The Code of business crisis and insolvency in the implementation of law n. 155 of 19 October 2017, (Legislative decree of 12 January 2019, n. 14) - General principles of the reform - Alerting procedures and assisted composition of the crisis - Unitary procedure for access to the procedures for regulating the crisis or insolvency - Procedures for the composition of the over-indebtedness crisis - the arrangement with creditors - judicial liquidation
Bankruptcy law (Royal Decree 16 March 1942, n. 267) - Introduction to insolvency procedures: notion of business crisis and possible solutions. Bankruptcy: the subjects of bankruptcy - quantitative and temporal limits of being subject to bankruptcy - insolvency and the extent of defaults - the pre-bankruptcy preliminary phase - the bodies responsible for handling the bankruptcy - the burdens and the revocation of the bankruptcy - the debtor's assets (assets, rights and contractual relationships) - the reinstatement of the asset guarantee - the enforced implementation of the creditor and real claims and the insolvency regulation of the credits - the bankruptcy procedure - cessation of the bankruptcy procedure and the debts - the bankruptcy of corporations and of individuals. Negotiated regulation of the crisis: out-of-court settlement - agreement with creditors - debt-restructuring agreements. Bankruptcy crimes: fraudulent bankruptcy - simple bankruptcy - crimes committed by persons other than the bankrupt - applicable provisions in the case of an arrangement with creditors, and compulsory administrative liquidation.
(reference books)
Lino Guglielmucci, Diritto Fallimentare, Quinta edizione, G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino 2017 Commento al codice della crisi di impresa e dell'insolvenza a cura di D'Arrigo, De Simone, Di Marzio e Leuzzi, edito da in Executivis. Giuseppe Fauceglia, Il Nuovo Diritto della Crisi e dell'Insolvenza (d.lgs. 12 gennaio 2019, n.14). G. Giappichelli Legge fallimentare aggiornata (Regio Decreto 16 marzo 1942, n. 267)
Per gli studenti del corso di laura magistrale, che hanno già sostenuto l'esame di Diritto Fallimentare nel corso di laura triennale, il programma, da portare in sede d'esame, è il seguente: Roberto Marraffa, Amministrazione straordinaria delle grandi imprese in crisi e tutela dei crediti, Giappichelli Editore, Torino 2012;