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University Università degli Studi della TUSCIA 
College/Department Department  DAFNE - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali 

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Curriculum Vitae First name(s) / Surname(s) Carla CEOLONI Address(es) Department of Agricultural and Forest Sciences (DAFNE) – University of Tuscia Via S. Camillo de Lellis – 01100 VITERBO (Italy) Telephone(s) +39 (0)761 357202 (office); Mobile: +39 347 0692975 E-mail Occupational field Scientist and University Teacher Work experience Dates 2005 - present Occupation or position held Full Professor of Agricultural Genetics –Head of Laboratory of Plant Cytogenetics and Genomics; Deputy Director of DAFNE (2013- ) Main activities and responsibilities Main research work areas: 1. Identification, characterization and interspecific transfer of valuable genes for wheat improvement by means of cytogenetic methodologies of “chromosome engineering” and marker-assisted selection (MAS). Among the target genes/traits are: • resistance to wheat diseases (e.g. leaf, stem and yellow rust, powdery mildew, scab); • quality attributes (gluten quality, yellow pigment content); • yield-related QTL 2. Physiological and metabolomic analysis of biotic and abiotic stress response by wheat genotypes carrying genes transferred from related wild species; 3. Development of pre-breeding and breeding lines of durum and bread wheat, carrying traits derived from related species, aiming at sustainable cereal production; 4. Analysis of the organization of cereal genomes (wheat and related species) by genetic, cytogenetic and comparative genomic approaches: development of high-resolution genetic maps and of physical maps by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH, GISH) Principal investigator and coordinator of research programs supported by public and private Institutions, both Italian (Ministry of Research, MIUR; Ministry of Agriculture, MIPAAF; Italian National Council of Reserch; Breeding Companies, e.g. Apsovsementi-CO.NA.SE. 2006-11, ISEA-Agroservice 2018- ) and International (e.g. EC-PRIMA foundation (2018-); Australian International Research Grant Program 2014-18; Philip Morris 2005-09). Name and address of employer Department of Agricultural and Forest Sciences (DAFNE) – University of Tuscia, Viterbo (Italy) Dates 1987 to 2005 Occupation or position held Associate Professor of Agricultural Genetics – Head of Laboratory of Plant Cytogenetics Main activities and responsibilities Coordination of research activities in the fields of genetics, cytogenetics and genomics of plants of agricultural relevance, with particular reference to the analysis and controlled manipulation (“chromosome engineering”) of the genome of wild and cultivated Triticeae species, also in view of breeding applications. One result of this activity consisted of the transfer of the Pm13 gene from Aegilops longissima to common wheat by ph1-induced homoeologous pairing. Principal investigator with local responsibility and also national coordinator of research programs supported by public and private Institutions, both Italian and International (e.g. ICARDA). Name and address of employer Dept. of Agrobiology and Agrochemistry - University of Tuscia, Viterbo (Italy) Dates 1982 to 1987 Occupation or position held Researcher Main activities and responsibilities Setting up materials and strategies for interspecific gene transfer within the Triticeae via chromosome engineering. Main projects: 1. Development of a triticale line carrying the ph1 mutation, promoting homoeologous chromosome pairing; 2. Development of various wheat-alien hybrids and amphiploids with and without the Ph1 gene Name and address of employer ENEA, Casaccia Research Centre - Via Anguillarese, 301, 00123 (Rome) Additional information - Visiting scientist at : • The Weizmann Insitute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (1979-81); • Plant Breeding Institute, Cambridge, UK (Oct.- Dec. 1988); • University of Alcalà de Henares, Madrid, Spain (Mar.-May 1991) • Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Martonvásár, Hungary (October 2013) - Invited speaker in international conferences (e.g. International Conference From Seed To Pasta & Beyond: a sustainable durum wheat chain for food security and healthy lives, May 2015, Bologna-Milan; International Symposium on Genetics and Breeding of Durum Wheat, May 2013, Rome, Italy; EUCARPIA Cereals Section Meeting, Cambridge, UK, April 2010; Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA, Jan 2008; ITMI –Int. Triticeae Mapping Initiative- Meeting, Israel, April 2007) - Invited to organize and/or chair sessions in international conferences (e.g. 10th Intern. Wheat Genetics Symposium, 2003; 4th European Cytogenetics Conference, 2003) - Referee for international journals (e.g. Molecular Breeding; Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Genome, Euphytica, Heredity, Crop Science, Journal of Genetics and Genomics, Plant Genetic Resources; Biotechnology Advances) - European expert and Italian representative of a NATO-Russian cooperation initiative in the area of plant biotechnology (Moscow, 2000) and in the "European Union-China Scientific and Technical Cooperation" (EU DG XII) initiative, (Shanghai, 1995) - Appointed by the Italian Ministry of University and Research as member of the National Commission for Research Project (PRIN) Evaluation – Coordinator for the area of Agricultural Sciences (2006) - European patent (application n. 1553/2006 to the Community Plant Variety Office, released on March 2009) for Plant variety (Triticum durum) with designation Cincinnato (formerly RC3). Breeder/Inventor: Carla Ceoloni. Released in Italy for cultivation in 2010. - Member of: Society of Experimental Biology (SEB); Genetics Society of Canada, European Wheat Aneuploid Cooperative (EWAC), Italian Society of Genetics (AGI) and Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics (SIGA) - Author of over 150 publications, mainly original articles and reviews on refereed journals, book chapters, and papers in conference proceedings (see ahead a selected list) Education and training Dates 1979-1981 Occupation or position held Visiting Scientist Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Cytogenetics of wheat and wild wheat relatives – main aspects: 1. Production and characterization of wheat-alien addition lines; 2. Genetic control and cellular mechanisms of wheat-alien chromosome pairing; 3. Identification and collection of wild wheat species in native environments (Fertile Crescent) Name and type of organisation Laboratory of Plant Cytogenetics - Weizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot, Israel) Dates 1978-79 and 1981-82 Occupation or position held Fellowship horder Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Genetic improvement of wheat and barley for resistance to fungal diseases Name and type of organisation Experimental Institute for Cereal Research (Rome) Dates March 1977 Title of qualification awarded Degree in Biological Sciences Name and type of organisation University of Rome “La Sapienza” Level in national or international classification Marks: 110/110 cum laude CARLA CEOLONI – Publications 2014-2019 Refereed journals - Kuzmanović L, Mandalà G, Tundo S, Ciorba R, Frangella M, Ruggeri R, Rossini F, Gevi F, Rinalducci S, CEOLONI C (2019) Equipping Durum Wheat-Th. ponticum Recombinant Lines with a Thinopyrum elongatum Major QTL for Resistance to Fusarium Diseases through a Cytogenetic Strategy Front. Plant Sci. (in press). DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01324 - Mandalà G, Tundo S, Francesconi S, Gevi F, Zolla L, CEOLONI C, D’Ovidio R (2019) Deoxynivalenol detoxification in transgenic wheat confers resistance to Fusarium head blight and crown rot diseases. Molec. Plant Microbe Interact. 32: 583-592. DOI:10.1094/MPMI-06-18-0155-R - Kuzmanović L, Ruggeri R, Able JA, Bassi FM, Maccaferri M, Tuberosa R, De Vita P, Rossini F, CEOLONI C (2018) Yield of chromosomally engineered durum wheat-Thinopyrum ponticum recombinant lines in a range of contrasting rain-fed environments. Field Crops Research 228: 147–157, DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2018.08.014; Scopus: 2-s2.0-85053212605 - CEOLONI C, Forte P, Kuzmanović L, Tundo S, Moscetti I, De Vita P, Virili ME, D’Ovidio R (2017) Cytogenetic mapping of a major locus for resistance to Fusarium head blight and crown rot of wheat on Thinopyrum elongatum 7EL and its pyramiding with valuable genes from a Th. ponticum homoeologous arm onto bread wheat 7DL. Theor Appl Genet 130:2005–2024. DOI: 10.1007/s00122-017-2939-8, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85021256881 - CEOLONI C, Kuzmanović L, Ruggeri R, Rossini F, Forte P, Cuccurullo A, Bitti A (2017) Harnessing genetic diversity of wild gene pools to enhance wheat crop production and sustainability: challenges and opportunities. Diversity 9, 55. DOI: 0.3390/d9040055, 2-s2.0-85021256881, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85041589101 - Kuzmanović L, Ruggeri R, Virili ME, Rossini R, CEOLONI C (2016). Effects of Thinopyrum ponticum chromosome segments transferred into durum wheat on yield components and related morpho-physiological traits in Mediterranean rain-fed conditions. Field Crops Research 186:86-98. DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2015.11.007 - CEOLONI C, Kuzmanović L, Forte P, Gennaro A, Bitti A (2014) Targeted exploitation of gene pools of alien Triticeae species for a sustainable and multifaceted improvement of the durum wheat crop. Crop & Pasture Science 65: 96–111. DOI: 10.1071/CP13335 - Kuzmanović L, Gennaro A, Benedettelli S, Dodd IC, Quarrie SA, CEOLONI C (2014) Structural-functional dissection and characterization of yield-contributing traits originating from a group 7 chromosome of the wheatgrass species Thinopyrum ponticum after transfer into durum wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany 65: 509–525. DOI:10.1093/jxb/ert393 - Forte P, Virili ME, Kuzmanovic L, Moscetti I, Gennaro A, D'Ovidio R, CEOLONI C (2014). A novel assembly of Thinopyrum ponticum genes into the durum wheat genome: pyramiding Fusarium head blight resistance onto recombinant lines previously engineered for other beneficial traits from the same alien species. Molecular breeding 34: 1701-1716, DOI: 10.1007/s11032-014-0175-3 - Scoppola A, CEOLONI C, Gennaro A, Magrini S (2014) IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 17. TAXON, vol. 63, p. 1155-E26-E27, ISSN: 0040-0262, DOI: 10.12705/635.34 Book chapters - CEOLONI C, Kuzmanović L, Forte P, Virili ME, Bitti A (2015). Wheat-perennial Triticeae introgressions: major achievements and prospects. In: Molnár-Láng M, Ceoloni C, Doležel J (Eds) Alien introgression in wheat - Cytogenetics, Molecular Biology, and Genomics. Springer, pp 273-313. - Molnár-Láng M, CEOLONI C, Doležel J (2015) Alien introgression in wheat: Cytogenetics, molecular biology, and genomics. Springer, pp. 1-385 (Co-Editor) and Preface, pp. v-vii, Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-23493-9e, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23494-6 - CEOLONI C, Kuzmanović L. Gennaro A, Forte P, Giorgi D, Grossi MR, Bitti A (2014) Genomes, chromosomes and genes of perennial Triticeae of the genus Thinopyrum: the value of their transfer into wheat for gains in cytogenomic knowledge and ‘precision’ breeding. In: Advances in Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources - Tuberosa R, Graner A, Frison E, eds. Springer ISBN 978-94-007-7574-9 Proceedings of international Conferences - Kuzmanovic L, Virili ME, Gennaro A, Bitti A, CEOLONI C (2014) Positive effects on yield-contributing traits associated with Thinopyrum ponticum chromosome segments introgressed into durum wheat. In: Porceddu E, Damania AB, Qualset CO (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on "Genetics and breeding of durum wheat". OPTIONS MÉDITERRANÉENNES. SÉRIE A: SÉMINAIRES MÉDITERRANÉENS, p. 79-85, ISSN: 1016-121X, ISBN: 2-85352-544-9 - Forte P, Kuzmanovic’ L, Virili ME, Gennaro A, Bitti A, CEOLONI C (2014) Pyramiding resistance genes to Fusarium head blight and rusts from Thinopyrum ponticum into durum wheat. In: Porceddu E, Damania AB, Qualset CO (eds), Proceedings of the International Symposium on "Genetics and breeding of durum wheat". OPTIONS MÉDITERRANÉENNES. SÉRIE A: SÉMINAIRES MÉDITERRANÉENS, p. 457-462, ISSN: 1016-121X, ISBN: 2-85352-544-9 Viterbo, September 2019 Signature: Carla Ceoloni