e Paesaggio" e "Certificazione della qualità dei prodotti e dei processi agricoli".
I primi tre profili sono costituiti da tre insegnamenti da 6 CFU di approfondimento specifico.
Il quarto profilo è costituito da un insegnamento da 6 CFU ed uno da 12 CFU.
Per specializzare ulteriormente la preparazione in Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali si può accedere alla Laurea Magistrale SAA/LM69.
Il curriculum di Biotecnologie Agrarie fornisce la conoscenza dei principi di base delle biotecnologie agrarie, vegetali ed animali, consentendo al laureato di affrontare criticamente le principali problematiche relative alle applicazioni biotecnologiche in campo agrario.
Il curriculum risulta anche propedeutico e promozionale alla scelta della Laurea Magistrale specifica in classe LM7.
Al termine degli studi il laureato di SAA L25 conosce tutti gli aspetti utili ad esercitare con successo la professione di Agronomo Junior.
Il Corso di Laurea è ad accesso non programmato.
Allo scopo di accertare il livello di preparazione di base è svolto un test di ingresso, che per Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali prevede quesiti di Matematica e di Chimica.
Il test non ha carattere selettivo e consente comunque l'iscrizione al Corso di Laurea.
Tuttavia, se i suoi risultati evideziano delle lacune, lo studente è tenuto a superarle entro il primo anno del Corso di Laurea.
A tale scopo, il Dipartimento DAFNE supporta la preparazione degli studenti rendendo disponibili dei corsi di supporto di Matematica e Chimica.
Al termine dei corsi di supporto il DAFNE effettua varie sessioni di test di recupero per verificare e attestare che le eventuali lacune di preparazione sono state colmate.
All'atto dell'immatricolazione o dell'iscrizione agli anni successivi gli studenti possono optare tra impegno a tempo pieno o a tempo parziale secondo quanto disposto dall'art.
22 del Regolamento Didattico di Ateneo e dal Regolamento studenti a tempo parziale.
La prova finale consiste nella preparazione e discussione di un elaborato scritto su una o più tematiche affrontate nel percorso didattico e con un impegno complessivo di 5 CFU.
L'Offerta formativa 2017-2018 del Dipartimento, in particolare quella del CdS SAA/L25, è disponibile sul portale del Dipartimento all'indirizzo
con un ulteriore link per l'ordinamento.
Le stesse informazioni sono reperibili sulla Guida dello studente 2017-2018 che sarà stampata entro luglio 2017.
Lo studente espliciterà le proprie scelte al momento della presentazione,
tramite il sistema informativo di ateneo, del piano di completamento o del piano di studio individuale,
secondo quanto stabilito dal regolamento didattico del corso di studio.
Scienze agrarie e ambientali
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
17937 -
The course aims to provide basic knowledge of the main botanical branches in a single class with a particular focus to the agricultural context and therefore with a preparatory purpose for the future acquisition of knowledge and skills in the management of crop production.
Basic compulsory activities
17863 -
Organic chemistry and principles of general chemistry
The course is structured to provide students with a basic knowledge of general chemistry and organic chemistry to achieve the following educational objectives: 1) Knowledge and understanding. Provide a basic understanding of the structure, nomenclature, properties and reactivity of the main inorganic and organic compounds. 2) Applying knowledge and understanding. Develop the ability to connect the topics of the course and also be able to explain phenomena related to problems of everyday life. 3) Making judgements. Develop the ability to analyze data, interpret and solve the exercises. 4) Communication skills. Develop the ability to describe course topics with language properties, clarity, synthesis skills and critical meaning. 5) Learning skills Learn the tools to use for solving exercises.
Basic compulsory activities
14618 -
Mathematics and principles of physics
The aim of the course is to provide mathematical and physical formalization and modeling tools, which can be used in various application contexts.
The expected learning outcomes are as follows. 1. Knowledge and understanding: knowing and understanding the mathematical models, the laws of physics and the algorithmic methods used in the description and solution of application problems. 2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: to be able to solve application problems using the methods studied. 3. Autonomy of judgment: knowing how to use the acquired knowledge to express autonomous evaluation in the different application contexts. 4. Communication skills: acquire the rigorous language typical of mathematics and physics to communicate clearly and without ambiguity with specialist and non-specialist interlocutors. 5. Learning skills: develop adequate skills that allow you to autonomously explore mathematical and physical issues in the contexts in which you will be working.
Basic compulsory activities
14799 -
Optional Subject
Elective activities
Optional Group:
Lingua inglese esame interno o riconoscimento esterno - (show)
14789 -
English Language
EDUCATIONAL AIMS: The course aims to develop language skills at a pre-intermediate level (B1 in The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), focusing on building essential grammatical and lexical foundations. Lectures are partly organised in in-class practice tests coherent with the International Preliminary English Test (PET). A selection of scientific texts, uploaded to the Moodle page of the course, will be analyzed so that to build lexical knowledge and debating skills related to Natural Sciences subjects.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: The student can: - understand texts that consist mainly of high-frequency everyday or job-related language; - understand the description of events, feelings, and wishes in personal letters; - understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters; - enter into a conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life; - connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, his/her dreams, hopes and ambitions; - briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions related to scientific topics as well; - write simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest; - write personal letters describing experiences and impressions, and short stories sticking to specific hints.
Final examination and foreign language test
16582 -
English language
Final examination and foreign language test
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
14774 -
Physiology and Principles of Plant Biotechnology
The course aims to provide the fundamental bases of plant physiology and biotechnology as well as to facilitate their learning.
Basic compulsory activities
14787 -
Agricultural Genetics
The AGRICULTURAL GENETICS course aims to provide the information necessary for understanding the theoretical and experimental bases of classical and modern genetics, with particular reference to: 1) structure and function of the hereditary material (DNA, genes, chromosomes and genomes), both in model organisms and of agricultural interest; 2) flow of genetic information (from DNA to proteins) and its regulation; 3) chromosomal bases of heredity (chromosome structure; cell cycle; mitosis; meiosis); 4) inheritance of simple and complex traits (Mendelian and quantitative genetics); 5) genetic variability as the basis for species evolution and genetic improvement (mutations, recombination, hybridization). These fundamental topics of biology (as well as genetics) will be treated in order to make it understood, among other things: - the temporal evolution of scientific thought that led to the discoveries; - the value of intuition and, at the same time, of experimental verification; - the universality of many of the principles on which biological evolution is based; - the logical connection between structure and function; - the transferability of principles and knowledge from model organisms to organisms of agricultural interest; - the importance of knowledge of other fundamental disciplines (e.g. mathematics, statistics, chemistry) for the correct interpretation of the results of a biological experimentation; - the importance of using appropriate and specific language in the exposition; - the importance of comparison and verification of knowledge (between learners and learner-teacher).
Basic compulsory activities
14790 -
Principles of Agriculture Economics
To learn the basic elements to understand how the economic system works, the ways in which prices are formed, how markets works and the reasons for their "failure". To learn also the essential elements of the economy of the firm.
Core compulsory activities
14791 -
Biology and breeding of domestic animals
Zootecnica speciale: tecnologie per l'allevamento
Provide students with knowledge of the structure, management and monitoring of performance related to livestock breeding. In particular, students will have to acquire basic knowledge about animal welfare, the environmental impact of farms, genetic improvement, nutrition and farming techniques.
Core compulsory activities
Biologia animale e zootecnia generale
The aim of the course is to provide students the basic knowledge concerning the morphology and physiology of the main animal species raised (cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, pigs) with particular reference to those considered important for different productions. The knowledge acquired at the end of the course will allow students to better understand the contents of the following disciplines concerning breeding systems, feeding and animal nutrition, reproduction, animal welfare.
Core compulsory activities
15193 -
Training stage
Other activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
15180 -
Core compulsory activities
15184 -
Horticulture and Floriculture
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge about general aspects of vegetable crop production and floriculture, and specific knowledge on design and management of the main production chains of vegetable and flower crops.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Insegnamenti di profilo - (show)
15185 -
Related or supplementary learning activities
15188 -
Animal welfare and health and environmental impact of livestock
Provide students with knowledge to prevent and evaluate the establishment of conditions of poor well-being and health in farm animals. Provide students with knowledge on the environmental impact of livestock farming activities. Provide students with knowledge on the legislative context of reference in the fields of animal health and welfare and environmental impact of livestock farming.
Related or supplementary learning activities
15187 -
Livestock Feeding and Nutrition
Also available in another semester or year
16318 -
Landuse planning lab
The course aims at the learning of territorial planning principles with a systemic approach considering the socio-ecological complexity of urban, industrial and rural systems, their impacts and interactions on at landscape scale. The teaching, carried out largely in practical mode, is aimed at students acquiring the ability to analyze and evaluate the systems under study through a spatial approach and GIS tools. Furthermore, the interaction between students in groups aimed at problem-solving in decision-making processes will be stimulated.
Related or supplementary learning activities
16319 -
Landscape architecture lab
Also available in another semester or year
17589 -
Quality certification of plant production and processes
The course aims to provide basic knowledge and skills on practical practices for integrated quality management in the main plant productions. Through knowledge of current legislation (at National, European and International level) and of production processes, students must be able to know, identify and evaluate the main quality certifications in order to protect and improve plant production.
Related or supplementary learning activities
17590 -
Quality certification of animal production and processes
Also available in another semester or year
119060 -
Also available in another semester or year
15179 -
Agricultural Hydraulics and Mechanisation
15179-1 -
Ingegneria delle acque
The fundamental objective of the course is to provide basic methodological tools to understand the main processes related to the world of water engineering, going from the management of "good" waters (surface and pressurized water networks) to that of "bad" waters (linked to the concept of hydrogeological risk)
Core compulsory activities
15179-2 -
Meccanica agraria
The course aims to introduce the technology of agricultural machinery in its constructive, functional and operational aspects. The setting-up of agricultural machinery (combustion engines, mechanical and hydraulic transmissions, tires, driving mechanisms and control systems, connection equipment, machine safety, ergonomics). The correct use of agricultural machinery (grip, slip control, compaction of soil, extent of work times and losses, performances in field, running costs, cost-benefit analysis). The approval and certification of agricultural machinery.
Core compulsory activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
15181 -
Rural Tectonics and topography
Provide students with the concepts, analytical tools and basic organizational instructions to be able to develop, from a systemic and company-based perspective, projects to solve engineering problems in the rural buildings sector, with the indispensable elements of topography.
Core compulsory activities
15182 -
Herbaceous crops
The course of herbaceous crops aims to provide basic knowledge regarding the main field crops for Italian agriculture. The objective is to understand crop production within a system context, paying particular attention to diverse cropping systems and management practices. Moreover, the knowledge acquired in the course aim to provide skills to analyze and solve agronomic and cultural problems .
Core compulsory activities
15183 -
Students will be provided with information to understand the fruit crop trees and their peculiarities to achieve a production that guarantees quality, environmental sustainability and producers' income.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Insegnamenti di profilo - (show)
15185 -
Also available in another semester or year
15188 -
Animal welfare and health and environmental impact of livestock
Also available in another semester or year
15187 -
Livestock Feeding and Nutrition
In line with the educational objectives of the Degree Course in 'Agricultural and Environmental Sciences', the teaching taught has the general objective of acquiring knowledge about nutritive principles and the feeding of the animals in livestock production.
Related or supplementary learning activities
16318 -
Landuse planning lab
Also available in another semester or year
16319 -
Landscape architecture lab
Related or supplementary learning activities
17589 -
Quality certification of plant production and processes
Also available in another semester or year
17590 -
Quality certification of animal production and processes
a) Educational Goals In line with the educational objectives of the degree course in 'Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' teaching imparted to students who choose the profile 'Certification of product quality and agricultural processes', has the general objective to acquire basic knowledge and application on concept of total quality of food of animal origin and the certification and traceability systems.
b) Expected results At the end, students will be able to: - Recognize and discuss the parameters that express the concepts of total quality; - Be able to understand what environmental and genetic factors are responsible for the quality changes; - Gain knowledge about systems of certification and traceability of animal products.
Related or supplementary learning activities
119060 -
Course objectives The course of Ecology and Agroecology principles aims to provide basic applying knowledge and understanding tools for the analysis of agroecosystems through a systemic approach. The course aims to provide the main agroecology tools including a basic knowledge of general ecology. The knowledge gained in the course aim to provide learning skills, skillsm making judgements, communication skills in analysis, design and management of sustainable agricultural systems studied in his systematic unit.
Related or supplementary learning activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
15190 -
Crop Protection
15190-1 -
Entomologia agraria
• To identify and describe the functions of the different parts of the external morphology and of the internal anatomy of insects • To explore the post-embryonal mechanisms of development • To recognize the main insects’ orders • To know the more adequate strategies and control methods of the main insect pests of agricultural interest, with particular attention to low toxicity and low impact methodologies • To identify and describe the characteristics of the main insect pests for fruits, vegetables, open field and greenhouse cultivations, indicating the most opportune control strategies.
Core compulsory activities
15190-2 -
Patologia vegetale
Also available in another semester or year
15023 -
Agrarian Industries
Acquisition of knowledge relating to the main technology processes in food production. The mechanical, microbial and biotechnological technology applied to the food processing will explain during the classes. In this context, different food chains will be addressed, such as oil (fruit and seed), meat, wine and dairy industries. For each aforementioned processes, the student will acquire specific knowledge regarding the food quality properties and its fundamental sanitary requirements, the description and evaluation of plants with the process operating conditions. The relationships between the raw-material composition and the food quality will be addressed. In this way the student will be able to evaluate and manage the transformation, through the identification of the critical points, introducing appropriate process corrections and stabilization. The use of analytical parameters to identify the food quality properties will be further addressed.
Core compulsory activities
15191 -
Agricultural Economics
The student must acquire a knowledge of the general characteristics of Italian agriculture and of the farm system that characterizes it. In addition, he must acquire knowledge of the technical-structural and economic characteristics of farms. He must learn the criteria for attributing an economic value to the elements of Working Capital, Fixed Capital (here determining the depreciation rates), Third Party Capital, and Net Capital (start and end of the administrative year). In the same way, the student has to learn the criteria for correctly defining the value of the Income, of the Variable Costs, of the Added Value, of the Gross Income, of the Fixed Costs, of the Operating and Net Income, of the main Taxes and taxes applied in agriculture. The same applies to the specification of the labour availability and requirement generated by tha farm activities. With these elements, the student has to learn how to determine the profitability of the farm by estimating the income to capital, and the income to labour. Finally, the student must be able to carry out an economic analysis of the individual activities of the farm, computing the production costs of each of them and their contribution to overall profitability.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional Group:
Laboratorio di profilo - (show)
15194 -
Energy and environment lab
Also available in another semester or year
16391 -
Geographic Information system lab
The course aims to provide the tools and methodologies for land analysis. The main training objectives are: - Knowledge and comprehension skills: during the course, the student will acquire comprehension and problem-solving skills through analysis methodologies that simulate real contexts; - Applied knowledge and comprehension skills will be developed by the student through teaching integrated with laboratory activities in classrooms equipped with dedicated GIS software; - Autonomy of judgement in the "problem solving" phase in the risk contexts addressed during the course; - Communication skills through the drafting of reports and projects to be presented during the examination; - Ability to learn.
Other activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
15190 -
Crop Protection
15190-1 -
Entomologia agraria
Also available in another semester or year
15190-2 -
Patologia vegetale
- Ability to recognise the important plant diseases. - Knowledge of the biology of phytopathogenic agents (bacteria, fungi, viruses). - Understanding of host-pathogen interactions: strategies of attack by plant pathogens and defense mechanisms of plants, their susceptibility, resistance, pathogenicity and virulence and their infectious process. - Knowledge of the epidemiological aspects and the influence of environmental factors on the outbreak and spread of the disease. - Preliminary knowledge of the main epidemic predictive models. - Knowledge of the plant diseases control (prevention and treatment) by chemical and organic pesticides, and by the use of innovative technologies (GIS, GPS, Drones).
Core compulsory activities
15189 -
Rural appraisal
The course aims to provide students with skills regarding the methods and tools for evaluating different farms' capital components . Acquisition of basic skills on land cadastre.
Core compulsory activities
Optional Group:
Laboratorio di profilo - (show)
15194 -
Energy and environment lab
The fundamental objective of the "Energy and Environment Laboratory" course is to provide the student with the knowledge and technical and practical skills for the choice, rough sizing and development of plant solutions aimed at producing energy from renewable energy sources. . 1) knowledge and understanding: the expected learning outcomes are the knowledge of the criteria and strategies aimed at choosing, analyzing and optimizing aspects related to energy and the environment, with a view to sustainable development ; 2) applied knowledge and understanding: theoretical and practical notions associated with the energy cycle, with the types of fossil fuels compared to those from renewable sources with obvious references to the dynamics of environmental pollution, biomass, biochemical processes of energy production (biochemical processes, in particular anaerobic digestion with biogas upgrading and thermochemical processes, in particular the gasification process), geothermal energy with low enthalpy plants, solar energy (both thermal and photovoltaic), bioliquids and biofuels. In addition, the practical tools typically needed in the energy characterization of biomasses at accredited laboratories will be discussed; 3) independent judgment: at the end of the course the student will have practical and theoretical notions relating to the main types of plants for the exploitation of renewable energy sources, strengthening the skills already developed in the three-year degree course and having the ability to solve related problems to issues, even new ones or which require multidisciplinary approaches, in any case deriving from the sector under study. 4) communication skills: at the end of the course the student will be able to communicate his conclusions in a clear and unambiguous way to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors operating in the renewable energy sector; 5) ability to learn: among the expected results is the student's development of a learning ability that allows him to deepen the issues addressed independently, adapting to the needs he will encounter in the workplace.
Other activities
16391 -
Geographic Information system lab
Also available in another semester or year
15192 -
Final examination
Final examination and foreign language test
Teachings extracurricular:
Teachings extracurricular:
15097 -
Legislation and case studies for professional agronomists
Assessment based on the level of knowledge of the contents, the ability to apply the theoretical concepts, the ability to analyze, synthesize and interdisciplinary connections, the correct use of technical language. Discussion of the appraisal report written by the candidate during the course.
15099 -
Computer Aided Design
To teach students the knowledge of the main rules for technical drawing and the use of CAD (Computer Aided Design) systems in 2D. To provide students with notions of computer-aided two-dimensional design with reference to the architectural and structural elements of buildings.
17009 -
English language B2
Knowledge and understanding. In the course, the student will have knowledge of the specific vocabulary relating to the field of food science and human nutrition. The student will also have acquired a level of command of the grammatical structure and of the phonological system of the English language to develop communication skills in order to give simple scientific information and to write a scientific abstract. Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will be able to follow a lecture or presentation held in English without complications, on topics related to their degree program. The student will also be able to provide written or oral feedback, and to compose, at level B2, the written texts necessary to participate in the activities of the area of study and/or of professional work. Making judgments. The student will be able to analyze a written text or verbal-audio and distinguish between the most authoritative points and the least convincing or even questionable ones. The student must develop the ability to distinguish, on a syntactic, morphological, and lexical level, the major differences between the mother tongue and the language of learning. Communication skills. At the end of the course the student will have the ability to interact with colleagues or other interlocutors on general or scientific topics. Learning ability. The aim of the course is to develop in the student the self-confidence necessary to use the language skills acquired in further studies conducted independently. The student must develop awareness of their strengths and weaknesses in learning, and also develop the ability to use the adopted text and other tools for self-directed home learning.
18353 -
TRAINING OBJECTIVES: The teaching will be oriented towards solving problems, analyzing and assessing risks, planning suitable prevention and protection interventions, paying attention to in-depth analysis based on the different levels of risk.
1) Knowledge and understanding (knowledge and understanding): It will allow the acquisition of knowledge / skills to: - identify the dangers and assess the risks present in the workplace, including ergonomic and work-related stress risks; - identify the specific prevention and protection measures for the sector, including PPE, with reference to the specific nature of the risk and the work activity; - help identify adequate technical, organizational and procedural safety solutions for each type of risk. 2) Applying knowledge and understanding; possibility to apply knowledge in all work environments, with understanding of the technical and regulatory terms of workplace safety. Furthermore, ability to manage both training projects and technical assessments. 3) Autonomy of judgment (making judgments); Understanding if the technical and / or legislative settings have been carried out in a workmanlike manner within the company, and knowing how to manage the non-conformities present both from a technical and legal point of view. 4) Communication skills; Ability to relate also through the design of appropriate training courses. 5) Ability to learn (learning skills): verify learning also through work groups on specific topics.
118282 -
118345 -
Arboricoltura da frutto
Also available in another semester or year
118354 -
Biotecnologie genetiche
Also available in another semester or year
118355 -
Biotecnologie per il miglioramento delle piante agrarie
118381 -
Also available in another semester or year
118274 -
Energie rinnovabili
118275 -
Utilizzazioni forestali
Also available in another semester or year
118276 -
Miglioramento genetico forestale
Also available in another semester or year
118277 -
Laboratorio di tecnologia del legno
Also available in another semester or year
118323 -
Research application of forest logging and wood technology
118324 -
Research application on forest logging
118325 -
Research application on wood technology
118327 -
Forest Genetic Resources
Consolidate and amply theoretical and practical knowledge and understanding of the evolution of forest tree species, and of the interactions beween ecology and genetics of tree individuals and populations. Improve the students' ability of making judgements, communicate, and learn new developments in the course subject.
119077 -
Adaptation and mitigation of agriculture and forestry systems to climate changes
118294 -
Impact and adaptation of livestock systems to climate change
a) Training objectives The teaching has the general objective of acquiring knowledge on the effects that climate change has on the performance and health of livestock animals.
b) Expected learning outcomes At the end of the course, students will be able to: - know the effects that climate change has on production efficiency and on the health of livestock.
118285 -
Forest ecology and management underclimate change
118346 -
119074 -
119076 -
Agroecology - Applied part
118344 -
Forest soils
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING ABILITY Conduct basic field analysis of forest soils, including description of soil profiles and landforms, site classification. Understand the fundamental properties and processes of forest soils and their relationships to tree growth/site productivity. Know the effects of forest management practices on forest soil properties and processes and know how to utilize silvicultural techniques to influence soil properties and processes to enhance productivity and sustainability. ABILITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING Ability to recognize different forest soils and the correct management to be applied. Pedological investigation to establish the connection between the different soil types and the forest vegetation. Application of pedological survey methodologies: identification of homogeneous areas for the factors of pedogenesis and analysis and description of a soil profile. JUDGMENT AUTONOMY Being able to interpret the soil processes occurring in a forest ecosystem. Ability to evaluate a forest soil according to the features of the environment.Ability to evaluate a forest soil in relation to the type of management. COMMUNICATION SKILLS Being able to present works on scientific themes clearly and briefly. LEARNING ABILITY Being able to describe topics related to forest soils in written and / or oral form. This skill will be developed through the active involvement of students through oral discussions in the classroom and in the field on specific topics related to the course.
118752 -
Plagas emergentes de interés para la agricultura en la UE
Also available in another semester or year
118339 -
Relevant bacterial plant diseases
Also available in another semester or year
118341 -
Emerging fungal pathogens in agriculture and forestry
The course aims to deal with the main plant pathogens (mainly fungi, but with examples concerning also bacteria, viruses and insects) of particular importance and of recent introduction and diffusion in Italy and in the European Countries; moreover, it also deals with the main pathogenic species whose introduction is at risk. Consequently, the main purposes of the course are the understanding of the biology and the epidemiology of these disease agents, and the containment strategies to be adopted (preferably with low environmental impact) , also in comparison with common disease agents for agricultural crops and forest environments. Then, the course aims to bring a knowledge of the main factors that have led to the entry into the EU territories of these dangerous agents (climate change, pathogen pollution and agricultural changes). Finally, the students are driven to the learning of how to recognize an invasive pathogen, how the Countries are organized to minimize these unwanted invasions (including Legislative rules), and what are the possible measures and strategies to contain these organisms after their invasion.
Biotecnologie agrarie
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
14618 -
Mathematics and principles of physics
The aim of the course is to provide mathematical and physical formalization and modeling tools, which can be used in various application contexts.
The expected learning outcomes are as follows. 1. Knowledge and understanding: knowing and understanding the mathematical models, the laws of physics and the algorithmic methods used in the description and solution of application problems. 2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: to be able to solve application problems using the methods studied. 3. Autonomy of judgment: knowing how to use the acquired knowledge to express autonomous evaluation in the different application contexts. 4. Communication skills: acquire the rigorous language typical of mathematics and physics to communicate clearly and without ambiguity with specialist and non-specialist interlocutors. 5. Learning skills: develop adequate skills that allow you to autonomously explore mathematical and physical issues in the contexts in which you will be working.
Basic compulsory activities
14799 -
Optional Subject
Elective activities
Optional Group:
Lingua inglese esame interno o riconoscimento esterno - (show)
14789 -
English Language
EDUCATIONAL AIMS: The course aims to develop language skills at a pre-intermediate level (B1 in The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), focusing on building essential grammatical and lexical foundations. Lectures are partly organised in in-class practice tests coherent with the International Preliminary English Test (PET). A selection of scientific texts, uploaded to the Moodle page of the course, will be analyzed so that to build lexical knowledge and debating skills related to Natural Sciences subjects.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: The student can: - understand texts that consist mainly of high-frequency everyday or job-related language; - understand the description of events, feelings, and wishes in personal letters; - understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters; - enter into a conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life; - connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, his/her dreams, hopes and ambitions; - briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions related to scientific topics as well; - write simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest; - write personal letters describing experiences and impressions, and short stories sticking to specific hints.
Final examination and foreign language test
16582 -
English language
Final examination and foreign language test
17863 -
Organic chemistry and principles of general chemistry
The course is structured to provide students with a basic knowledge of general chemistry and organic chemistry to achieve the following educational objectives: 1) Knowledge and understanding. Provide a basic understanding of the structure, nomenclature, properties and reactivity of the main inorganic and organic compounds. 2) Applying knowledge and understanding. Develop the ability to connect the topics of the course and also be able to explain phenomena related to problems of everyday life. 3) Making judgements. Develop the ability to analyze data, interpret and solve the exercises. 4) Communication skills. Develop the ability to describe course topics with language properties, clarity, synthesis skills and critical meaning. 5) Learning skills Learn the tools to use for solving exercises.
Basic compulsory activities
17937 -
The course aims to provide basic knowledge of the main botanical branches in a single class with a particular focus to the agricultural context and therefore with a preparatory purpose for the future acquisition of knowledge and skills in the management of crop production.
Basic compulsory activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
14774 -
Physiology and Principles of Plant Biotechnology
The course aims to provide the fundamental bases of plant physiology and biotechnology as well as to facilitate their learning.
Basic compulsory activities
14787 -
Agricultural Genetics
The AGRICULTURAL GENETICS course aims to provide the information necessary for understanding the theoretical and experimental bases of classical and modern genetics, with particular reference to: 1) structure and function of the hereditary material (DNA, genes, chromosomes and genomes), both in model organisms and of agricultural interest; 2) flow of genetic information (from DNA to proteins) and its regulation; 3) chromosomal bases of heredity (chromosome structure; cell cycle; mitosis; meiosis); 4) inheritance of simple and complex traits (Mendelian and quantitative genetics); 5) genetic variability as the basis for species evolution and genetic improvement (mutations, recombination, hybridization). These fundamental topics of biology (as well as genetics) will be treated in order to make it understood, among other things: - the temporal evolution of scientific thought that led to the discoveries; - the value of intuition and, at the same time, of experimental verification; - the universality of many of the principles on which biological evolution is based; - the logical connection between structure and function; - the transferability of principles and knowledge from model organisms to organisms of agricultural interest; - the importance of knowledge of other fundamental disciplines (e.g. mathematics, statistics, chemistry) for the correct interpretation of the results of a biological experimentation; - the importance of using appropriate and specific language in the exposition; - the importance of comparison and verification of knowledge (between learners and learner-teacher).
Basic compulsory activities
14790 -
Principles of Agriculture Economics
To learn the basic elements to understand how the economic system works, the ways in which prices are formed, how markets works and the reasons for their "failure". To learn also the essential elements of the economy of the firm.
Core compulsory activities
14791 -
Biology and breeding of domestic animals
Zootecnica speciale: tecnologie per l'allevamento
Provide students with knowledge of the structure, management and monitoring of performance related to livestock breeding. In particular, students will have to acquire basic knowledge about animal welfare, the environmental impact of farms, genetic improvement, nutrition and farming techniques.
Core compulsory activities
Biologia animale e zootecnia generale
The aim of the course is to provide students the basic knowledge concerning the morphology and physiology of the main animal species raised (cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, pigs) with particular reference to those considered important for different productions. The knowledge acquired at the end of the course will allow students to better understand the contents of the following disciplines concerning breeding systems, feeding and animal nutrition, reproduction, animal welfare.
Core compulsory activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
15180 -
Core compulsory activities
15184 -
Horticulture and Floriculture
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge about general aspects of vegetable crop production and floriculture, and specific knowledge on design and management of the main production chains of vegetable and flower crops.
Core compulsory activities
15193 -
Training stage
Other activities
15596 -
In vitro culture techniques
The course aims to provide information on in vitro tissue culture at industrial and scientific levels, providing students with the basis for acquiring expertise in various areas of in vitro cultures.
Related or supplementary learning activities
15595 -
Biotecnologies of crop production
Biotecnologie genetiche
The course aims to provide students with basic knowledge on the main genetic biotechnologies, as well as with the problems (mostly in plant field, but also human field) which have found a solution thanks to such technologies.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Biotecnologie per il miglioramento delle piante agrarie
The course aims to give the basic principles of advanced technologies useful for plant breeding and to improve productivity. To this aim, all biotechnological methodologies are introduced, with reference to genetic engineering, in vitro cultures, tools for diagnostic and traceability, study of genetic variability, and achievement of interspecific crosses. A principal focus will be given to the development and analysis of molecular markers, in order to acquire familiarity with uses of DNA analysis for variability studies and marker assisted selection.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
15181 -
Rural Tectonics and topography
Provide students with the concepts, analytical tools and basic organizational instructions to be able to develop, from a systemic and company-based perspective, projects to solve engineering problems in the rural buildings sector, with the indispensable elements of topography.
Core compulsory activities
15182 -
Herbaceous crops
The course of herbaceous crops aims to provide basic knowledge regarding the main field crops for Italian agriculture. The objective is to understand crop production within a system context, paying particular attention to diverse cropping systems and management practices. Moreover, the knowledge acquired in the course aim to provide skills to analyze and solve agronomic and cultural problems .
Core compulsory activities
15183 -
Students will be provided with information to understand the fruit crop trees and their peculiarities to achieve a production that guarantees quality, environmental sustainability and producers' income.
Core compulsory activities
First semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
15190 -
Crop Protection
15190-1 -
Entomologia agraria
• To identify and describe the functions of the different parts of the external morphology and of the internal anatomy of insects • To explore the post-embryonal mechanisms of development • To recognize the main insects’ orders • To know the more adequate strategies and control methods of the main insect pests of agricultural interest, with particular attention to low toxicity and low impact methodologies • To identify and describe the characteristics of the main insect pests for fruits, vegetables, open field and greenhouse cultivations, indicating the most opportune control strategies.
Core compulsory activities
15190-2 -
Patologia vegetale
Also available in another semester or year
15023 -
Agrarian Industries
Acquisition of knowledge relating to the main technology processes in food production. The mechanical, microbial and biotechnological technology applied to the food processing will explain during the classes. In this context, different food chains will be addressed, such as oil (fruit and seed), meat, wine and dairy industries. For each aforementioned processes, the student will acquire specific knowledge regarding the food quality properties and its fundamental sanitary requirements, the description and evaluation of plants with the process operating conditions. The relationships between the raw-material composition and the food quality will be addressed. In this way the student will be able to evaluate and manage the transformation, through the identification of the critical points, introducing appropriate process corrections and stabilization. The use of analytical parameters to identify the food quality properties will be further addressed.
Core compulsory activities
15597 -
Animal Biotechnology
Educational goals The course's objectives are to provide knowledge of the main biotechnology techniques applied to the animal production. They will therefore address issues related to animal experimentation and possible alternative techniques, basic theoretical knowledge on in vitro cultures of cells and animal tissues and their applications, methodologies related to the production of transgenic animals and the most used technologies in quality and traceability of animal products, in the control of genetic improvement and in the maintenance of animal biodiversity. Methods such as extraction of nucleic acids, Polymerase Chain Reaction, sanger and new generation sequencing, microarrays, will be discussed to analyze topics such as the use of markers useful for diagnostic and selective purposes, gene expression analysis, Polymorphisms associated with genetic improvement through molecular genetic techniques, traceability of animal products.
Expected learning outcomes KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING. At the end of the course the student will acquire specific knowledge about the biotechnology aspects of animals, the theoretical bases of animal cell culture techniques and their application as experimental models; Knowledge of the main analytical methods of gene expression in animals, knowledge of methodologies related to the production of transgenic animals, as well as molecular genetics and its applications for animal genetic improvement and traceability. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING. Ability to interpret and execute broad spectrum methodological and instrumental procedures for biological and molecular research. JUDGMENT. Acquisition of conscious judgment autonomy with reference to the interpretation of protocols and the evaluation and interpretation of laboratory experimental data. COMMUNICATION SKILLS. Acquiring appropriate skills and tools for communication: data processing and presentation, ability to work in groups.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Second semester
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
15190 -
Crop Protection
15190-1 -
Entomologia agraria
Also available in another semester or year
15190-2 -
Patologia vegetale
- Ability to recognise the important plant diseases. - Knowledge of the biology of phytopathogenic agents (bacteria, fungi, viruses). - Understanding of host-pathogen interactions: strategies of attack by plant pathogens and defense mechanisms of plants, their susceptibility, resistance, pathogenicity and virulence and their infectious process. - Knowledge of the epidemiological aspects and the influence of environmental factors on the outbreak and spread of the disease. - Preliminary knowledge of the main epidemic predictive models. - Knowledge of the plant diseases control (prevention and treatment) by chemical and organic pesticides, and by the use of innovative technologies (GIS, GPS, Drones).
Core compulsory activities
15189 -
Rural appraisal
The course aims to provide students with skills regarding the methods and tools for evaluating different farms' capital components . Acquisition of basic skills on land cadastre.
Core compulsory activities
17938 -
Molecular biology of agricultural plants
A) COURSE OBJECTIVES The course aims to provide basic knowledge on biochemistry and molecular biology with particular reference to the agricultural context, and thus with a preparatory intend for the future acquisition of knowledge and skills in crop management. Further objectives are the improvement of the ability to learn and communication skills, i.e. the ability to expose thmes concerning the molecular biology of agricultural species with adequate terminology.
Related or supplementary learning activities
15194 -
Energy and environment lab
The fundamental objective of the "Energy and Environment Laboratory" course is to provide the student with the knowledge and technical and practical skills for the choice, rough sizing and development of plant solutions aimed at producing energy from renewable energy sources. . 1) knowledge and understanding: the expected learning outcomes are the knowledge of the criteria and strategies aimed at choosing, analyzing and optimizing aspects related to energy and the environment, with a view to sustainable development ; 2) applied knowledge and understanding: theoretical and practical notions associated with the energy cycle, with the types of fossil fuels compared to those from renewable sources with obvious references to the dynamics of environmental pollution, biomass, biochemical processes of energy production (biochemical processes, in particular anaerobic digestion with biogas upgrading and thermochemical processes, in particular the gasification process), geothermal energy with low enthalpy plants, solar energy (both thermal and photovoltaic), bioliquids and biofuels. In addition, the practical tools typically needed in the energy characterization of biomasses at accredited laboratories will be discussed; 3) independent judgment: at the end of the course the student will have practical and theoretical notions relating to the main types of plants for the exploitation of renewable energy sources, strengthening the skills already developed in the three-year degree course and having the ability to solve related problems to issues, even new ones or which require multidisciplinary approaches, in any case deriving from the sector under study. 4) communication skills: at the end of the course the student will be able to communicate his conclusions in a clear and unambiguous way to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors operating in the renewable energy sector; 5) ability to learn: among the expected results is the student's development of a learning ability that allows him to deepen the issues addressed independently, adapting to the needs he will encounter in the workplace.
Other activities
15192 -
Final examination
Final examination and foreign language test